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Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1309251
so, its my pretend blog... woo hoo

so this is my pretend blog and I'm going to tell you what classes i have this year and a little bit about me...

I love to write.. (duh)
I'm kinda new to writing.com, my friend got me into it last year (Caren Rose ) January 25th to be exact *Smile*
I am a high school Senior now and I am hoping to go to UNL
I am going to major in English/Journalism Education and minor in Music Education
I am engaged to a fabulous man (Fushia )
My bestest friend in the whole world is always with me (Kitsune Valeris )
My other friends are also here, just not as close (Clarisse Krivarsky and Caren Rose )

1st semester!!!
easiness rating!!!

Pass 1st period
2 (1st qtr) Internet--Flory*Yawn*

2 (2nd qtr) Career Ed--Hippen*Angry*

3 Creative Writing--Krueger*Reading*

4 Queens Court--Moore*Cool*

5 Forensic Science--Karel*Bigsmile*

6 Multimedia Projects--Flory*Yawn*

7 Economics--Leader*Confused*

8 Trigonometry--Ward *Frown*

2nd semester!!!

Pass 1st period
2 GoPo with Brolhorst
3 Astronomy with Winemiller
4 Queens Court with Moore
5 Statistics with West
6 Literature of the Holocaust with Smith
7 Psychology with Paul
Pass 8th period


soooo i'm really bored... I'm waiting for a magical email from my friend... Caren Rose because she gradumatated and i haven't seen her since the second to last day of school and I'm trying to plan a surprise party for my other friend Kitsune Valeris who just turned sixteen (hope she doesn't see this!!) cause that would be bad... i mean i talk to Clarisse Krivarsky more than i do Caren Rose and i don't know if anyone else will be able to come because it will be a spend the night kind of thing which means that Fushia wont be able to be there for very long cause he'll have to go home and stuff... so its kinda nerve racking... *Worry*

sooooo hopefully it'll go better than i think it will...


i'm excited for this weekend... my parents said they were fine with the party and they will buy food for it... we're even having homemade ice cream, cheesecake and regular cake so I'm waaaaaay excited...


ok... so it's been a while since i wrote... first of all I'd like to say in remembrance of 9/11... WE WILL NEVER FORGET!!!
second... the party i was talking about up there ^^^ it was like sooo fun!!!
anyway... we didn't get to have homemade ice cream cause when i sent my Fushia to the store i forgot to tell him to get half and half but he got the eggs and the oreo's so i was like maaaaaaaaaan... anyway it was still fun with the cheesecake... (((sorry you didn't get any Caren Rose ))) basically we messed around all night long until around 2 when we realized that since Kitsune had to go to church the next morning we should probably let her get to bed... silly Caren Rose had to leave sooner thought since she had to work in the morning. So i had Fushia take her home at around 11ish... Clarisse Krivarsky had her boyfriend come over and she went off with him for a little bit then we had to take Caren Rose home but silly Kitsune Valeris wanted to stay home while we did so Fushia and I took her home (((I wasn't about to leave you with Fushia... there's no knowing what he would have done!!! lol jk))) but when we got back we thought about what to do next so we went to Walmart and walked around there for a bit... we tried on a bunch of clothes and it was kinda fun and then we went home, sat in the basement... poor Kitsune with no boyfriend though *Frown* so Queen Clarisse's boyfriend asked Fushia to take him home. He did and then we all went to bed. In the morning we woke up and my dad took Kitsune Valeris to church (as requested by her father) then I waited for Queen Clarisse's mom to come and pick her up then the party was over... it was crazy...


alrighty... its FRIDAY!!! finally... I have weird assignments over the weekend, like trying to find a project to work on in Creative Writing. I'm thinking that I'll continue writing on a story I started a while ago, about a girl (in her mid twenties) who is trying to find herself in college kind of thing. I'm not really sure. If anyone has any ideas though, it'd be great...

I have a bunch of Trig homework too *Frown* I don't get it and I ask my parents and they don't get it either... go figure Oh well... I'm out of here... Timbuktu error if you know what i mean...


I was so upset... yesterday I missed school because my mother dear lost her car keys... fabulous right? sure, why not. *Rolleyes*
sooo... we have our first concert on the 8th of October. It's here at school and it starts at 7:00 but apparently we are almost last so we wont really be performing until about 7:45ish... so it's a Monday... It will be cool, we're working sooo hard on some of our songs like "Come on Along", "Danny Boy", and of course "Queen's Court Baby". (it's a parody of "Broadway Baby") There's one more but the name completely escapes me... If I remember it later I'll put it up..
I think it'll be fun and as far as I know it's free... almost all of our concerts are... except for Madrigal and the Spring one.

I got a hair cut... I know, crazy!!! it's not too bad though, I like it... It touches my shoulders still... It's a tiny bit shorter than that.
But yeah... That's really all there is to it, not much else.

So tonight Fushia and I wanted to go fishing... but it's raining *Frown* I mean don't get me wrong I *Heart*LOOOOOVE*Heart* the rain but when we planned to go canoing it doesn't really work when it's raining... So we decided we'll go to his house and if it stops raining by then we can go and if it's still raining we'll play a board game (probably) then head to my house and trikke (trikke's are 3-wheeled bike things that you stand on and you move around on it similar the way you do roller blades. It's really fun and it's good exercise (plus super fast in the rain!!!) *Bigsmile*

Well, I gotta jet now, being in school and all... *Frown*
Talk to y'all later!!!


"Got Along Without Ya Before I Met Ya"
That's what the other song is... we haven't been working on that one as hard cause it's pretty easy and we've got the words down and everything sooo yeah... I'm pretty bored around here these days. At least this year is turning out better than last year. Last year so many things were going wrong at home. Now it's good, not perfect but tolerable.
It rained last night (like I said)... big, big rain. Fushia drove me over to Antelope park and we ran around in the rain. Until I told him that I didn't think we should be over there because of all the lightning and big trees and metal objects like monkey bars and slides. Speaking of monkey bars. I hit my head on one. I had taken my glasses off because of the rain (too many water droplets) and then I climbed up onto the play area, didn't see the bar and WHAM!! smacked the bar and now i have a little bump on my nose... it hurts still but I'll get over it i suppose.
I gotta go now
talk to you later


I'm like, so bored right now. There is never anything to do on WDC anymore now that i've filled up all my space. I'm thinking of deleting a few things that way I can write more. I don't know... it depends on what you... the readers think. SOOO comment me and tell me what you think i should delete!!!
I'm going to go do something worth doing in my life... talk to you later


So it's Friday, FINALLY!!! and I'm sitting here with nothing to write because my story that I've been working on for creative writing is done. There's poems due next week but i dont know the curriculum yet so i'll wait until then. There was something exciting that happened yesterday though... I was selected for the Southeast Choir Student of the Month. I thought that was pretty exciting and it made me have a happier day. I guess I'll get to working on a new story I put up, considering that there is LOTS of symbolic colors for me to add into it. talk to you guys soon!!! Read the story!!! "Chapter One It's still in the coloring stages but i'll get that done soon I hope!!!
love y'all *Kiss*


Sooo, today is my mom's birthday... HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY!!!
And, we have a concert tonight... in our new, long, black formal dresses with our "pearl" necklaces and our "pearl" earrings and character shoes...... which i STILL don't have... you'd think that my mom, with me being in Queen's Court for almost an entire year, you would think that she would have bought be the right shoes by now... but noooooooo... why do something ridiculous like that??? I have no clue... it's pretty ridiculous... So... the story i was talking about in the blog entry before this has gone through it's fabulous coloring stages and is now on the tweaking stages... and i need to get the color symbolism chart up for y'all so you can kind of see what the colors are there for... it's pretty coolie cool though...


we had the pep rally today... it was entertaining, Kitsune Valeris and I were hanging out up top behind the band, it was pretty cool, then we had QC so we had "classes" right next to each other which was fun fun!
Our first Concert of the year was on Monday too, like i said up there ^.^ and i think it went pretty well. All us fabby fab QC Babies looked... well, fabby fab, fab-u-lous! our dresses were SO pretty! we looked elegant and sophisticated, which is more than you can say for the sophomores (((shhh, i didn't say that!))).
Anyway, I've decided that... Caren Rose is pretty much the only one who reads my blog... Soooo! I have a surprise prize for her!!! For every comment that she has put on my blog, I will give her 15 GP's PLUS, she gets 100 GP's just for being fabulous and reading my blog!!! So, let's all give her a e-round of applause


yo yo yo my homie g dawgz..
just kidding!! *Bigsmile*
well... Homecoming was a lot of fun, we danced a lot and then afterwards Fushia, my lil sis and i went out to Arby's with $31. We all got pick 5's and it was FABULOUS!!! lol cause for dinner we had like, bologna sandwiches... talk about your romantic, before homecoming dinners...
it wasn't that big of a deal though. I mean we did get $20 from my dad.
Other than dancing and eating, not much else happened. The Snow Man was there with his snow cones(i forgot my money at home so we didnt get any*Frown*) But it was all tons of fun...
Talk to y'all laters



My dad brought home the car that I am going to be driving/learning how to drive!!!!!!
I am wicked excited about it, if i do say so myself. (which i am)
It's an 89 Toyota Corolla DZ
Silver(ish) color
Last night I even switched around all the radio stations!!!
Got all my favorites on there now!!! woot woot!!!
Then, next week is Fall break
Then, my parents leave for two weeks on a cruise!
Then, well, i don't know what else but still!!! Life could only be better right now, if I had something to eat cause I'm really hungry! That is besides the point though.

I'm gonna jet now!
Talk to y'all laters!
Go Gators!


so basically... I'm bored. Today is Thursday and tomorrow is Friday (((finally!!!))) so we'll have fall break (((FINALLY!!!)))
which im pretty excited for because we'll have a looong break with no school, no homework and 1/2 freedom (lol)

i wanna work on my poems now...
"The Bird and other short poems
I think they're pretty good and for the ones that aren't so good, you could review them!!! I know what you're thinking "NO WAY!?! I can do that?!?" well, simple fool... yes, yes you can.


I haven't blogged in a while... MY BAD!!!
I've been working on stuff during lunch, graduation is a short 6 months away and there's all this cap and gown stuff... not to mention i have to read this book before monday and it has 668 pages and im only on 286 or so... so i really need to get to reading that too but right now it's just slow. Like his books tend to be... oh and by the way, the book I'm reading is Eldest. I know it's going to be a fantastic book, it's just lacking some action right now... but oh well.
I better go though so I can read I just wanted to talk to y'all about Halloweeeeeeen!!!
I love Halloween. it's my favorite holiday! just so everyone knows.
I was a dead prom/homecoming queen, Fushia was my date. Sam was... well, she doesn't even know, Erikka was a midevil princess and Katrina was Glenda from Wicked (the musical play thing, i really have no idea!) and Alicia, our babysitter, was a devil person.
So, that was Halloween and I'll be going now.


Two months until my birthday and about 1 month until matt's.
I'm like super duper excited but i'll have to wait because i have far more important things to do right now, then birthday plan. Which, i haven't even started doing yet. which is usually what i'm doing right about now... the only plan i have right now, is live life and lose weight...
that's my motto and im sticking to it... hee hee
mom and dad came back from Jamaica... they brought me an skirt that has elephants on the underside thingy... and sam got a canasta (Jamaican dread hat), Katrina got a big tshirt (so she doesnt steal my mom's anymore) and i dont know what erikka got... and apparently they got me one more thing but they haven't found it yet but when they saw it they knew they had to get it for me (something with elephants on it, im guessing)
well i better get going because i need to make a very important phone call...


My bad.. umm Matt and I are 18 now.. I havent been on for a while because i've been tremendously busy. [btw, the other thing they got for me was a bookmark made out of elephant poop]
Graduation is May 31st. I'm really excited!!!
2nd semester is pretty boring though...
1st semester!!!
easiness rating!!!

Pass 1st period
2 Government and Politics--Brolhorst*Yawn*

3 Astronomy--Winemiller*Cool*

4 Queens Court--Moore*Cool*

5 Statistics--West*Smile*

6 Literature of the Holocaust--Smith*Bigsmile*

7 Psychology--Paul*Cool*

Pass 8th period


Heyy everyone..
I got a haircut yesterday. It looks really good and im really excited about it.
it looks soo good!! it's up to my shoulders now (yikes:to the 5 inches on the floor) and i got a bunch of layers (yay:to the possibility of curling my hair now) and i got bangs that frame my face... leading to this is a more sophisticated, finally looking my age, haircut
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