Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1622613-Creative-Writing-Exercise-1
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1622613
Writing Exercise (using random words and starting phrase)
Writing Exercise #1    Random words:  aardvark, fabled, kayak, pace, ubiquitous    Starting Phrase:  I remember....                                                                                  November 23, 2009

      I remember part of the trip.  The kayak was for two but I paddled it alone.  Its bright yellow plastic body was cheap and thin.  It leaked just enough that when I eventually got out, my jeans were wet exactly as if to give the impression that I'd peed myself.  Bathroom Please!  I pulled the kayak onto the small gravel beach and bravely, I marched on in the face of unnecessary embarrassment. I encountered no one.  I followed the poorly marked hiking trail through the dense forest back to where I'd first heard the legend.  The legend of the fabled aardvark - it was a ubiquitous tale at best.  As hard as I tried to dismiss the tale, it stuck to my brain like chewing gum.  I could never seem to pick it off all of the way.  Little bits still clung in the treads of my mind no matter what I used to get rid of it.  At last, I found the site.  The old fire ring was still in place.  This had to be it.  The right site, the right time, the right date.  The rising quarter-moon agreed.  With the darkness, the story tellers would come.  For now, I would wait and slowly pace, keeping my thoughts to myself.  I had many questions to ask.  They would come again. This time I would listen better.   
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