Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1367953-Gods-Amused
Rated: E · Poetry · Entertainment · #1367953
Vicky Series Part 4
I saw God cry in happiness
From the sight
Of my trembling enemies

I saw my girlfriend
For the first time
In a long time
Just yesturday
She was as I rememmbered
As lovely and wonderful

I felt God cry
With the sight of me
Being loved

I felt my enemies' fear
as they saw my confidence
As I was not in
Her arms nor her in mine
But just being near her
We were both radiating love

I heard God laugh
As my enemies' gasp!
At the thought of me, loved

I heard my girlfriend's voice
Just as crazy and full of splendor
Like I had forgotten
And hours later
Something I want to forget
Her saying "goodbye" again "until i see you next week"
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