Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1565810-The-Domination-of-Aileen
by Logan
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Erotica · #1565810
Aileen is dominated by her step daughter
When Aileen was twenty-four, she married John, an older, divorced man with a young daughter named Sharon. As far as Aileen was concerned, Sharon was a brat and was getting more rude and obnoxious with every year that passed. Sharon hated Aileen because her Father had left her Mother to be with her. Unfortunately as far as Aileen was concerned, John had won custody of Sharon was she now lived with the two in their house in West Virginia.

In the five years that Aileen and John lived together, Sharon had grown into a very attractive seventeen year old and was more arrogant because she knew she was the sexiest woman in her school. She would always tell Aileen that she was an ugly whore and her Father only married her because she was a filthy bitch who would do anything to get his money. Now Aileen was a very attractive woman and did her best not to slap Sharon across her face because she knew John would not like it.

Sharon always compared herself to Aileen when her friends were near and John was just out of range of hearing it. Sharon was small and curvy, with massive tits that were quite real even though the rumour at school was they were surgically enhanced. Her long black hair was smooth and silky. She also has very smooth, tanned legs and a pretty face with pouty lips. It was easy to see why she had lost her virginity at only fourteen. Aileen wasn't bad looking either. She had decent sized breasts, long legs that made her ass look great even though it was a big on the plump side. Her hair was long and blonde which drove John crazy as he said it made her look like an angel. She had a smooth face which when she smiled made anything bad seem good again.

It was Saturday afternoon and John had left that morning to travel to a business meeting all the way in New York City. Aileen had been left to look after Sharon who had protested to her Father that she would rather stay at a friends house. Aileen knew Sharon was in a bad mood and didn't utter a word to her as she cleaned the sitting room were Sharon was sitting of the couch watching television. Sharon acted as if she didn't notice Aileen there, which suited Aileen just fine. Little did Aileen know that it wouldn't stay this way for long. Just as she was wiping down the cooker, a knock came to the door. Knowing that Sharon wasn't going to be getting up to answer it any time soon, she walked over and opened the door to see who it was and what they wanted.

As soon as she had opened the door she regretted it. Standing in front of her were Cindy and Niamh, Sharon's two best friends and both hated Aileen almost as much as Sharon did.

"Can I help you?" Aileen asked politely.

Both girls just stared at her before nodding to each other and making their move. Cindy took a step closer to Aileen and before Aileen knew what was happening, Cindy had hit her full force in the stomach.

Aileen was brought down to her knees and as she looked up, she received another hit, this time to the face as the other girl, Niamh, smacked her with the back of her hand. Aileen toppled sideways onto the carpet of the hallway door. Both Niamh and Cindy ignored her as they stepped over her into the house and closed the door behind them.

Sharon came bursting from the sitting room to see what all the commotion was and smiled when she saw Aileen on the ground and the two girls standing over her.

"Ah I was thinking you two had changed your mind" she said to Niamh and Cindy. "Lets get started shall we?"

Aileen didn't know what she meant but she didn't like the sounds of it. Sharon nodded to both Cindy and Niamh and without reply they both grabbed Aileen under her arms and dragged her into the sitting room. She was thrown onto the table which collapsed under the force. She let out a scream and tried to crawl away but was met by a hard kick to ribs from Sharon.

"No No No. Your staying right here. Today is the day I've been waiting for the past five years. Today is the day that you pay for breaking up my family" Sharon told her.

Aileen was trying to recover from the attack when Sharon told the two girls to get her into position. Without even asking, Niamh and Cindy grabbed Aileen once again and this time stood her in front of Sharon. SMACK!!!! Sharon hit her across the face as hard as she could and it almost knocked Aileen out. She didn't have a clue what was happening, that punch had dazed Aileen and she couldn't even think about what was happening around her. Sharon on the other hand was already setting the wheels in motion for what would happen next, as she took a pair of handcuffs from her pocket and told the girls to lift Aileen’s arms over her head. They did so without uttering a single word. Aileen looked up and saw she was right under the chandelier. Sharon locked one of the cuffs around Aileen’s wrists and places the other through the chandelier and then around Aileen’s other wrist. She was now defenceless and at these three girls mercy.

Almost immediately Sharon began to laugh. Aileen knew why as well. Sharon could do whatever she wanted to her and Aileen couldn't do a single thing about it.

"Look at you, you stupid home wrecking whore" Sharon laughed. "Your at my mercy and believe you me, I've got none for you".

Aileen began to beg but Sharon wouldn't even let her as once again she hit full force across the face. Dazed, all Aileen could do was hope that this would be over quickly but knowing that John would be out of town until tomorrow night, she didn't hold out much hope.

"You know something Aileen?" Sharon asked. "I've always hated your clothes. I mean everybody knows your a whore but there’s no need to dress like one, I mean just look at yourself"

Aileen looked down at her clothes and didn't see anything wrong with them. She was wearing a knee high tight black skirt, a white see-through blouse and a pair of black high heels. In Aileen’s opinion, she looked very respectable. Sharon however had another opinion.

"I think we need to get those trampy rags off you and then maybe you'll look better two my two friends here" she said.

For the second time, Aileen didn't know what she meant but she found out pretty quickly as both Niamh and Cindy pounced on her. It had turned out that both of the girls were lesbians and she was fresh meat. Niamh was on her knees at Aileen’s side, sliding her hands up and down Aileen’s legs. Cindy was licking Aileen’s face and kissing her neck all over. All Sharon could do was laugh as Aileen struggled not to cry.

For about twenty minutes, the two girls played and teased Aileen by kissing her, rubbing and pinching her body, but now they were getting ready to get down to business. Niamh stood in front of her and began to slowly unbutton her blouse. With every button that popped open, Aileen said "Please" as if she expected Niamh to stop. Finally Niamh had unbuttoned the entire blouse and in one swift movement, yanked it out of Aileen’s skirt and ripped it off her body, throwing it to the floor. Behind her, Cindy had unzipped and unbuttoned Aileen’s skirt, letting it drop to the floor. Aileen was now just standing there in her lacy black bra and panties. Sharon couldn't contain herself any longer and burst out with an evil laugh. Aileen began to cry with humiliation.

The two girls didn't stop there as they continued to play with a defenceless Aileen. Cindy grew bored before Niamh and ripped Aileen’s bra right off her body revealing a nice pair of tits for everybody to see. Not to be out done, Niamh yanked Aileen’s panties down and this was when Sharon exploded with an evil sneer.

"Oh my God, your sooooooo hairy down there aren’t you?" she sneered. "We'll have to change that".

Immediately she went to the bathroom and came back with a shaver like the ones barbers used. This was too much for Aileen as she tried to free her hands but it was no good, she was locked up tight. Sharon approached her and turned the razor on. In just three strokes she shaved Aileen’s pubic hair clean off. Aileen began to cry uncontrollably and begged Sharon to stop right now and she wouldn't tell John about this. All Sharon did was laugh even harder and smacked Aileen across the face once again.

Sharon directed Niamh and Cindy on what to do next. She told them to see how long Aileen could last when they licked her ass and vagina. Once again, the two girls didn't say a word and obediently did what they were told. Niamh kneeled in front of Aileen and Cindy behind her. The two of them began to lick her ass and pussy. This was to much for Aileen who instantly began to moan with pleasure. She had never been with a female before and this was not what she had wanted her first experience to be like. This was torture, humiliation and rape. Sharon was surprised that Aileen lasted longer than she expected because she wouldn't cum for the two girls. Aileen did her best not to but in the end her body betrayed her and she exploded all over Niamh's face. Cindy continued to lick her ass.

Sharon was now videoing it on her phone and Aileen screamed at her to stop. She could imagine this on You Tube or some sex site for perverts. Sharon told Aileen that she was far from through and had a few more surprises left for her. Sharon threw a dildo to Niamh who was wiping her face and an anal plunger to Cindy. Aileen knew what was going to happen and couldn't do anything about it. This would be painful. Without needing an order, both girls penetrated Aileen with the objects and her screams could be heard echoing all through out the house. Not to be left out, Sharon took the belt off her jeans and began to whip Aileen's ass and back with it. She was been penetrated from every possible angle and she couldn't take any more, she passed out.

Sharon, Niamh and Cindy continued to dominate Aileen for the rest of the day and most of the night. It was four o' clock the next morning before they stopped and when Aileen regained consciences, Sharon told her that if she every told John what happened, then next time, she would make sure Cindy and Niamh never stopped the assault.

© Copyright 2009 Logan (logan007 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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