Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1378140-Dogs-Life
Rated: E · Short Story · Contest · #1378140
for Writer's Cramp contest--Leaving out C's. Story about dog's birthday party.
Leaving out C
654 words

It’s a Dog’s Life

It was Hot Rod the beagle’s sixth birthday and he was ready to PARTTTAAYYY!
His friends were all there, and eagerly yipped for his or her share of the margaritas. They were a wild group today. After all, it was not every day that they got to attend a birthday party!

Buffy the poodle wanted to play pin the tale on the kitty, while Tasaduque wanted to hit the piñata. Kitty did not like the pin—or the wild dog party—and took off running around the pool to get away. She ran right into Tasaduque and got hit in the head with the piñata bat. Kitty did not move, she just lay there. Perhaps she was having an out-of-body event—maybe visiting the wizard in OZ.

Simon, the St. Bernard, rushed over with his keg to try to return Kitty to planet Earth. He dribbled rum down Kitty’s throat, and viola—she began gagging. The Great Dane, Harvey, tried to help by thumping Kitty with his tail. This seemed to work, as she hopped up and took off running again.

“You obnoxious dogs,” she yowled, “go home and stay there.”

Most of the dogs just blew her off, however, Hot Rod’s feelings were hurt. This should not happen on his birthday. Kitty was his best friend, sort of a sister to him, you might say. He did not want anything to ruin his birthday.

“I know,” he thought. We’ll play a game and I will ask Kitty to join in. “She loves puzzles.”

“Everyone gather around,” Hot Rod said. “Let’s play a game! Whomever is able to tell a very short story, but leave out the letter B, as in Birthday, will win the party surprise.”

They all thought this was a fun idea. After a minute of thinking, Simon said, “I went to a party and it was hearty.”

Tasaduque said, “Mine is more of a toast than a story. Happy sixth anniversary to my friend Hot Rod, he arrived, he saw, he liberated.”

Buffy thought she would win the game with, “One time long, long, ago…there was a hip dog named Wowser. He saved Timmy from the well and was a legend in his own time.”

Harvey knew he would do better than that with, “The other day I was walking past the grave yard. I was looking at the grave stones and thought I saw something white and diaphanous drifting my way. It made me so afraid I almost piddled on the sidewalk. I ran as fast as my legs would go. When I got home the apparition was gone.”

Everyone applauded for Harvey’s story. “That was a good one Harvey,” said Hot Rod, “now my turn….I arrived into the world, six years ago today, however, was soon orphaned. I spend my first month in an animal shelter. Then one day the most wonderful woman adopted me. She took me home with her—to this house. I am happy here with her and with Kitty.”

The animals all applauded again.

“Kitty, do you have a story for us?” asked Hot Rod.

“Yes,” replied Kitty. “One day, I was sunning myself in the pool, on a float, minding my own affairs, when the door opened, and out ran the liveliest dog I have ever seen. No one asked my opinion about adding a dog to our family, however, here he was. He was into everything and asked questions all the time. I avoided him a great deal--not enough. Then one day this dog saved me from drowning when I fell off my pool float. The dog’s name is Hot Rod. I owe him everything. Happy sixth anniversary Hot Rod—I love you!”

The dogs applauded the yelled “Hurray for Kitty—your story is the finest!”

Kitty was awarded the party prize and they all went to eat birthday treats.

The end.
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