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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1280331
Continue of part one. Trisha and Sally's Rampage
Slowly she pulled her arm away baring her perfectly symmetrical breasts to the crowd for an instant. Quickly she covered them up again teasing the club goers some more until they where screaming and yelling with excitement. The crowd erupted in applause as she pulled her arm away from her perky round breasts for good. Working her way across the stage she crouched down in front of a lucky spectator sitting in The Pit. Her knees where directly out in front of her and her knees were closed tight together as she crouched. A well groomed twenty something year old man was waiving a fist full of ones in front of his face as Liberty slowly opened her long muscular legs revealing her tiny pink undies. His eyes lit up as her slender manicured fingers gently rubbed at her covered pubic mound. With her long middle finger she traced the opening of her plump pussy. The thin silky pink material stretched tightly over her vagina giving the spectator a beautiful view of her meaty camel toe. Liberty leaned in closer as the man throw his fist full of bills down on the stage directly in front of her shiny white stiletto boots.

“Why do they call you Liberty,” the man smiled as he yelled up to the blonde amazon beauty.

Laughing loudly at his ridiculous question she just stood up directly in front of him. Why did guys always state the obvious she thought? His seat sat so low his eyes where level with the stage. The man slowly craned his neck taking in every inch of her fit body. Her long golden brown legs sprouted out of the boots and disappeared into her tiny white skirt. Her belly ring sparked from the red, yellow, green, and blue lights that alternated lighting up the stage. Her flat muscular tummy still shined from her body oil and her pert little breast hung high above the seated man. Her long tone arms where stretched high over her head holding a gold plated bar that lined the stages ceiling. The mans neck was aching from the stress he put on it just to get a glimpse of her beautiful face. As he gazed up at the titan sized girl he realized just how stupid his question was. The man nodded his head up and down letting Liberty know he fully understood the reasoning behind her stage name being Liberty. She truly enjoyed the way the men looked up to her like she was some kind of giant. She sometimes imagined she was the same size as Lady Liberty herself as she danced around the stage.

She imagined herself completely naked except for her giant white boots as she walking down the busy city streets. Tiny people scattered like ants to a magnified glass as her giant boot fell from the skies above. Her tremendous footsteps buckled the pavement as dozens of unlucky pedestrians disappeared under them. As her trailing foot lifted high in the air debris from her earlier step fell from the bottom of her giant boot. Flattened cars, twisted traffic lights, crushed bodies, and loose pavement showered down on the crowds below, causing just as much havoc as one of her earth rumbling steps. Car alarms blared from the small shock waves her steps caused. Parked cars hopped and shook from the impact of her massive feet colliding with the ground. People abandoned their vehicles as the giant eighteen year old made her way toward them flattening anything in her path. As another earth shaking foot fall contacted the pavement massive gusts of wind shot out from under her boot sending people, and anything else lighter then an automobile hurling through the air. Liberty laughed as she watched groups of people flee like diseased rats from her massive white boots. She watched as a well built middle-aged man bulled his way threw a crowd of fleeing people. Usually an action such as that would go unnoticed to a woman so massive but the man violently pushed, punched, and kicked a path through the helpless people. A dark shadow cast over the crowd as Liberty stop directly above them. She crouched down getting a better look of the tiny man that pushed, and threw people out of his way. Gently she reached her telephone pole sized fingers into the crowd and snatched up the little trouble maker by the back of his expensive suit jacket. She giggled as her tiny prisoner kick and fought with her fingers to no avail. She could hear tiny squeaks coming from her captive but paid them no mind. Standing up she raised the little man to her eye level for closer examination. His kicks slowed as his little legs tired. To Liberty’s surprise the little man she held by the back of his jacket was the same man sitting in front of her at the club. With a wicked laugh she simply tilted her head back and tossed the kicking man into her huge salivating mouth. Her long tongue pressed the man to the roof of her mouth and she slowly licked his body up and down. The tiny man fought with her tongue as she pushed the man over to her waiting molars. His boney body crunched as she chewed him with a partly open mouth. His body ridged at first quickly softened like a stale piece of gum as she chewed him up.

“Will you marry me,” Liberty was awoken from her day dream as the well groomed man yelled up to her from his seat. With a disgusted look on her face she raised he boot covered foot over his face. Slowly she lowered her boot onto his head and gave him a little shove sending him reclining back in his chair. The man just smiled up at the enraged beauty as she made her way to the next big tipper. “God she thought, I would love to just squash him like a tiny little insect.

Later that night Sally and Trisha where laying back on the hood of Sally’s car sharing a bottle of cheap champagne that Sally had lifted from the club earlier that night. They where parked on a small hill that over looking a huge grassy field. At the back of the field was one of the many rumbling tributaries that feed the Pacomic River.

“I can’t believe that asshole is trying to blackmail you like that,” Sally said taking a big swig of champagne. “That fat fuck has got some nerve, I might fucking go in and quit tomorrow and then kick that fat bastard in his tiny little testicles,” Sally insisted.

“Don’t be crazy Sally, were else in town are you gonna get a job that will make you that much money,” Trisha said. Deep down she new her friend wouldn’t really quit her job at the strip club. She was just trying to console her friend. It was the only gig in town to make that kind of dough, besides Sally’s car payments and expensive life style wouldn’t allow her to walk away from a job like that.

“Anyway I’m thinking about doing it, you know,” Trisha paused for a second. “You know be a dancer,” she said bashfully.

“You should girl, with a body like that, you’d drive the men nuts, I could show you a few moves and girl,” Sally clapped her hands together. “ You could make so much money,” Sally encouraged her friend. “We could do a girl on girl show and everything,” she said handing Trisha the half empty bottle of champagne.

“I, I’m just nervous that’s all, what if someone I know comes in the club,” Trisha said before taking a pull from the bottle.

“Oh God Trisha,” she said empathetically. “You get used to it real quick, and besides your dad has come in and seen me shaking my shit,” she joked trying to ease the tension. “It’s no big deal,” she said grabbing the bottle from Trisha.

“So a girl on girl show you say, huh, I new you where a fucking lesbian,” Trisha joked as she pulled the bottle away from Sally spilling a sip of champagne on her shirt.

“You little fucking bitch,”Sally laughed wiping her stained chest. Trisha tilted the bottle back as Sally jumped on top of her pinning her friends arms to the hood. The champagne bottle rolled off the hood and smashed spilling out its contents all over the ground. Sally’s long legs straddled Trisha’s sides and she held her friends wrists tight to the hood.

“I’m gonna kick your pretty little ass for calling me a lezzy, you slut,” Sally fooled with her as she squeezed her friends tiny wrists. She laughed as Trisha kicked and fought with no avail.

“Get off me you fucking amazon,” Trisha yelled to her tall blonde friend.

“Oh so now I’m an not just a lezzy, I’m an amazon lesbian,” she said grabbing Trisha’s little wrists with one of her hands. With her free hand she tickled her friends little armpit. Trisha kicked and screamed as Sally kept teasing her. Trisha hated being tickled, she would laugh so hard her sides would hurt. Sally kept going at her armpits as her physically inferior friend twisted and fought under her. Trisha gasped for air as her big friend sat her weight onto her stomach. Trisha’s big chest heaved as she gasped for much needed oxygen. The tickleing game turned into torture for Trisha as Sally teased her sides. Trisha looked so cute and helpless that Sally couldn’t help but lean in and kiss her friends beautiful full lips. Trisha stopped fighting and after a short awkward silence Sally slowly leaned in and touched her red lips to Trisha’s again. Sally held onto Trisha’s wrists with the same forceful grip as her tongue slipped into her waiting mouth. Their tongues intertwined like two wet wrestling serpents as they slowly, and passionately kissed each other. Sally sat up, still straddling her friend, she pulled off her tight fitting tee shirt. Her perfectly symmetrical bare breast shook as she tossed her shirt aside. Her eraser sized nipples erected twice their size as the cool night air surrounded them. Trisha’s already huge eyes grew wider as Sally started to descend on her.

“Holy Shit, Sally get the fuck off of me,” Trisha yelled pointing into the night sky. A huge burning meteor was falling toward the earth.

“I’m sorry Trisha, I, I, I have always wanted,” Trisha interrupted her.

“No look, up there in the sky, it’s a meteor or something, get off me” Trisha yelled pointing into the illuminated sky once again. The girls screamed as the huge burning rock spiraled towards them. It looked as if the meteor was going to hit them dead on. The air heated up to over one hundred degrees as the rock sailed high above their heads. A huge gust of wind followed the rock swaying the treetops like they where in a hurricane. Sand and debris shot at the two girls as they ran behind the car for protection. The girls clinched each other in a tight embrace as the meteor impacted the ground some three hundred yards beyond them. The ground shook violently knocking the girls to the ground and a blast of brilliant light lit up the night sky.

“What the fuck was that,” Sally cried out in a panic. Trisha pushed herself of the ground as the light began to die down.

“It was a meteor or something, I think, Let’s go check it out,” Trisha yelled excitedly and started across the big grass field toward the meteor. She could feel the heat increasing with every stride as she ran through the waist high grass. Trees crackled as their tops burned from the massive heat the meteor generated as it passed over head. The giant burning rock cleared a perfect path threw the field to where it had now sat. The ground glowed red and yellow, from the small brush fires that ignited on the burning rocks impact. Trisha approached the enormous hole the meteor had left at a good pace. She had to stop immediately due to the immense heat coming from the melting rock. She could see the huge fiery meteor smoldering as the cool night air surrounded it. Her face burned like when you stand to close to a camp fire. She didn’t know why she was standing there watching the rock cool. Something told her she should be running the opposite way but something else told her to stay. She could hear Sally coming up behind her.

“Trisha,” she called. “ Trish, Trisha, what the hell are you doing, we have to get out of her the whole field is on fire, Trisha,” she yelled but her friend paid her no mind. Sally grabbed her friend by the arm and spun her around forcefully.

“Trisha we have to get out of here, like right know,” Sally told her friend as the grassy field burned all around them. Trisha wasn’t responding to any thing, instead she just stood there staring at the smothering meteor.

“We have to go,” Sally pulled on Trisha’s arm. The giant half buried rock started to hum. Soft at first but it got louder and louder with each passing second. The white smoke that poured off it started to change in color. With in seconds the two girls where surrounded by a thick green haze that emerged from the meteor. It was like breathing in tear gas, their eyes watered and their throats burned from the green mist. The gas attacked Sally’s lungs dropping her to her knees in a fit of coughing. She grabbed at her throat as the gas chocked her. Trisha tried to help her friend to her feet but suffered the same fate as she did. She first dropped to her knees and then onto her back in the thick matted grass as the green mist slowly disappeared.

“Trisha, Trisha, wake up,” Sally shook her friend until she woke up. “Trisha are you okay,” Sally questioned her friend as she helped her to her feet.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m okay,” Trisha said weakly, squinting her eyes as they adjusted to the bright sun. “What the hell happened,” she questioned.

“We must of passed out or something”. “That cheap ass champagne really packs a wallop huh,” Sally told Trisha as her eyes finally un blurred. Trisha quickly spun around looking over the field. The waist deep grass and pine trees swayed in the cool morning air. The field was perfectly intact. The grass wasn’t scorched or matted and the tree tops weren’t burnt. What the hell was going on.

“That’s impossible,” Trisha said stunned as she examined the field. She looked to were the meteor had buried itself into the ground last night, but it was gone. “Where did the meteor go”? “Why isn’t the field all burnt”?

“Woah, woah, what the hell are you talking about Trisha,” Sally asked her friend nervously. “What meteor, there was no fire,” she tried to calm her friend.

“Last night, you remember the meteor that fell from the sky,” Trisha ran over to where the rock sat half buried the night before. “It was right here, and all the grass was burning and the trees,” she said pointing to the row of unharmed pines that lined the field.

“Oh no, no, honey,” Sally ran over to her friend embracing her. “It must have been a bad dream, there was no meteor, it was all just a bad dream,” she consoled Trisha.

“But it was so real, the green gas, and you passed out and, Trisha began crying as Sally hugged her tightly.

“Lets get you home, come on,” Sally said helping her scared friend to the car.

“Where the hell have you been all night you little slut,” Trisha’s father yelled as she walked through the front door. It was very early in the morning but he was already half in the bag. She knew this was going to be a tough morning. Trisha tried to ignore her father as she started up the stair case.

“I’m not finished talking to you yet missy,” he yelled as he forcefully grabbed her arm to spin her around. His big hand squeezed her little bicep like a vise. She let out a painful grunt.

“Get your fuckin hands off me you drunk asshole,” Trisha screamed as she tried to shake her arm loose. The more she fought the harder her father squeezed. She was on the urge of tears as he yanked her down a few steps to the landing.

“You are in my house, little lady. Let’s get one thing straight right now. If I tell you to do something, you do it, is that understood,” with that said he squeezed her arm harder.

“Let go you hurting my arm,” Trisha screamed in pain.

“I said do you understand,” her father pulled her close to him and sneered at her like a mad dog. His breath was thick with booze and cigarettes.

“You are not to leave this house until I approve of your outfit. You have been running around this town for too long looking like a little whore, and it ends now. I will decide who you hang around with, your friend Sally is nothing but a cheap prostitute, and I forbid you from seeing her again,” her father squeezed her arm harder. She could feel her little muscle sliding over her bone as he applied more pressure. “And that job of yours, you’ll quit tomorrow. I will not allow any daughter of mine to work at some trashy gentleman’s club. Is that understood,” he yanked her arm causing her to yelp in pain again even louder then before. Tears rolled down her smooth blood red cheeks. Her arm burned with pain. It felt like she had it locked in a vise. The pressure never let up it only got stronger. Her fathers grip was literally crushing her little arm.

“Okay,” she whaled “Just let go of my arm,” she was balling at this point. Her father released her arm and stumbled back into the livingroom to continue his binge. Trisha grabbed her soar arm and ran upstairs to her room. She slammed the door and cried herself to sleep. As she drifted off she kept thinking about how it would be if her dad was smaller then her. Her dream stared with her walking through the front door just as she had several minutes earlier.

“Where the hell have you been all night you little slut,” her father yelled as he forcefully grabbed her arm. His big hand dug into her arm like a giant eagle talon gripping a small bunny rabbit.

“Get your fuckin hands off me you drunk asshole,” Trisha screamed as she tried to shake her arm loose.

“You are in my house, little lady. Let’s get one thing straight right now. If I tell you to do something, you do it, simple as that”.

“Let go, your hurting my arm,” Trisha screamed in pain.

“Let go,” he yelled. “Or what,” he replied sticking out his muscular chest and pulling Trisha in tight to him reminding her of his superior muscle phasic.

His bear like body dwarfed most mens in the town let alone his petite little daughters tiny body. But something about her seamed odd. She wasn’t afraid, she just stood there with an emotionless blanc look on her face. Her big brown eyes twinkled as she store through him like an undefeated prize fighter staring at a much lesser opponent. He felt her little arm flex and tighten. His grip loosened as the once small arm began to grow and fill his grip. Something was happening he thought as his daughter slowly started to get taller. The top of her head used to be at his chest, but now it was just below his scruffy unshaven chin. This was impossible he figured how can she be growing so fast. He stepped back as his daughters deep brown doe eyes store directly into his. She had a devilish look on her face, her thick pink lips where tight together and her upper lip curled into a grimacing scowl. Her body seemed to be growing by the second. Trisha couldn’t help but laugh as her father’s massive frame dwindled before her. He was such a big man before she thought, “lets see how he acts now”. His blood shot eyes store up at her in absolute horror. His face looked pale, like he had just seen a ghost. But it was something much worse then a ghost it was his pissed off 18 year old daughter growing right before his scared little eyes. With every passing second his once large body became less threatening to her. His once huge barreling chest looked like the chest of a little boy. She laughed out loud as her fathers frightened little eyes fixed on her oversized breasts. They sat at eye level to him now as she crossed her arms just under her firm chest, amplifying its already immense size. He couldn’t help but stare in awe at their perfect roundness. They where like two cantaloupes stuffed into a small tight fitting shirt. She had the body of her mothers, tight and toned with soft round curves in all the right places he thought as she squeezed her arms into the side of her breasts making her cleavage spill out of the low cut neckline. The tight fitting baby tee stretched to the materials limits trying to hold in her over flowing cleavage.

Not even a minute later he had to crane his neck just to look past her massive mounds. He watched her evil stare turn into a big white smile. He couldn’t believe it, she was getting a kick out of the situation. What was so funny about her growing into a giant he thought as his 18 year old daughter laughed at him. Trisha had to slightly lean over now to see her boy sized father as he shrunk down passed her exposed flat stomach.

“What’s the matter daddy,” she mocked him from above. “Your little girl isn’t so little anymore, is she,” Trisha asked as her father shrank below her waist line.

“Trisha y, yo ,you, you’re a g, gi, giant,” he stuttered as his daughter continued to grow by the second.

“I wish,” she replied. “I’m no giant little man, take a good look around you,” she smiled wickedly. He slowly turned his head side to side seeing the whole room was gigantic. The door, the steps, the sofa in the living room every thing was enormous. She wasn’t growing he thought he was shrinking. His little neck was sore as he store up at his giant daughter. He figured he was about two feet tall now but he was still shrinking at an accelerated rate. Trisha couldn’t help but laugh at her gnome sized father. He was eye to eye with her boney knee caps now. Just above where her powerful golden brown bare thighs that disappeared into her tight black mini skirt. Her flat belly stretched toward the sky and were topped off with two luscious round breasts. Poking out like the morning sun over a mountain range, Trisha’s smiling face appeared from behind her breasts.

“Well daddy your no bigger then my boot,” she said slamming her heavy right boot down next to him. The floor shook violently and he cringed in fear like a scared puppy dog that just pissed on the rug. The boot dwarfed him, he was half its size maybe a bit less. Trisha felt like a goddess as she stood over her tiny 12 inch father. He would be sorry for every awful thing he did to her in the past. All the humiliation, the insults, the physical abuse, all of it, was about to come to a screeching, boot stomping holt. She put her hands on her hips and leaned over more to see her dad shrink below 6 inches. Her once bear sized father was no bigger then the thick chunky heel on her sexy black boot. She could crush him with one tiny step. He could fit in the palm of her hand. The power she felt tingled through out her entire body. She had butterflies fluttered through her veins. Trisha had total control over her doll sized father. She decide if he was to be crushed under her boot heel or if she would simply squish him in the palm of her hand like a bunch of grapes.

He seemed to stop shrinking at the 2 inch mark. His neck ached as he looked up at his building sized daughter. What would she do to him he thought as he stood next to her two story high black boots.

“Well are you gonna tell me what I can and can’t do now daddy,” she said as her foot tapped the floor impatiently.

“Trisha I, I just wanted what was best,” she cut him off mid sentence.

“Well little man, what’s best for you is that you don’t piss me off,” she said stamping her foot down next to him again. The tremor had so much force it shook him to the ground. Trisha just laughed as the tiny man pushed himself back up.

“Trisha please stop your scaring me,” he yelled up to her.

“I’m scaring you,” she said enraged. “I’m scaring you, how do you think I feel when you stumble into my room late at night in your drunken stupors”. “Don’t you think I get scared when you hold me down by my wrists”. “How about when you grind your erect dick against my leg and breath your stinky ass breath on me”. “Do you think I’m scared when you grab and paw at my tits like I’m some trashy prostitute you had just picked up”. “Or how about when you tear off my shirt and bra then suck on tits like your some kind of oversized piglet”. “Do you think I am scared then daddy,” she yelled clinching her fists in tight balls. “Do you,” she yelled down to the petrified man. God she wanted to stomp him like a disgusting hairy little insect.

“Thank God you always pass out before anything else happens you fucking drunk ass leprechaun,” she screamed and stamped her boot down again shaking him to the ground. Trisha’s father quickly popped up off the ground and started to run as his daughter reached down for him. Her gigantic hand was to fast for him. She easily snatched him up by the back of his well worn red flannel shirt.

“Well your not such a big man now are you daddy,” Trisha teased him as she held him up in front of her beautiful face. His little legs kicked and his arms fought with her fingers trying to get her to release him.

“Do you really think that’s a good idea,” Trisha asked her father as he continued to wrestle her giant fingers. “Take a look down you brainless insect,” she told him. Petrified he battled her fingers some more as he looked down. Immediately his fighting stopped as he saw the 200ft. drop he would have to survive if she let him go.

“Now do you really want me to let you go,” she asked as his little head shook side to side. Trisha laughed as she saw her tiny fathers attention had drifted from the floor to her deep sea of cleavage. To him it looked like an oversized Olympic swimming pool full of soft breast flesh. His little eyes stayed glued on his gigantic daughters immense rack before she spoke up.

“What are you staring at little fella,” she asked in a sexy whisper. “You’re not staring at my tits are you”? “I bet you want to just dive right in,” she teased him playfully dangling him over her exposed cleavage. “What would you do with tits so big,” she asked him with a curious look on her face. Her tiny father was speechless as he swayed back and forth over the deep canyon of breast flesh.
© Copyright 2007 Ripstang2000 (ripstang2000 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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