Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1626638-My-Guitar
Rated: E · Other · Experience · #1626638
Enjoying music and life.
My Guitar

My guitar is all I need to make it through the day
It knows each time my heart is sad and takes my cares away
I’ll play it in the morning and before I go to bed
It resonates through out the house and soothes my troubled head

It greets me when I’m home from work and beacons me to play
I strum the strings and harmonize and think about my day
All my troubles melt away like early morning dew
I need no other treasured friend to tell my troubles to

Every weekend I will find somewhere to pick with friends
Only those who play their own can really understand
As though it were my greatest friend; it asks nothing in return
Just that I take a little time and find new songs to learn

It has been my one true love; my total confidante
It won’t betray me, break my heart, my time is all it wants
When my life has run it course and it’s time to cross the bar
I hope there’s someone who deserves my wonderful guitar

For there can be no better friend, no lover more devout
No gentle hand could soothe you more or cast your cares about
Of all the friends that I have made through out this life of mine
It is the one with true regret that I must leave behind

-John P. Moss-
2 Sept 2009
© Copyright 2009 Guitarman (jpatrickm at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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