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Rated: E · Fiction · Other · #1568349
a story beginning
The dark sky rumbled with the approaching storm, you could smell the moisture wafting in on the breeze. The dark clouds boiled across the summer sky, as crackling bolts of lightning cut golden streaks across the now ominous sky. Andrew saw that the approaching storm was going to be a big one, he pulled the Monte Carlo onto main, and headed for the mine. It wasn't actually a mine, at least not any more, the shafts had long been flooded, and now the gypsum was pit mined. Georgia Pacific was the life blood of this little town, if they ever closed the plant then the town would dry up and blow away. A news broadcast on the radio caught his attention,
"The automotive giant General Motors is the latest to fall victim to the world economic crisis, filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection."
Absolutely amazing he thought, pretty soon the government would be in total control. They were trying to take away the rights of the American citizen, and Andrew was not about to cave into that. He was a fighter, a survivor, ever since seeing "RED DAWN" as a teenager. He listnened as the radio commentator went on about the collapse of the GM corporation. Andrew turned the radio over to the CD, and decided that he would drown out the humdrum droll with a little Metallica. The CD began to play Fuel, and Andrew began to drift into his own little world. Suddenly a fast moving shadow caught his attention, if it was a plane, it was way to close to the ground. He stuck his head out the window just in time to see the aircraft collide with the ground in a huge ball of flame. The Monte Carlo came to a screeching halt, Andrew surveyed the remains of the crash from a distance. Wreckage and debris were scattered for nearly a half mile, small fires blazed across the golden wheat field. Andrew called 911 and told the operator what had happened, shortly the volunteer fire department showed up, and began to extinguish the fires, if not controlled quickly they could become a raging wildfire, and this was not a good time for that to happen.
© Copyright 2009 Mountain King (ghost_writer38 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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