Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1217474-The-Bird-and-other-short-poems
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Nature · #1217474
There's a bird outside my window...

There's a bird outside my window
In the morning she sings to me
There's a bird outside my window
This bird, I never see

She sings such a pretty song
A perfect melody
She sings along with me
In perfect harmony


I am passionate,
waiting so long for your touch,
secretly in love.


I have you
J'ai vous

When I have
Quand j'ai

Lost my dignity
a perdu ma dignité

You are there
Vous êtes là

When I have
Quand j'ai

Lost all my friends
a perdu tous mes amie

You are there
Vous êtes là

I gain trust
Je gagne la confiance

In you
en vous

I gain love
Avec vous

In you
Je gagne l'amour

With you
en vous

I can achieve
Je peux réaliser

Anything I
N'importe de quoi gue je


I believe in you
Je crois en vous

And you, in me
Et vous, en moi

When I have
Quand j'ai

Lost my dignity
a perdu ma dignité

You are there
Vous êtes là

When I have
Quand j'ai

Lost all my friends
a perdu tous mes amis

You are there
Vous êtes là

When I am lost
Quand je suis perdu

I look to you
Je tourne à vous

My Secret
What would she do
If she found out my secret
She's my best friend
and Bf's dont date the ex

What would he do
If he found out my secret
He's still my boyfriend
For now

I love my secret
and my secret likes me
it's been my secret
for much too long
It needs to get out
It needs to breathe

I'm just afraid
afraid of him
and afraid of her
and what they will say
about my secret

Let her find out
Let him find out
Let my secret get out
Let my secret breathe

He's been my secret for so long
He needs to get out
He needs to breathe

I love him
and he loves me

What is love?
What is love?
         A symbol of your heart
         When you will do anything for him
         A soft kiss to let you know he still loves you
         Something that catches you by surprise
         A shoulder to cry on
         You smile just thinking about him
         Your heart starts to race, knowing that you’ll meet again
That is love!

Don’t tell me what to do,
I don’t want to do it,
That’s all I have to say to you
Ugh, I can’t believe you!
Really, I can’t believe you want me to do that
Believe me, that is not what I want to do
Don’t tell me what to do.

Flowers were blooming
Along the winding dirt path
Pink, red and purple

What rhymes with ‘orange’?
Nope, not a single thing
Do you wanna take a swing?
Nothing rhymes with ‘orange’

Look at that kid
He doesn’t know a thing
Why won’t he listen to me?
I’m the teacher and I know everything.
Acts like a fool
Acts like a jerk
Pretends that’s he’s cool
But he knows inside
He’s not real

All along the road
Bees buzzing around my head
Can you believe it?
Definitely my favorite time of year
Even more than my birthday
For sure
Go ahead, laugh
Is the best
Jolly ranchers
Killers on the loose”
Laughing aloud
Making memories
Never forgetting
Only weirdo’s hate Halloween
Pretend to be who you’re not
Question authority
Racing across the
Trick or Treat”
Ululating with our candy
Yelling and screaming

Cheesy, meaty
Sizzling in oven
Burning your tongue instantly

In the wind
Never ceasing

Come along...
Everybody come along
You can be strong
Just tell your head
Come on, you’re not dead
         Come along…
Join this song
Sense from right and wrong
How about this way instead?
         Let’s go.
Then you’ll see, before long
You’ll be singing a lifelong song
I don’t wanna be the living dead
So instead, thrust ahead
Head back to where we belong
         Let’s go.

Best friends are for life
No matter what they are there
Beside you always

So Soon
I could never believe
That I found you so soon
Promise you will never leave
Living without you is a song without a tune
Being with you is a dream
A dream in which I never want to wake
We are one, we are a team
A love like ours shall never break
Our love
Full of trust
Our love
Comes from beneath my bust
No matter what they say
My love will never stray

It's Monday again
Another week gone by
I think I'm going insane
I just might die

I just want to fly away
up into the sky
far away from all this pain
It's time to say good-bye
Pack a suitcase for two
Just disappear from the world
And fly away with you.

Got a call from school
Kid threw up in class
Gotta go pick her up
Such a pain in my ass

I just want to fly away
up into the sky
far away from all this pain
It's time to say good-bye
Pack a suitcase for two
Just disappear from the world
And fly away with you.

These are all my poems and I would love for you to comment them in anyway you feel would be useful to the correction of grammar or a correction of flow
Thank you!
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