Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1562059-SMJ-Jade-Jade-Where-Art-Thou
by hkdk
Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1562059
i have 200+ hits on this story.
The beginning is boring. But it gets better! Hkdk

S.M.J. 1 The Beginning Of A Journey

It was your average day at St Margaret’s School. Deserted playgrounds and field. The school next door was full of screaming and laughing, as it was the infant school. The upper part of the school, where 9, 10 and 11-year-olds were, was where 4 kids were.  Two of them were passing notes:

Harvey, this is way boring isn’t it?

Yep. This new art teacher is literally killing my patience.

The blonde girl next to them gave them a glare and grabbed the note off Harvir. She wrote:

Harvey, Harmani, how can you two say that?! This class is so awesome! I love drawing things, this is the only lesson that ever made me want to stay in this dimension!!!

The ginger-brown haired boy next to the blonde girl wrote:

God Jade, you really are unbelievable! You have to admit this guy is the most boring art teacher here! Even Mr Mac in Maths is more fun!!

Matt, you’re taking their side!!!!! I thought you loved art!!

I’d rather fall off a cliff than stay in this class.

With that, Jade went off in one of her ‘Huffs’.


One of the kids in the same class as Jade, Harvey, Matt and Harmani’s class, called Jake, was walking home from school. He was a pal of Harvir’s and was a bit mad that Harvir spent most of his time in a stupid treehouse in the estate Harmani lived in.

He noticed something move behind him. Next thing he knew, he was off the ground and was zoomed away from the walkway.

The next day…


Matt and Harmani were racing each other on their snowboards, whilst Jade and Harvey were having a snowball fight. Harmani and Matt had another tie at the finish of the race.

“I beat ya!” Matt boasted triumphantly.

“Matt, ever heard of a tie? ‘Cuz that’s what just happened!” Harmani told him in her deadly tone. Harvir and Jade walked over to the two of them, who were arguing over whether it was a tie or that Matt had won.

“Guys, guys stop! Jade’s got something to tell you!” Harvey broke in.

“Have you heard, Jake B’s gone missing!” Jade gossiped to the gang.

“That’s weird. What would someone want with Jake?” Harmani asked.

“Maybe it was a super nerd he met online, and wants revenge on him because he beat them in a game of whatever it is Harvir’s always on about! They abducted him to steal cheats for a video game!” Matt laughed.

“It’s called Astro-Bot 1190!! It’s one of the best online virtual gaming sites!!” Harvir replied angrily.

“And, I doubt Jake would ever be abducted because he beat someone at the game. Or for any of your reasons. Anyway, Harvey, why don’t you and Jade go and- what on earth was-” Harmani was cut short by a thud in the air and hit the tree that they had taken firewood from.

Next thing they knew, Harvey and Matt were pounded against a snow mound and a snowman. Only Jade was left standing.

“Uh, hello? Is someone gonna attack me yet?” Jade asked the air with a joking tone.

The ‘attacker’ had grabbed Jade before she knew it and ran off with her faster than you can say ‘a’.

“JADE!!” Harvey, Matt and Harmani yelled.

Part 2

Matt and Harvey got up to help Harmani get up, the hit against the tree really whammed her.

“Harmani, what on earth are we gonna do?! Jade has been abducted, we’re stuck here, and we don’t know who or what that thing was!!” Harvey asked Harmani.

“I know exactly what to do. Harvey, remember when we stuck that weird map thingy on the GPCs? Well, that map was actually showing activity that is happening now, so even if that guy was fast or invisible, we could probably see where he is and catch him in the car my dad and I made!” Harmani told Matt and Harvey.

“Not the one you made me test last month and nearly made me puke!!” Matt cried, obviously having a heart-attack.

“Sorry Matt, but if we want to catch up to that weirdo and save Jade, then I’m afraid we’ll have to!” Harmani replied, looking sorry for him.

“If he’s not fast we won’t go top speed, right?” Matt asked.

“Definitely not! Have you forgotten the little code of conduct my dad made over it?! He said not to take it up to top speed unless we’re catching a speedy weirdo that’s got one of us or is wrecking the town!” Harmani lectured. Harvey and Matt groaned as she went into one of her speeches about the importance of rules and regulations in driving the super-fast car. The top speed Matt had been talking about wasn’t the top speed. The top speed was four times the speed of light! That’s faster than lightening!

“Ok Harmani, I think we get the picture, let’s just check out weirdo rather than having you waste time that we could be using to track down and find out about the weird guy thingy.” Harvey interrupted.

“How can you be sure it’s a guy?” Harmani asked.

“Because girls can’t throw hard punches like tha – oops.” Matt told her, regretting he ever said anything.

“ARE YOU SAYING I’M WEAKER THAN YOU?! YOU LITTLE – I’M GONNA GET YOU!!” Harmani yelled angrily. Harvey rolled his eyes, as the two of them fought whilst he predicted Harmani’s next move – her double twist arm-lock.

“OW! Ok, ok I take it back! I SAID I TAKE IT BACK!!” Matt yelled.

“Great, now Harvey go to our treehouse and check out stuff on the hack computer we made.” Harmani ordered.

“Isn’t the electricity off?” Matt questioned.

“Matt, how many times more do we need to tell you? We made our own little super-battery we named anti-lithium battery. It never relies on electricity or anything, it will always be charged. No more wires!” Harvey responded.


“Hey guys, check this out! A couple of hours ago some of the most cool kids in school went missing! You don’t think someone has a grudge against cool kids do you? I mean, Jade is really popular and all that!” Harvey told Harmani and Matt as they approached the open portal that lead to a weird looking dimension (Dimensions are different in here, it means another version of our world or another version of a galaxy/universe e.g. A T.V. Show would be a different dimension to ours.).

“Matt, you go back to the treehouse and help Harvey out in case he gets in trouble or anything. If this guy has a grudge, he might strike at one of us.” Harmani ordered.

“But what if he gets you?” Matt asked.

“Hey, I’m tough, strong and I kick bad-guy butt on my own! What’s the worst that could happen?” Harmani replied.

Everything, Matt and Harvey both thought as Harmani jumped into the portal.

“Whoa!” Harmani yelled as she looked at the site of the place, and what had happened to her.

SMJ Part 3

Harmani stared up and down herself. She wasn’t wearing her white hoodie, blue jeans and blue and white sneakers anymore. She was dressed in a yellow a-symmetrical top with one long arm/hand warmer going up the arm that had the short sleeves. Her jeans had been put into yellow sort of jeans, more like baggy ones, and her shoes were now yellow heels.

“Whoa! What the heck happened to me?!” Harmani whispered to herself.

Something behind her moved.

“Oi! Show yourself you weirdo!” Harmani yelled.

“Two things: A) I’m called Preeana and B) What are you doing on my turf?” Preeana sneered.

“I’m here to get back my BFF! Now give her back!” Harmani shouted.

“As if. Populars like her should be behind bars. All the populars at my old school picked on me, bullied me and never treated anyone nicely. Why should I let anyone else get hurt or bullied?” Preeana argued, “If you want her back…you can challenge me right here.”

“Well why didn’t you say that before? At least I wouldn’t have had to shout at you!” Harmani joked.

“Well, are you going to challenge me?”


“Let the games begin!”

“What?! Sports?! Oh no, I’m so bad at sports!!!” Harmani panicked.

Harmani was beaten completely.

“Doesn’t that tell you something? Something about yourself?” Preeana cackled.

“I’m not good at sports, so what? I have got some parts of sports I’m strong in, but if you use this again, I’ll be ready.” Harmani answered, with her fearless face.

“Now GET OUT OF MY DIMENSION YOU FREAK!” Preeana screamed.

“AHH!” Harmani shrieked as she felt herself being flung backwards.

SMJ: The Beginning Of A Journey Part 4

Harmani landed with a crunch on the snow that she had walked on and stated, “Hey, I’m tough, strong and I kick bad-guy butt on my own! What’s the worst that could happen?” not too long ago. She got up and jumped onto her snowboard and made her way to the treehouse.

In the treehouse, Harvey and Matt had watched the whole thing go wrong. When Harmani opened the door, you probably would’ve guessed what they would’ve told her.

“I told you so!” Matt yelled at her.

“Keep your hair on, Matt. You probably would’ve jacked that up more than me!” Harmani replied angrily.

“Alright you two, break it up! Focus remember?” Harvey interrupted, pointing at the tracker on the computer.

“You’re right Harvey. Now, I think we should try and track down where Jade is, and then we can use that to guess where Preeana is.” Harmani commented.

“Who’s Preeana?” Matt asked.

“The weirdo who grabbed Jade.” Harmani responded.

Before Matt had a chance to say something that would annoy Harmani even more, the tracker started beeping.

“We’ve picked up a signal from Jade’s GPC!” Harvey called.

“Great, let’s call her!” Matt yelled triumphantly, punching the air.

“Matt, that might not be a good idea…” Harmani told him.

“Whatever, I say we should check how she’s doing!” Matt replied, anxious to see what ‘Preeana’ had done to Jade.

“Ok, but don’t say I didn’t warn you!” Harmani warned him, pressing the button that sent out the communication signal. The screen of the giant GC went grey-blue and fuzzy, then an outline of Jade’s face, and then full colour.

“Jade! What – where -” Matt yelled, “How are you? Did the freak do anything to you? And-”

“Matt, calm down alright! I’m fine, no Preeana didn’t do anything to me. She just shoved us all into a weird containment thingy. We’re just-” Jade replied, but was cut short.

“Hello there, I believe you might be the friends of the girl I have here.” Preeana’s voice came from the GC.

“ARGH! If you lay a finger on Jade, then I’ll teach you a lesson!!” Matt shouted angrily. Harmani and Harvey raised their eyebrows at each other and rolled their eyes.

“Alright, if you’re so eager to help your friend and protect her, then you’ll leave her with me!” Preeana screeched.

“As if! I’d rather get a detention than leaving my best pals stuck with you!” Harmani yelled.

“Fine, have it your way,” Preeana smirked, as she pointed a finger towards the kidnapped kids, “Your friend shall have to be moved to a new district!”

“No way! I’m not letting you!” Matt answered angrily and jumped out of the treehouse and onto his snowboard.

“You heard him! Let’s go!” Harmani told Harvey, as they jumped onto their snowboards.

“How do you steer this thing?!” Harvey yelled through the rush of wind between them.

“Just use your arms, legs and feet. It’ll come to you by second nature – the same way it did to Matt, Jade and me!” Harmani replied.

Luckily, Harvey did get the hang of it, and they managed to catch up to Matt’s enraged self.

“Matt, calm down, god! Ever heard of chilling out?” Harmani warned him, as he was about to go straight into the portal in a furious rage.


They came to a stop at the portal and threw their snowboards behind them, into the bright white snow.

“Let’s go!” Harmani requested, looking at Harvey and Matt. They both nodded in agreement, and they all ran into the portal.

Next thing they knew, they were running in neon-accented clothes through a multi-coloured dimension, that looked like a mix between Las Vegas and a giant pinball course.

“The radar’s picking Jade’s GPC signal from over there!” Harvey yelled to Harmani and Matt, pointing to his left.

They all ran to the exact spot where they found Jade’s GPC on the ground.

“We’re too late!” Matt cried, looking worried.

“This is bad. Very, very bad!” Harmani said.

“Hey there’s a note:

To find your friend you must battle me,

If I win I shall imprison thee,

If you win those captured will be free.”  Harvey read out.

SMJ: St Margaret’s Juniors: Jade, Jade where art thou? Part 5

“Harvey, can you scan when this was written? If you can, that might help us to guess the whereabouts of Preeana!” Harmani ordered.

“Sure thing!” Harvey replied.

On another side…

“Why the heck do you not like people like me? I mean yeah, there’s some populars who are mean, but not all of them!” Jade cried to Preeana, as Preeana took her to the cave pass.

“I was bullied by your kind that’s what!” Preeana snapped, “Your kind made my life miserable and a life I hated. I regretted going to that school!”

“Well, why didn’t you just tell anyone that you were being bullied. Harmani used to be bullied. Well, actually, she kind of beat her bullies up. OW!” Jade asked, but then trailed onto an old memory.

“I couldn’t. No-one would listen to me.”

“Well the same thing happened to Harmani, because her bully was a goody-too-shoes. That girl drove Harmani up the wall one day, so she dragged her onto the roof and chucked across the playground and into the trees opposite the playground. Ever since then, nobody messed with Harmani. Even though the girl told on Harmani, nobody believed her because Harmani was also clean on her records.”

“You’re saying your friend is that strong?”

“She’s tough. She’s got a black belt in every martial art you can think of. She’s a highly trained two-handed swordfighter. Her calibre of sport is more like fighting.”

Preeana thought about how nice this popular was, and was considering to let her go. “Nah!” She thought to herself.


“They’re over there!” Harvey beckoned to the others.

“It had to be in the spooky part of this place didn’t it.” Matt quipped, but he did look scared.

“Don’t worry; as long as I’m here nothing can attack us!” Harmani reassured them.

“Said the girl who got beaten up by the person who owns the place.” Matt laughed.

“I’m not kidding. Ask Jade what I did to Rose T when we were 5. Or what I did to Will K when I was 6. Or -” Harmani snapped.

“Ok, I think we get the picture.” Harvey responded, glaring at Matt for commenting and annoying her.

Something moved in the cave pass.

“Who’s there?” Harmani shouted through the sudden gust of wind.


“Not you again!” Matt yelled, charging at Preeana, “I’m gonna beat you like anything! How -”

“Ah-ah-ah. You forgot the magic sentence.” Preeana taunted.

“Please.” Matt replied, losing his patience.

“You idiot, she said ‘sentence’. Have you got impaired hearing?! I know what she’s asking. I challenge you!” Harmani yelled.

“Challenge accepted. I demand an airboarding race.” Preeana accepted, “First one through rainbow road.”

“That sounds like a name that was given by a baby.” Matt joked.

“Oh, believe me, it isn’t as easy as a race made by a baby.” Preeana cackled.

Next thing the gang knew, they were zapped into what looked like a road into outer-space.

“Whoa.” Harmani, Matt and Harvey gasped in unison.

“Two of your team can play against me and my henchman. Including the friend of yours that I captured.” Preeana told them.

“Alright, I say Matt and Harmani go.” Jade told them, once she was reunited with them.

“Same.” Harvey agreed. Harmani and Matt nodded.

Harmani and Matt grabbed their airboards, and got onto the start line. The floor had spots that sped you up. The road was multi-coloured and looked like it had no sense of gravity, as it lead straight into the sky, and up into outer space. Harmani and Matt looked at each other worriedly.

“Don’t worry; this dimension has oxygen even in outer space!” Preeana laughed. With that, the race began.

Matt was at the back, as he had something stuck to his airboard, and was yelling, “HEY NO FAIR!”

Harmani and Preeana were both racing each other, they weren’t beating each other one bit, neither of them were winning either.

“Stop trying to beat me, you couldn’t beat me before. This is probably another sport you’re bad at!” Cackled Preeana.

“Shut up you wacko! You don’t know half the story of me!” Harmani yelled angrily. With that comment Preeana had made, that made Harmani push the limits even harder, and managed to get ahead of her.

“Well, well, well! Looks like I’ll have to even out the score!” Preeana laughed evilly. She pressed a button on her bracelet, and you could see behind her that something had just blown up. It was Matt’s airboard.

SMJ: Jade, Jade where art thou? Part 6

Harvey gaped at what had happened to his pal. Jade had already ran onto the course, but Harvey was so busy gaping, he didn’t notice.

“MATT! WHAT THE HECK DID THAT EVIL GIRL DO TO YOU?!” Jade cried as she ran up to his body, which was on the floor of the course.

“My airboard wasn’t the thing that exploded, it was the mound I was going past, otherwise I think I wouldn’t be alive.” Matt replied slowly.

“ARGH! NO-ONE DOES THAT TO A PAL!” Jade yelled furiously, “I TAG IN!”

Next thing Jade knew, she was racing on an airboard, trying to catch up to Preeana and Harmani.

“Well, well, well. That boy’s girlfriend has come to fight for him.” Preeana cackled.

“Yeah, I don’t care if you give me a nickname like that. I know I’ve come to defend for a friend, I don’t deny it.” Jade replied, her eyes narrowing, “And just to even this all out, I think this may help!”

Jade stuck out her hand in front of her and there was a force field that Preeana bumped into, which made her fall backwards onto her henchman. Both Preeana and the henchman went falling down the road, back to the ground.

“Well, waddaya know? There really is some sense of gravity here!” Jade joked loudly. Jade and Harmani crossed the finish line together. The guys were both cheering behind the bars of the course.

“Jade, did you really mean to be that mad?” Matt asked.

Jade went red and replied, “Well you are one of my best pals! C’mon, who wouldn’t have been mad if one of their best mates nearly got blown up?”

They all thought for a minute, and then they all laughed. Jade hugged Matt and said, “I’m glad you’re still alive though!”

“And as for you, it’s data time!” Harmani told Preeana and her henchman. She stuck out her GPC to suck Preeana and her henchman as data into her GPC.

“She was alright when you talk to her, but when she cheated like that, it made me so mad!” Jade commented, looking at how much longer it was until they were complete data in the GPC and GC files.

“Well, at least we stopped her before she became a major threat. Otherwise, can you think of what might’ve happened if she was still here? She’d have blown us all up!” Harmani summarised. The rest of the team nodded.


At school, all the kids who had been captured had forgotten everything that happened. Including everyone who had known about the disappearances.

“I’m glad we got our normal art teacher back. I would’ve hated to have that boring old one.” Harmani whispered to the others.

“Don’t look now, the principal’s coming!” Jade pointed out.

“But for what?” Matt asked.

“OH MAN!” Harvey and Harmani yelled at the same time. It was ANOTHER art teacher.

“I’m beginning to think our art teacher was abducted by someone!” Harvey commented. The others nodded.

The end! Hope you liked it!
© Copyright 2009 hkdk (hkdk at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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