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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1280329
18 y/o girl who lives a tough home life gets revenge after she and her friend turn giant
Trisha and Sally’s Rampage

Trisha stood in front of her full length mirror admiring the way her cute low cut baby tee hugged her over developed round chest. The shirts stretchy material hugged her grapefruit sized breasts as she turned from side to side modeling her cute little outfit in front of her full length mirror. The tiny white half shirt was cut extra low allowing her deep tanned cleavage to over flow and be on display. The baby tee just covered her ample bosom leaving her strong flat stomach exposed. Trisha’s little bellybutton ring sparkled as she moved from side to side still admiring the way her toned body looked in the mirror. Turning slowly she saw how cute her little bubble butt looked in her new black mini skirt. She loved how the skirts material felt stretched over her curvy round bottom. Her long raven black hair was pulled up in a tight bun and only a few stray strands spiraled down in front of her big beautiful brown doe eyes. She reapplied a thick coat of lip gloss to her thick, soft pink lips as she heard a car pull into the driveway. “It must be Sally,” she thought stuffing the little black lip gloss container into her deep cleavage for storage. Trisha quickly grabbed her black boots and slide her little white socked feet into them. As she laced up the boots she admired the way her silky tanned legs looked. They seamed endless thanks to her giant knee high black boots. She always felt so powerful when she wore them. The boots were very tight fitting and the extra weight of the chunky soles made her feel unstoppable. Almost like she was wearing two lead wrecking balls instead of boots.

She remembered the first time she put them on in the shoe store at the local mall. She remembered the short fat salesman that helped her that day as well. He was an older slightly balding man, maybe in his late 30's early 40's. He knelt down in front of her as he unlaced her almost new tennis sneakers. She remembered him sliding the sneaker off and the way the cool air felt surrounding her damp sweety socked foot. Trisha put her hand on the salesman’s fat soft shoulder to keep her balance. She watched the chubby little man carefully remove the shoes one at a time. He gently guided her foot out of the sneakers with his fat trembling hands. She remembered how the mans extra soft touch tickled her soles when he ran them along her damp warm socks.

“Don’t want you trying on these new boots with wrinkled socks,” He said nervously as he adjusted her sock with his unsteady hand. He partly closed his eyes as his shaky hands ran from toe to heel over her damp sock. She found it odd as the man handled her little foot with such care. Most salesmen would just stand there trying to stare down her shirt or try to make small talk, like she would ever give them the time of day. This man was different, he went above and beyond the call of duty. Something about the man was creepy though. It was true that most men acted a little weird in her presence, but this guy was extra creepy like that guy from that movie Psycho creepy. Trisha felt he was defiantly over stepping his bounds as a salesman but she sort of felt bad for him in a weird way. He had probably never been this close to a girl as hot as Trisha, and well, she really couldn’t blame him for acting the way he did.

“How about a fresh pair of socks ma’am,” the round, sweety, man smiled up at her with his pudgy red face. Her body tingled and goose bumps appeared on her arms and legs as a cold chill shrieked down her spine. Although the man was obviously getting off on handling her feet, it did feel good and she felt like a queen from the extra attention she was getting. Besides what harm was it to her if he got his jollies playing around with her stinky sweety feet. That’s as far as she would ever let things go and she did feel bad for the poor slob. He probably never got laid in his entire life. The man pulled a new pair of socks from a plastic bag and gently began putting them on Trisha’s warm smooth feet. His shaky hands slowly traveled the length of her bare foot before he finally slipped the fresh sock on. He might as well be handling a priceless crystal egg from Tiffany’s, she thought as he gently lowered her foot into the boot. The cubby man gently lifted her booted foot and rested it high on his knee. He took his time making sure he laced her boots extra tight.

“Wouldn’t want you turning your ankle,” he said smiling up at her again. Trisha only imagined what was going through his perverted mind as his chubby little face store up at hers. She new his type, she had seen sites on the internet devoted to the worship of woman’s feet. She could tell he was enjoying himself by the growing bulge in the front of his chinos.

He was probably imagining his fat lips gently kissing the top of her naked foot. Trisha bet he would probably love it if she pushed him to the ground. She would be all rough with him to. As he slammed down on his back she would put her stinky foot directly over his fat little face.

“Lick it you pathetic piece of shit,” Trisha would order him. His fat little tongue would dart out and touch the under side of her soft pink foot. She would spread her toes wide as he toke his time wiggling his slimy little tongue in and out between them. She could imagine how her sweety little toes would taste after walking threw the Mall all morning. Probably salty, like the way your skin tastes if your in the hot sun all afternoon. Not wanting him to miss a spot Trisha would shove the front of her foot into his fat mouth and let his saliva coat her pretty pink toes. She would wiggle her toes around in his mouth and wrestle his fat tongue. His slug like tongue would then trace the underside of her toes like he was a pianist playing each ivory key of a finely tuned piano. Trisha’s whole body would tingle with the attention her little foot was getting. His trembling hands would rub and massage at her foot as he sucked her toes deep into his mouth. He would even gag as Trisha forcefully jammed her foot further in his mouth. Not being able to stand it any longer Trisha would then slowly hike up her tiny black skirt. His beady little eyes would widen as she pulled her pink thong to the side revealing a perfect pouting pussy.

“Bet you want some of this fat man,” She would tease running her long fingers length wise between her puckered lower lips. The soft pink skin glistened from moister as she slowly tugged on her plump lips. No way would she let him near her beautiful pussy, that’s just fucking sick to even think about she thought. He is fucking gross she thought to herself as she slowly teased her clit. She would keep him down at her feet where a good man should be. Trisha would give him a real eyeful as her slender fingers on her right hand parted the two thick pussy lips. She would hold them open spread eagle teasing the fat little man as she stood over him. The light pink skin dripped with sweat tasting woman juice. His foot stuffed mouth was over flowing with drool now. Trisha laughed as the man used his sleeve to clean his face. One foot tucked into a tight black boot beside his head and the other wedged in the fat assess warm mouth. Slowly she would slide her index finger into the wet open slit. The warm juices would swallow up her fingers just like the fat mans mouth swallowed the front of her perfectly manicured foot.

“You want to touch it, huh, you want to touch my pretty pussy,” Trisha would tease him as he reached up from his back. His short arms would leave his goal just out of reach.

“Oh, no, none for you fat man, this pussy is for cute men only”. “Your lucky I’m letting you suck my little toes,” she would tell him. Did he know what some men out there would do to be in his position right now?

“Oh yeah fat man suck my foot,” she’d say digging her fingers deeper in her dripping vagina. Trisha’s swollen clit would ache to be touched again. Her slick fingers disappeared deeper into the moist soft pink slit. She could hear the fat man’s breathing becoming erratic as she gently fingered her erect clit with her opposite hand. Slowly at first. In tight clockwise circles but then as the pace quickened more of an up, down motion. God it would feel good masturbating while her feet where getting tended to she thought still in a dream like trance. She’d bite her lower lip and take a deep breath in through her slightly parted lips. Holding it in as a surge shoot through her sweety trembling body. She would exhale forcefully, and scream like a wild animal as her whole body vibrated in a eye crossing orgasm. Trisha would then sit down on the fat man’s round belly with her long fingers still inserted in her overflowing pussy. His blue dress shirt becoming damp under her leaky pussy. Taking her time recovering from the big “O” she would slowly pull her cum drenched fingers out of her tight sweat spot. She would then pull her pink panties back over her dripping pubic mound before extracting her wet foot from the fat man’s disgusting slimy mouth. Her little toes shined from the mans saliva. And the cool air tickled her foot as it surrounded her wet skin.

“Good job fat man,” she would tell him. “Here’s a quick taste of my pussy,” she would whisper in a sexy voice to the man as she jammed her saturated slender fingers into his gasping mouth. His mouth would suck every last drop of her juice from her fingers as she wiggled them in his mouth. Trisha would then stand up. Stepped back she would laugh as she noticed the fat mans little teepee in the front of his pants.

“Is somebody excited, “ she’d mock stepping down on his erect little penis with her sopping wet barefoot. She would feel his member bend and fold over as she applied more pressure to it. He would grunt and moan either in pleasure or in pain but Trisha wouldn’t really care if he felt discomfort. He would probably think she was jacking him off as she wiped his saliva off her foot using his stiff pant tent. He was actully nothing more to her then a napkin at the moment. After drying her foot off on the front of his pants Trisha would simply put her other boot on and leave him lying in the middle of the store with a raging hard on.

“Thanks for the boots fat man,” she’d wave as she left the store.

“So how do you like them,” she was awoken from her daydream by the salesman’s whiny voice. His fat rosy red cheeks lifted high as he smiled at the beauty with his yellowing teeth. Sweet began to form at the salesman’s wrinkled red forehead as he finished lacing up the boots. Trisha got a tingling that shot up her spine and down her arms to her well manicured little fingertips as the salesman gently lowered her booted foot to the ground like it was a ticking time bomb. The chunky heels made her an extra six inches tall, which Trisha loved since she was only 5'4” in her bare feet. The salesman stayed on his knee trying to hide his stiff dick as Trisha admired her new boots in the shoe store’s full length mirror. She could have sworn, that out of the corner of her eye she saw the chubby man stuffing her old used socks into his pants pocket as she admired her new boots. His little beady black eyes stayed glued to her as she walked back and forth getting a good feel for her chunky black boots. She could only imagine the dirty thoughts running through his twisted little mind. What he had in store for her stinky used sweet socks? He would probably put them on a cheeseburger and eat them she laughed to herself.

“They look great,” his unsteady voice told her as he pushed himself off the ground. His bulge had calmed down a bit but she noticed it hindered him to walk. Trisha nodded her head in approval, they did look great she thought to herself. Her muscular legs looked extra long and sexy in the new boots and she could tell the salesman liked them to by the way he store at them. His eyes stayed focused on her boots and feet more then her sexy young body. The fat little man positioned himself behind her as she modeled her foot ware in the mirror. From the reflection in the mirror she saw his chubby red face appear over her left shoulder. She felt gigantic compared to the short little man. He had to crane his fat little neck to just peer over her shoulder.

“Want me to wrap them up for you ma’am or are you going to wear them home,” he smiled his yellow tooth grin at her again. The honking from Sally’s horn woke her from her daydream. With one last look in the mirror she gave her heavy boobs a quick adjustment then made her way downstairs.

“Oh no, no way, you get upstairs and change that outfit immediately,” Trisha’s father insisted as she made her way down the squeaky wooden staircase in her revealing outfit. His breath reeked of cheap beer and cigarettes. His words came out all slow and slurred, as he yelled at her from the bottom of the stairs. All her life he was on her case about something, she thought. It was hard for her to leave the house with out him attacking her with his vicious words and mean put downs. Maybe that’s why her mother up and left his sorry ass in the first place. She new as soon as she could save up enough money for an apartment she was out of there. How could her mother be so cruel as to leave her with this awful man. Trisha often thought about this as she was growing up. Her hate for her father was only second to the hate she felt toward her mother for abandoning her like that. As the years passed the hate for both her mother and father grew as he would brutally attack her with insults and put downs. Even now that she was 18 her dad constantly harassed her about her choice in clothing, her choice in friends, and even about her part time job at Cricket’s. Cricket’s was the local Gentlemen’s club located on the other side of town. After all she wasn’t a dancer like her friend Sally, she was a cocktail waitress. Never once did she take off her cloths for money and besides she only dress like that to earn bigger tips. Her dad would have never known about her job either, but he just so happened to stop in for a quick drink one Friday evening while she was working. She remembered he had made such a scene after seeing her at the club. Not only did he totally embarrass her in front of everybody but he also got himself roughly escorted to the exit by two large sharply dressed bouncers.

“Are you listening to me, I said march yourself back up those stairs and change immediately young lady,” his voice grew more force full with his second warning.

“You can’t tell me what to do any more daddy, I am eighteen now and,” her father cut her off mid sentence.

“I can’t tell you what to do,” he screamed right in her face. His breath made her cute little nose wrinkle in disgust as he continued to bark at her. “As long as you are living in my house I can tell you anything I want,” he insisted sticking out his thick chest a bit. He was a big man at 6'3" and he knew he could intimidate his much smaller daughter. His rugged frame blocked her from exiting the stair well as he store into her pretty little face with such anger. He was still taller then her as he stood flat footed at the stairs landing and she stood on the first step with her elevated boots. Trisha tightly closed her eyes and slightly turned her head as her father spat his insults at her. His beer breath was over whelming as he belittled his 18 year old daughter.

“You fucking little tramp, you dress just like that whore Sally you hang around with,” he said referring to her friend that was waiting impatiently out in the driveway. After all the years of verbal abuse she built up a somewhat of a tolerance to it, but the old man always found a new way to get under her skin.

“Well that whore said that you used to be a frequent visitor at her club,” she snapped back trying to be as intimidating as her petite 5'4" body would let her. “She also told me you can’t keep your hands off her when you go there,” she teased him. “Sally even told me you tried to pick her up one night after she gave you a private lap dance”. “Why do you think she sits out there in her car to wait for me, you fucking pervert,” she said pushing her way past him to the front door.

“You get back in this house this instant young lady,” Trisha’s father yelled to her as she slammed the big wooden door closed behind her. She new that in a matter of seconds her asshole father would be cashing her out to the front porch to continue his unrelenting attack. He always did. Matter of fact Trisha couldn’t remember the last time she left the house with out her father insulting her. As she made her way down the uneven front steps toward Sally’s red mustang she heard the front door slam and her fathers all to familiar screaming.

“There’s no way any daughter of mine is going to leave this house looking like such a little whore,” he shook his fist in the air over his head. “You turn around right now young lady and listen to your father,” he stopped yelling as Trisha turned around. Finally he thought, she was finally going to listen to him for once. With that his daughter extended her middle finger and waved it slowly side to side to insult him.

“Bye, bye, daddy, don’t wait up,” she mocked him with a crooked little smile as she quickly hoped into her friends car.

“Well that was heart warming,” Sally joked as she revved the cars powerful eight cylinder engine. She quickly released the clutch sending the tires into a grip less, smoking, spin. Trisha’s father watched as the red Mustang left dual black rubber streaks down his driveway and out into the street.

“Ahhhhh, he is such an asshole,” Trisha told her cute blonde friend. Trisha and Sally had been best friends since they where little kids. The two where inseparable from the time they met. If Trisha dated a guy Sally dated his friend and if Sally bought a new outfit Trisha was there shopping with her.

“I can’t wait till we get our apartment so I never have to see my father again,” Trisha said while she pulled down the cars visor. The busty brunette reached into her overflowing cleavage with her right hand and pulling out her black lip gloss container. She used the mirror on the back of the visor to applied another coat of gloss to her already glistening thick lips.

“I don’t know how you can stand living there,” Sally said while she reached for her pack of cigarettes on the dashboard. She lit the long slender white cigarette and toke a big drag as she rolled down the window with her left hand. Holding the smoke in she said “I would have fucking killed him by now”. She quickly exhaled filling the front seat up with a thin cloud of white smoke. The sexy blonde placed the cigarette back between her thick blood red lips and let it dangle from her mouth like the Marlboro man. “I’d put like half a fucking bottle of liquid drain-o in his beer when he wasn’t looking, then I’d bury his fat ass out in the back yard and then take a huge steamy shit on his fucking grave for good measure,” Sally laughed at the thought.

“Oh God,” Trisha laughed at her friends story. “I used to imagine that one day I would be bigger then him and that he would have to listen to me,” she told her friend. “I would make him eat ever word he has ever said to me”. “Every insult, every stupid little comment about my friends, my cloths, anything”. “Ahhhh” she yelled in frustration. “I wish I could shrink him down to the size of a bug and lock him up in my little jewelry box,” she told Sally.

Sally toke another big drag from her slender cigarette and released another cloud of smoke into the air. “I would crush him under my thumb just like this,” Sally told Trisha as she placed her thumb a few inches over Trisha bare thigh. Sally slowly lowered her thumb while she pretended to crush her little father under it. “Oh, no please don’t crush me, I’ll be good,” Sally acted out the scene as Trisha burst into laughter.

“I don’t know how you can smoke all them cigarette’s and still have enough wind to shake your fat ass on stage all night,” Trisha joked with her as she grabbed the cigarette from her red lips. Sally’s ass wasn’t fat at all. In fact it was just as nice as Trisha’s. It bubbled out just a enough to hold up a pair of pants with out using a belt. Trisha leaned back in her seat, closed her eyes and toke a long slow drag of the smoke herself.

“Well I figure a month or so and I will have my half of the money for our apartment,” she said tilting her head up blowing out small white smoke rings. “How much have you saved,” she asked Sally handing the cigarette back to her friends waiting hand.

“Well umm,” Sally said nervously. Trisha already new what her friends answer would be but she asked just to make Sally feel guilty.

“You haven’t saved anything have you,” Trisha said turning in her seat to face her friend. Her disappointed face said it all.

“Well, umm, well, this cars expensive, and well umm, I pay my parents rent money, and,” Sally kept fishing for an excuse as Trisha slouched back in her seat like a mad little kid. She new Sally would never save up enough money for a place. Every cent the girl earned was spent on something outrageously expensive, like hundred dollar lipstick imported from Japan, designer jeans, leather pocketbooks, sports cars, it was always something. Trisha new if she was going to get out of her fathers house she would have to save up the money and find a place by herself.

As the girls entered the dark smoke filled strip club they split off in separate directions. Trisha stayed straight and went toward the main bar while Sally toke her first left and disappeared into the dancers dressing room. Trisha’s grapefruit sized breast bounced and swayed in rhythm with the thumping house music. Her boobs where very firm for the size but the kid sized half shirt and her thin lace bra gave her ample bust little support. She felt like a goddess as she passed by all the club goers in her powerful black boots. Trisha could feel the men’s eyes all over her hot eighteen year old body as she walked confidently to her post at the bar. She wiggled her little ass and stuck out her chest to amplify its size as she walked by all the ogling buffoons. Trisha ignored the cat calls and made no eye contact with any of the club goers knowing that made them want her more, and that equaled more tips at the end of the night.

Back in the dressing room Sally was busy putting on her make-up. The leggy blonde sat in front of her big wooden make-up table staring into the oversized, wooden framed, mirror that hung just above it. She was applying a heavy coat of jet black mascara to her long thick eyelashes. Her sky blue eyes where outlined with a generous coat of black eyeliner, and her blood red lips shined from a fresh application of her expensive imported lipstick. She was not as pretty as her friend who was out serving drinks but she was still a real head turner. She stood at a statuesque 5'9" in her bare feet, but she was a giant 6'3" in her long white stripper boots with the 6" stiletto heels. She loved how she towered over most of the men in the club. She got a real kick out of them staring up at her as her long slender frame as she passed them by. The bigger the heel she wore the more confident and sexy she felt. If she could have bought 12" heels she would have. Sally dressed in a tight white latex tube top that squished her perky average sized breasts together giving her an extra bit of cleavage. Her muscular stomach shined from the body oil she had just applied and her deep little bellybutton was topped off with a sparkling diamond belly ring. Sally’s short latex micro skirt clung to her hips like saran wrap over a piece of leftover chicken. Her hot pink thong straps peaked out over the top of her skirt and outlined her high boney hips. Standing up she hiked up her short skirt making it even shorter. She rolled the bottom of the skirt up to reveal the small pink triangle that made up her underwear from below. Sally gave herself a quick once over in the mirror and headed toward the stage.

“Trisha, I need to talk to you right now, come back to my office” she heard a deep scratchy mono toned voice say from behind her.

“Oh that voice,” she though as she put her waitress tray down on the bar top. That voice sent shivers down her entire body every time she heard it. It was never excited, never upset, just stayed at one level the whole time he spoke. The little hairs on her arms and the back of her neck would stand on end any time he spoke to her. Trisha’s face was met with a cloud of thick, stinky, blue, cigar smoke as she turned to face her employer, Mr. Cricket, Trisha waved her hand briskly in front of her face trying to clear the thick blueish smoke from her stinging, watery, eyes. She coughed as the thinning smoke choked her by polluting the air. At first she only saw his out line but as the blue smoke cleared more she saw his scowling round face. Cricket was an aging, obese, hideous slob of a man who happened to have some of the most lucrative businesses in town. His fat round body was always covered in the most expensive suits money could buy and he was always puffing on a big thick brown Cuban cigar. His appearance reminded her of Boss Hogg from that old Dukes of Hazard show she used to watch as a kid but his disposition was that of a pissed off badger. His eyes where as black as a sharks and his rotten teeth where capped with pure gold fillings. Where his neck would be was three thick rolls of pimply fat that stuck out passed his wrinkled, wort filled chin and disappeared into his expensive royal blue shirt. Cricket’s black eyes slowly traced the generous curves of his favorite employee as he sucked in a big puff of his Cuban. Trisha felt like vomiting as she could only imagine what kind of impure thoughts raced through his fat head. She was mind fucked on a daily basis by the hideous man.

“Follow me,” he said blowing another thick cloud of smoke at her beautiful face.

Trisha closed the big mahogany door behind her as she entered Crickets office. She sat down in a small wobbly armless wooden chair in front of Crickets big expensive oak desk Her fat boss reclined in his big soft leather chair and kicked his short legs up onto his messy desk. He let out another thick cloud of smoke over his head before he spoke.

“I hear your looking for a place to stay,” his thick raspy voice made her shiver. “Sounds like you and your old man don’t get along so good,” he toke another big drag from his stinky cigar. “Tell you what,” he exhaled. “Work for me as a dancer on Friday and Saturday nights and I will let you stay in one of my apartments across town”. Trisha new exactly which apartments he meant. It was a brand new luxury apartment complex in one of the nicest parts of town. The units where huge, with high cathedral ceilings, hardwood floors, and a terrific view of the Pacomic river. She remembered reading about the complex in a local real estate publication a week earlier.

“Well, Mr. Cricket, I’m flattered you would do that for me but,” she said with a sigh.

“But nothing, its yours if you want it,” He sat up in his chair shocked that she would even think about refusing his generous offer.

“I just don’t want to be a dancer, that’s all,” she said innocently. “but I will work full time as a waitress if,” he cut her off mid sentence.

“Are you half an idiot or are you a complete idiot,” he said slamming his pudgy fist on his desk. His voice was for the first time not mono toned. “I am offering you the opportunity of a lifetime here, and your telling me you don’t want to do it because your afraid of dancing,” his voice was filled with anger. “Look at you,” he said pointing at her chest with his big thick cigar. “That body of yours was made for adult entertainment”. Cricket slouched back in his over stuffed chair. “I tell you something missy, you have a lot more going for you then every girl out their,” he tried a new angle seeing she didn’t react well to his yelling. “Your young, your smart, your sexy,” he told her. “Just think about it”. “I wouldn’t give any other girl out there a opportunity like this,” he said pointing out to the club with his smoking cigar. “But you,” he nodded his fat head. “ I like you, your special, you have the goods,” he said pointing to her again.

“I’m sorry,” she told him bowing her head like a scared puppy dog. “I just don’t want to take off my clothes in front of all those guys,” her big doe eyes started to tear up.

“Well to tell you the truth sugar, I don’t really need any more part time waitresses”. “Matter of fact the other girls are a bit jealous of you and all the tips you make serving drinks,” Trisha cut him off.

“So are you firing me because I won’t dance,” her voice was unsteady from the anger she was trying to hold back.

“Fire you,” Crickets scratchy laugh made her cringe. “No, no,” he leaned back and puffed on his cigar. “I’m giving you an option”. “Either accept my offer and be a dancer and live in one of my beautiful apartments or find a new job and stay at home with your daddy,” he smiled at her as he motioned her to leave. “I’ll give you the night to think about it because I like you, now get your tight little ass back out there and get to work” he said while he reached across his desk and gave her tight bottom a slap.

“Gentlemen lets give a warm Cricket’s welcome to are next dancer,” a deep voice said over the club’s rumbling speaker system. “With out further ado, Lib-er-ty,” the announcer introduced Sally to the club goers in his best boxing announcer voice. Sally had used the name Liberty as her stage name ever since she had started dancing about four months ago. She felt it was a great name for such a tall girl like herself and the guys really got a kick out of it. A quick up-beat alternative song blasted over the speakers as Liberty toke the stage. She was a crowd favorite at Cricket’s. Not only for her amazonic statue and incredible looks but for her aggressive personality on stage. Men store in amazement as she swung herself gracefully around the gold plated pole in the center of the roomy half round stage. The stage was surrounded by lush over stuffed red velvet chairs that sat extra low to allow other patrons to get an unobstructed view of the dancers. The seats occupants had to crane their necks to watch the amazon Goddess gyrate her powerful body around the stage. The front row was known as “The Pit”to all the girls. It was short for the “Money Pit”. The seats sat much lower then all the rest in the club and where reserved for the biggest tippers. Dollar bills flooded the stage as Liberty unzipped the front of her white latex halter top. Teasing the men she spun around facing the rear of the stage. Her latex clad ass wiggled in unison to the thumping speakers. With her left arm covering her firm breasts her right arm removed and tossed her skimpy latex top over her left shoulder. The crowd was at the edge of their seats when the amazon beauty turned to face them. She shook her head from side to side and pouted her thick red lips taunting the crowd to cheer louder.
© Copyright 2007 Ripstang2000 (ripstang2000 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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