Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1446402-I-want-to
Rated: GC · Other · Adult · #1446402
I want to - explicitly create joy!
I Want To Fuck You

I want to fuck you

To smell the

Sweet perfume of

Your passionate response.....

I want to fuck you

To feel the slick

Sensuous wetness

Of your cavern.......

I want to fuck you

To feel the

Heat of your

Hidden from view


I want to fuck you

To feel the

Shudders of your

Body's ecstacy.....

I want to fuck you

To hear the

Hoarse cries of

Your unbridled


I want to fuck you

Until we are

Both eclipsed by

Sensation and are

Delirious with pleasure........

I want to fuck you

To fill your

Cave with me

And stay till

I can stay no longer.....

I want to fuck you

Until all I am

Is in you

And you are

Everything to me....

I want to fuck you

Until I and you

Are done

Senseless with delight.

I want to fuck you........
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1446402-I-want-to