Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1623280-Random-Words-Starting-Phrase-Exercise
Rated: E · Assignment · Action/Adventure · #1623280
A writing exercise using random words and starting phrase
Random Words:  dagger, ibuprofen, nabbed, sable, Xandu                                                                                                                                    Tuesday, December 2, 2009
Starting Phrase:  I hate...

    I hate sable.  I was given this nasty fur coat as a welcoming gift.  A gift just for finally reaching the planet Xandu.  Xandu was supposed to be a land of idyllic beauty; obviously, this place stole the name and then misused it.  I traveled millions of miles, been nabbed and had a dagger held to my throat.  I escaped and searched for three more years and now - HERE I AM.  A place with below zero temperatures and an atmosphere with such high carbon dioxide levels my head thumps and bangs all the time.  My only want in this "garden of Eden" is a large jar of ibuprofen.  Well, that and one other thing.  Tomorrow, I'm starting a new search.  I'm finding a way out of here.  Who's coming with me?
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