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Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1693837
Continued Part 5 and some of Part 6

The following morning came far too early for Shymoora, as she had spent her night tossing and turning until the wee hours of the morning. Unable to put her mind at ease she spent a good amount of time out on the terrace outside of her room gazing off into the inky sky. She had called her mother but to no avail, Brayah never came to her, and that only caused more worry for the girl. It seemed that when she did get to sleep Estra was moving around the room to get her started on her day. “Up with you Seri, you’ve got a long day ahead of you and your breakfast is waiting.” Shymoora groaned and waved her hand weakly at the woman pleading for a few more minutes of rest. However Estra was not so easily distracted and insisted that Shymoora rise and eat.

When she finally found the energy to sit up and rub the sleep from her eyes she noted a tray laden with warm jams and pastries beside the bed. “I won’t be dining in the hall this morning?” She croaked.

“Nay, everyone takes the morning meal in their rooms separately. They rise at different hours.” Estra explained as she went about picking up Shymoora’s discarded gown and slippers. Shymoora shrugged and bit into one of her crisp cakes and let her eyes drift shut. Meanwhile Estra pulled out her morning attire, a simple but well made crème blouse and fitted soft brown skirt. They were heavier material than the gown she wore the night before but did not lack quality. “When you are finished eating we will get you readied for your first hour of instruction.” Estra informed her. The reminder that she would begin her training today turned Shymoora’s stomach, all she truly wanted to do was rest, but it seemed she would be allowed no time to do so. She pushed aside her meal and nodded.

“I am finished.” She said, Estra lifted a brow but simply shrugged and moved the tray away from the bed. The task of preparing for the remainder of the morning was then tackled. Within the hour Estra had the tangles brushed free of Shymoora’s hair and coiled it into an elaborate bun at the nape of her neck, her blouse and skirt were in place and soft leather boots were pulled over her stocking feet.

“Well, you best get going Seri.” Estra said with her hands on her full hips. “Master Whipple will be in the garden.” Estra pointed to the east. “Just head down stairs and past the dinning hall until you come to the door leading outside.” She directed.

“Thank you.” Shymoora murmured quietly as she exited. It didn’t take long to find her way into the garden, but to her dismay or relief she was alone there. It was a cool morning and a fine frost still hung on the bushes that lined the walk.

“There you are!” Called a male voice from behind her. Shymoora turned to find a very tall and lanky gentleman headed in her direction with a frown on his long face. “I told that maid of yours to see you hear by the seventh hour, it is now half past the eighth!” He complained as he drew up to tower over her.” Shymoora wrinkled her brow, unsure of how to respond. “Well?” The man urged with an expectant look.

“I-I’m sorry, Ser, I was a reluctant riser.” She replied.

“Hrmph, do not make that a habit.” He warned. “Well, I am Master Whipple, as you may have guessed, and I will be instructing you in the proper use of healing magic.” He informed her in a rather snooty manner.

“Thank you, Master Whipple.” Shymoora murmured.

“Speak up girl, there is no room for timidness during my instruction.” The man barked in his nasal voice.

“Of course, Master Whipple.” Shymoora replied. It was going to be a long morning.

Over the next two hours Shymoora was drilled with questions about previous instruction, which there was none, a fact that seemed to disappoint Master Whipple. Then he proceeded to school her on the simple binds such as repairing a damaged petal on a flower, each small task seemed simple enough but Shymoora failed at it miserably. She watched in awe as Whipple caressed a wilted bloom and a silvery light poured from his fingers and washed over the browning petals, moments later the flower seemed to revive, lifting its bud to the sun and opening its petals to the growing warmth. “See, it is not about commanding the power or the object, but coaxing it, working with it. Now you try.” Whipple gestured to another dying flower. Shymoora smiled and moved before it, her tongue in her cheek she ran her fingers over the withered petals and gasped when the same silvery light moved through her hand and over the bloom. To her amazement the light washed over the small bud and it began to lift and open, but then everything when horribly wrong, something in the magic changed, even the color, it shifted from silver to red and grew to engulf the entire bush and it’s lingering flowers, and within seconds all of the life there seemed to dissolve, leaving naught but a bare and charred set of branched. She snatched her hand away and looked at it.

“What happened?” She cried in disappointment. Whipple sighed and ran his hand over his chin.

“You failed.” He said rather plainly. “You are going to be a challenge, we will continue tomorrow, you are free to go to the midday meal before your next instructor will see you.” He added with a tired voice and turned to leave her there staring at the destruction she had caused.

Somewhat deflated and feeling her failure acutely Shymoora did as instructed and returned to the palace for her midday meal. She was directed to the dining hall where a buffet had been set out for the inhabitants of the massive home. Knowing that she would once again be dining with the royal family caused a knot to form low in her belly, though the Umdal was kind his attentiveness did set her on edge, especially when he made it so public the night before. Much to her relief however the Umdal Hansid was not in the dining hall, and according to the servants he would not be making an appearance at all that afternoon. However, as Shymoora began selecting ripened fruits and steamed meats for her lunch an icy chill ran over her spine. She turned to find Shida Hanside glaring at her back from the table.

“Good afternoon Seri V’raldii.” The woman greeted cooly. “How kind of you to join me for the midday meal. Such a…pleasant surprise.”

Shymoora smiled weakly and turned to take a seat at the table across from the Shida. “Thank you.” She murmured as she stared down into her plate, her mouth suddenly dry and foul. The sick knot returned to its burrow in her stomach and she closed her eyes. She wasn’t up to this challenge at all.  The snap of the Shida’s napkin as she opened it with a flick of her delicate wrist brought Shymoora’s attention back to the womans cold stare. She watched as the royal miss picked at some berries on her plate while studying Shymoora.

“I am glad actually that we have this time to talk. I feel there are some issues I must touch on with you before you make yourself at home here in Porni.” The Shida began in an even tone. Shymoora simply gave a nod, uncertain how to reply. “Good, then please, eat, we will talk over our meal.”

The food arranged artfully on her platter held little appeal at that point but Shymoora forced herself to pop a slice of melon into her desert mouth any way. The cool sweet juice was refreshing, and made her feel a small measure better, she was able then to give the Shida a genuine smile, which was returned with an obnoxious smirk.

“ When I first came upon you yester morning I thought you to be a girl in need of a friend, you seemed so innocent and needy. That appealed to my softer side. I was pleasantly pleased with the discovery.” The Shida confessed.

While the idea of being seen as needy did not settle well on Shymoora’s stomach she was glad that it was not her poor condition that had turned the Shida against her. “Thank you Shida Hansid.”

The Shida waved a hand as if the thanks were unwelcome and unwanted. “Knowing that, you can imagine my disappointment when I discovered you are multifaceted. The girl I saw and the she-demon who cast her big eyes on my Cousin were two very different personalities. I was appalled by your brazen flirtation with the Umdal, as were our most prestigious guests. It was shameful and tasteless.” She scolded. Shymoora’s eyes grew round with shock.

“You cannot truly believe that I set my sights upon the Umdal?” She gasped in disbelief.

“It is not a matter of belief girl, the proof is in your conducted at yester evening’s meal.” The Shida replied in a slightly agitated tone.

“I mean you no disrespect Shida Hansid, however you are mistaken, I do not have designs upon your Cousin. Had I known that it seemed as such I would have remedied my actions immediately.” Shymoora explained in an anxious voice, she was horrified that the woman and possibly everyone else thought she meant to seduce the Umdal. “I have no interest in the Umdal that would even broach on romance. I promise you such.”

The Shida jumped from her seat and braced her hands on the table top, leaning forward to glare with her nostrils flaring angrily. “If you know what is good for you little Seri you will see to it that you never do, I do not take kindly to sneaky females trying to win my Cousin’s attentions. I am here for a reason girl, and it is not to watch the Umdal take a little no body from no where to his bed!” She hissed. Shymoora sat back, startled by the angry light gleaming in the Shida’s eyes. “You will not speak with him so candidly again, or you will pay dearly for it.” She warned and then lifted her volumous lavender skirts and stormed out of the room, the echo of her heals clicking heavily on the marble floors followed her for sometime before they were gone. The room felt as though all of the air had been sucked from it, Shymoora bent forward in her chair and gasped over and over, trying to hold in the trembling emotion.  This was supposed to be a reprieve from the horror she had witnessed in Orion, a fresh start, a doorway to her future, and it had begun terribly. The urge to flee from the palace and Porni was almost to much to bear. Shymoora squeezed her eyes shut and began to whisper to her mother.

“Seri V’raldii?” Came a gentle inquisitive voice. Shymoora snapped her eyes open to find the red haired servant girl watching her closely.

“Uh-Yes?” She stammered as she sat straight and pushed her plate away. Her appetite fled when the Shida accused her of being nothing but a grasping opportunistic female.

“Master Lina will see you in the courtyard now, shall I escourt you?” The servant asked politely. Shymoora swallowed a groan, Master Lina was no doubt yet another person for her to disappoint. 

“Yes, please.” She replied finally and pushed herself away from the table. The servant eyed her plate and then cast Shymoora a smile. “I am not as hungry as I thought.” She explained weakly.

“No matter Seri, please, right this way.” The servant replied. Shymoora was glad for the absolute acceptance of her word. She followed the servant out of the dining hall and through a few turning corridors before they came to the large glass doors that lead into the bright courtyard. The area was large and open, it was also scattered with a mix of small trees and large circular training areas of packed dirt. In the center of the training area to the right was a tall woman with deep chocolate hair and grey eyes dressed in leather from shoulder to foot. “There is Master Lina, she will want you to join her in the circle.” The servant explained as she closed the doors behind Shymoora.  With her breath shallow and her nerves tight Shymoora approached to woman, somewhere in the back of her mind she recognized the similarities between Draven and Master Lina, it was obvious they were both from the same land.

“Seri V’raldii.” The master greeted kindly. It was a genuine kindness, and for the first time Shymoora felt like weeping with relief. “Welcome.” She added with a bright smile. “I am glad the weather is permitting this afternoon.” Shymoora curtsied before the warrioress and offered her own smile.

“Thank you Master Lina.” She murmured lightly. The master frown and settled a hand over Shymoora’s shoulder.

“It’s been a tough day for you has it?”

“Slightly.” Shymoora confessed.

Master Lina smiled and gave her shoulder a squeeze before dropping her hand. “Well then this training will be a welcome diversion, you will get all of your frustrations out.” She commented. “Now come, pick up a blade and let us begin.” Lina pointed at the weapon stand behind her.

Slowly Shymoora scanned the various weapons on the rack before choosing a slender sword with a pearl hilt. “Will this do?” She asked with uncertainty.

“A fine choice.” Lina replied. “Today you will learn the various defensive stances. First I will have you come at me, so that you can see how each are executed. Take your place before me.” She instructed. Shymoora nodded and moved to stand a few feet away from Master Lina, “Now when playing the aggressor you must always keep your mind on the position of your feet, take this stance.” She instructed as she moved with her left foot slightly ahead of her right and her hips turned so that they were facing Shymoora, she then drew back her sword so that the length of it ran parallel with her shoulders and the tip pointed at Shymoora. Carfully Shymoora mimicked the stance. “Very good.” The Master commented. “Now pay attention to my stance. This is the simplest defensive stance.” The Master then changed her position so that her right side was facing Shymoora, with her sword held up at an angle. “Now come at me, swing your sword down from over your head.” Shymoora gave a slight nod and took a breath before she lunged forward, raising her blade slightly before bringing it down on Master Lina’s as she spun her body and prepared for a lower attack. Shymoora crouched and plunged her sword straight forward toward Lina’s leg only to have it deflected by a downward slash of the Master’s own blade. Lina jumped back and laughed, holding up her hand. “You are a quick study. This will be very interesting. Now tell me, what made you take that second shot at my lower half?” She asked.

“I-I’m sorry.” Shymoora apologized.

“No, you did very well, I only want to know what caused you to make that move, I was not expecting that level of skill from you, and being unexpected is what you want.” The Master explained gently.

“Instinct I suppose, you blocked my approach from above, instinct influenced my next move.” Shymoora explained.

“Very good, very good indeed. Draven was right about you Shymoora. Come let us have a sparing match, I will teach the various stances while we are practicing. I think that will be better for you.” Master Lina replied with a playful wink of her eye.

The next hours were spent with the two women sparring playfully, stopping only when Lina wanted to point out a stance or an attack. She instructed Shymoora carefully and both seemed to be enjoying themselves emensly. When the training hour came to an end Lina raised a hand and took a deep breath. “Whew, I am greatly pleased with your progress.” She breathed. “I fear teaching has softened me however.” She added with a laugh. “Come.” She beckoned Shymoora over to a nearby bench where both sat panting for a few silent moments.

“Thank you Master Lina.” Shymoora said finally, the woman was right, she did feel much better after the sparring match.

“Thank you Shymoora, I haven’t had that much fun training a female in a long while. Working in the palace means I spend most of my time training alone or with some soft royal ass who only wants to learn how to look good with a blade. You are a true student.” Master Lina replied. She stood and moved to a cabinet at the back of the training circle. From it she pulled out a delicately crafted sheath and leather belt. She moved back to Shymoora and handed them to the girl. “These are now yours. Keep them with you.” She instructed as she took the pearl hilted blade from the bench seat beside Shymoora and slid it into the sheath. “Each day you return bring this with you. It is a good fit for you.” She explained.

“Thank you Master Lina, it is a very lovely blade.” Shymoora replied with a smile.

Master Lina gave a slight nod then looked to the doors, drawing Shymoora’s attention to that area as well, there stood the red haired servant girl again. “It looks like our time is up for the day. I look forward to seeing you again in two days time.”

“Two days? I will not train with you every day?” Shymoora asked with a frown of disappointment.

Master Lina gave a soft chuckle. “Trust me, tomorrow you will have no desire to do anything physical, nor will I for that matter. We will train a day and then rest a day.” She explained.

“I see, well then I will see you in two days time.” Shymoora said as she stood weakly. “I think I will need the rest afterall.” She laughed.

The servant girl escorted her back to her rooms where Estra stood waiting with a bath ready. The steaming perfumed water was as welcoming as the old maid’s smile. Wordlessly Shymoora stripped out of her clothing with little help or embarrassment and stepped into the pool. She heaved a great sigh.

“Shall I help you wash Seri?” Estra cooed in a motherly tone.

Shymoora let her lids drift shut and shook her head. “No thank you, I think I will just relax for a bit.” She sighed.

“Very good, just don’t go falling asleep in there, you will be expected at dinner soon.” Estra warned lightly as she moved out of the bathing room and began selecting Shymoora’s evening attire. Shymoora groaned. Another meal with the Shida and likely the Umdal was not at all what she had in mind. For a moment she considered sending word that she was not well and would take her dinner in her rooms. However she quickly decided against it as it may seem as though she was avoiding the family considering the recent events and she didn’t want to risk insulting the royal family. No, she would go.

As she bathed she began considering her current situation. She was a guest in a great palace surrounded by unfamiliar people and customs. It was intimidating, and as a result she had been acting like a frightened little child. She had come into this great place the same girl she was when she left Orion, and that had not served her well at all. She felt vulnerable and weak. Yet her training with Master Lina that day was proof to her that she was not weak, she was strong and resilient. She could mingle with these people. She decided then that the frightened and awkward girl had no place here any longer. She was now what her mother and Draven had told her she was, a strong and important woman, who was not to be pushed about or looked over.

Feeling a great measure better and renewed Shymoora stepped from the bath unashamed and dried her shimmering skin before striding into her room and allowing Estra to attend to her. “You’ve changed Seri.” Estra commented as she wove small winking blue crystals into Shymoora’s blonde hair and settled a sheer blue veil over the length. “It is good that you have found yourself, I am glad it did not take you long.” The woman commented and gave Shymoora a pat. “Now, come step into the gown.” She instructed. Shymoora smiled and stepped into the deep blue velvet gown with gold frill on the V neckline and flared sleeves.

“Thank you Estra.” She whispered as the woman pulled the warm material over Shymoora’s shouldered and laced the back.

“A vision, as always.” Estra said with a smile.

Shymoora moved to the mirror to inspect herself with a fresh look. Before her stood the woman she now felt like inside. Strong and important. She smiled into her reflection. “Will Draven be along to escort me to the dining hall?” She asked as she turned from the mirror. She instantly took note of Estra’s surprised face.

“You did not know?” The woman asked as she closed the wardrobe. “He was called away for something and will return in a few weeks.” She explained.

The realization that the only person she really knew had abandoned her to a palace full of strangers was hard to swallow. Yet she did with only slight disappointment. “I see, I would have liked to have seen him off. It must have been quite important for him to leave so suddenly.” She commented, yet then they had not parted on the best of terms the night before, perhaps he had meant to tell her but she had not given him the chance.

“Do not fret, he will return soon, and until then you can train and learn and impress him with your progress when he comes to call again. Besides, you don’t need the man hovering over you as he is like to do, its distracting.” Estra commented with a chuckle.

“Indeed.” Shymoora agreed with a smile. “Well I suppose I should be off for dinner. I do not want to keep anyone waiting.”

“Very good.”

With it all said and done Shymoora walked alone to out of her chambers and into the hall, she found her way down the curving stairs and up to the wooden doors that lead to the dinning hall where the high-nosed butler stood waiting to announce her arrival. There was less of a stir this time when the nasal voice bleated out her name and rank and she strode into the hall with her chin tilted and her back straight. She smiled inwardly when the guests from the evening before looked at her twice, as if they were not certain she was the same Seri V’raldii they had met before.

“Seri.” The Umdal called, waving her over. She moved to stand before him and fell into a deep curtsey.

“Umdal Hansid, it is a pleasure.” She greeted.

“Thank you Shymoora, and you look divine this evening. The Porni air is bringing out your blossom I think.” The Umdal greeted her with great warmly.

“Many thanks, Most High.” Shymoora replied as she straightened.

“Please join me once again this evening. You have enchanted me.” He said as he gestured to the seat on his right. A servant pulled the chair from the table allowing Shymoora to slide into the seat. Once settled she looked across the table where the Shida sat glaringly, and unsurprisingly so. Shymoora cast her a smile.  Then turned her attention to her host.

“Thank you Umdal Hansid, but your attention spoils me.” She confessed with warmth.

The Umdal laughed. “As a woman like you should be spoiled.” He replied. “I must confess I am pleased with this change in you. It warms me to know that you have found comfort and security here in my home.” He said.

“I have, and I must thank you for seeing to my needs. I fear when I arrived I was a bit overwhelmed by how different this place was and the extravagance compared to what I was used to was intimidating, however a day spent in the company of my Instructors has worked away the tension and I find that I am quite comfortable and content this evening.” Shymoora explained. She grinned at the Shida when the woman made a squeaking sound and turned in her seat.

The Umdal reached over and covered her hand with his larger one. “I am glad.” He murmured. The arrival of the first course however provided for a timely distraction, allowing Shymoora the excuse needed to remove her hand from beneath his and stir her fragrant soup.  The Umdal cleared his throat and pulled away to mimic Shymoora’s stiring. “Yes, very glad indeed.” He commented as he brought the spoon to his lips.

“Yes quite the transformation.” The Shida commented coolly. Shymoora glanced up at the woman and smiled.

“Thank you, Shida Hansid.” She commented lightly.


The rest of the evening passed pleasantly, Shymoora even managed to evade the Umdal’s attention long enough to chat with a few of the barons visiting from surrounding properties. It was through them that she learned the havoc that their world had been thrown into to, and through them that she found how important her journey truly was.  From the information she had been given it seemed that Trudge, the continent to the east, had issued an attack on Omon. According to the Baron Witting, who sat immediately to her right, the Trug were aggressive beings, and quite ugly, while they were mainly warriors and grunts, their leaders were powerful sorceres who had been gathering resources for war for some time. Witting feared that the Trug leaders had called upon a dark evil, which explained the demonic fire that engulfed Orion and other small cities. Shymoora had shivered with an odd sense of danger as the older gentlman explained what he knew of the east landers and their ways, and the demonic evil power that he believed they now wielded. It was all to dark to believe, but then what she had seen at Orion was almost irrefutable proof of the man’s words. The eastern coast of Omon was in immediate danger of invasion or worse. The Blood Wardens and their allies were scrambling to gather their forces and would soon set out to seek aid for other lands, for if Omon was defeated by the long dormant enemy then all of the world would be open to its attack.

Once the last course was removed from the table the Umdal stood and thanked his guests, he spoke briefly about the meeting of the leaders which would be held in the territory to the north, and invited his barons to travel with his caravan in the coming weeks to the capital. Not long after the guests excused themselves. Shymoora stood, prepared to escort herself back to her rooms, still unaccustomed to not having Draven about to take her hand and lead her she hesitated. “Seri V’raldii, please allow me to escort you back to your chambers.” The Umdal said as he came to stand at her back and offered her his arm. Shymoora chewed her lip and moment and darted her eyes about the room, it was now empty save for the servants removing platters and wax from the gilt table. She smiled up at the Umdal.

“Thank you, Most High.” She murmured and placed her fingertips over his wrist. She thought for a moment she felt him tremble softly, and slid her gaze to him to find him smiling at her, but completely still.

“Come, it grows late.” His voice sounded weary suddenly. He led her out of the dinning hall and into the dimly lit corridor. “I really enjoyed your company this evening.” He commented as they fell into a slow but still progressive pace.

“Thank you, and I yours, Most High.” Shymoora replied quietly.

The Umdal sighed deeply and came to a stop at the foot of the stairs. “Shymoora, might I beg a favor of you?” He asked softly and turned to face her, taking each of her hands in his own. Shymoora swallowed hard and forced herself to look up into the Umdal’s face.

“Of course, Most High.” She nearly whispered, he throat suddenly dry and aching.

“I ask that you not address me so formally when we are along, perhaps you would greet me with my given name instead. Daveth.” He caught her chin inbetween his thumb and middle fingers and tilted her face up to his, his eyes gleaming in the dim light and a hopful smile playing on his lips. “Would you grant me that wish sweet Seri?” He asked in a deep pleading voice.

How could a plain titless girl deny an Umdal such a small request. She was aware that to cross that line would open her to other requests but she was not yet sure enough of herself to deny an Umdal anything, especially something that seemed so friendly. She offered him her best smile and looked wrapped his fingers around his hand pulling it away from her chin. “I would be honored, Daveth.” She agreed.

The Umdal gave a quiet groan and closed his eyes. It was a long moment before he took a deep breath and looked at her again. “Let me take you to your room, I have kept you long enough my dear Shymoora.” He said as he took her elbow and led her up the stairs. The remainder of their walk was spent in silence but as the stopped before the door leading into her sitting room the Umdal took Shymoora into his arms and held her close to him, his voice was gruff and almost pained as he spoke. “I know it is too soon for you to even consider, I am surprised at my own urgency, but you have me spellbound, I yearn to spend my time bathing in your smile, listening to your sweet voice, touching your soft flesh, just like this. Tonight, at the evening meal I thought I would die before I caught a moment alone with you, just to have your attention, just to pull you into my arms and revel in the feel of your softness.” He whispered into her hairs all of the things that were on his mind. All the while Shymoora remained still in his embrace, her hands cupped around the firm muscle of his upper arms, her cheek turned and pressed to his chest, and her eyes wide with shock and confusion. “If I could have but one kiss from you, I know that I would sleep the slumber of lovers, my mind not so tortured by need for you.” He finished.

Shymoora blinked rapidly, trying to wrap her mind around what had been said, trying to formulate a plan of escape without causing the Umdal, her host and protector, any offense. Yet she had little time to do anything before his lips found hers in a needy and hungry kiss, his mouth slanted over hers, his tongue forced her lips apart so that it could invade her mouth, choking out any words that might have been there. Shymoora’s eyes grew wider still as he stroked the inside of her mouth with his, twirly his tongue and groaning into her lips. When the realization of what he was doing settled upon her it was a cold and frightening feeling. She whimpered with distress and pushed at his chest while turning her head so that his mouth slid across her cheek. “Daveth!” She gasped and was immediately released.

He panted and pressed his head to the wall with his eyes closed. Shymoora covered her cheeks with her hands. “I-I am sorry Shymoora, I should not have taken such a liberty.” He ground out and thumped a fist on the wall. Shymoora instantly became aware of the possibility of Estra coming to investigate and realizing what had happened, she rushed forward and grabbed the Umdal’s hand and trapped it between her own two trembling ones.

“Shhh.” She begged. The Umdal looked at her eyes, his eyes glazed with an emotion Shymoora had only glimpsed. Seeing such raw desire on his face caused her to redden and drop her gaze to the floor.

“I do not know what came over me, sweet Seri, can you forgive me?” He murmured in his still gruff voice.

“Certainly, I was simply taken aback by your-your kiss, I have never been kissed before, Most High.” Shymoora stammered. “I mean, Daveth.”

His hands were on her face again, moving her head back so that he could look into her eyes. “I swear not to take such liberties again without your permission.” He groaned and looked away. “There is something about you, Shymoora, that draws me to you, I cannot explain it, I just feel such great need when I am with you, it consumes me, it causes me to do things I would not normally do, and while I find the feelings you stir inside of me delicious, I know your innocence and that alone is like torture.” He confessed.

“I am sorry Umdal.” Shymoora breathed, those words were like ice water and caused the Umdal to straighten and step back.

“There is no need to apologize Seri V’raldii, I will not force me feelings upon you again, but I do ask that you allow me to at least try to win you, as impossible as it may seem, I can be quite charming, and you deserve the most gentle of wooing.” He replied evenly. Shymoora smiled then, glad that he had given his word that he would not repeat the events of the night and willing to get to know him better.

“I would like that.” She said. “Good night, Daveth.” She added as she turned and opened her door.

“Sweet dreams, Shymoora.” She heard him whisper as she closed the door behind her. She touched her lips, they felt bruised and swollen. For a moment she was unsure of what had happened. She sat on a nearby plush chair and stared at the door, wondering if he was still out there. The Umdal Hansid of Porni had kissed her. It was not a gentle or innocent kiss, but one filled with passion she did not yet understand. She knew that she did not have such passionate feelings for the Umdal yet, but she did enjoy his company. “Seri? You are late – are you unwell? You are flushed dearest.” Estra said as she came around and pressed a hand to Shymoora’s head.

“Estra, what do you know of love?” She asked quietly.

“You fancy yourself in love Seri?” The woman asked as she fished her hands on her wide hips.

“No, not yet, but is it possible to grow to love someone? Or do you simply love them from the beginning?” She asked, still staring at the door.

Estra looked at the closed door and then back to Shymoora. “Well I would think you would grow to love a person, I cannot say that I have ever met anyone who fell in love from the first. Why do you ask?”

“Someone has confessed they desire to spend more time with me, they were very passionate about it, and while they feel very deeply for me, I do not yet feel the same, I am unsure if it is because I would never feel so tenderly for them or it is simply because I do not yet know them well enough to develop a tenderness for them, I am quite confused on how to approach the situation.” She explained.

Estra laughed and took her hand, pulling her to her feet and leading her into her bedroom. “Well that’s easy, you take things slowly, get to know them, let them know that it is too soon for you to know just how you’re feeling, and if nothing happens, strive to remain friendly like.” She explained as she began readying Shymoora for bed.

“I do not want to cause offense. I do not think this person is used to rejection.” Shymoora worried.

Estra stopped and frowned at the girl. “If my suspicions are correct, he likely isn’t, but he is a big boy and will deal with it in his own way. Just don’t lead him one way or another until you are sure of how you feel.”

Shymoora sighed and nodded as Estra slipped her sleeping gown over her head and led her to the round bed. She sank down on to the softness and smiled. “Thank you Estra.”

“No thanks needed Seri.” Estra replied and bustled out of the room. “Now get yourself a good bit of sleep dearest.” She called as she left the room.

Shymoora sank back into the bed and gazed at the red curtain above. “Umdali Shymoora Hansid.” She whispered and then rolled over to giggle into her pillow. Giddily she imagined what it would be like to be the Umdali, she imagined Draven’s shock and disapproval, and Mirriam’s frowning face. Yet anytime she tried to imagine herself standing at Daveth’s side she could not. With a groan she hit her pillow. Things outside of her safe home in Orion were so complicated, and now she had a royal admirer to deal with. She knew nothing of romance, not how to engage in it or avoid it. She was completely lost on the entire matter, and was terrified that the Umdal might use her innocence to his advantage and trap her in a situation that would cause more heartache than anything else.

The days that followed turned to weeks and before long Colmas was upon them in Porni. Shymoora’s training was nearly complete, her healing powers had long since surpassed her Master’s, who incidentally didn’t turn out as bad as she first thought, and her Ugla  war training had moved from combative to kinforming. She was now working on increasing her stamina in her kinform. The hunts that lead to her kinspirit discovery were harrowing and long lived but well worth the effort. Out of the few kinspirits that could be claimed Shymoora found she was chosen by the Night Stalker, a sleek shadowy and large cat form, each kinspirit was unique but Shymoora was secretly glad that the Night Stalker had chosen her instead of one of the others. During the final night of their hunt for Shymoora’s kinspirit Master Lina explained the importance of the act and the purpose of each kinform within the ranks of the Ugla forces.

“Each spirit has an ability, and each ability is matched with a rank or position in the Ugla war force Seri.” Master Lina explained from her crouched position opposite of Shymoora as they sat waiting for a sign. “The Ugla warriors are bonded with only one of these beasts, though some warlords posses the power over all. Tonight we wait, our final attempt for a beast to seek you, and claim you as it’s kinspirit.” Shymoora listened attentively, she had grown to love this new world of magic and might, it felt right. “I am the Sky Hawk, and for that my task within the ranks is to soar above the enemy and launch my attack from the heavens. There is also the Sea Flame, a creature from the depths that can spout fire and water magic from the seas. They are our first line of defense and patrol our shores always. The Twighlight bear is powerful as well, but in a different way, those with that bond have a duty to storm the enemy ranks and plow through them doing as much damage as possible. Finally there is the Night Stalker, this is the unseen beast, she prowls in the night, silent but lethal, Night Stalkers are charged with assassination missions, to bring down the head of our enemy and weak the rest.”

It was not long after Master Lina’s lesson that the Night Stalker made herself known, she was sleek black and purple creature, a feline that moved with such grace she was only a mere foot away before Shymoora caught sight of her slitted grey eyes. It was no easy task to take the beast down, she was strong and lithe. Yet Shymoora managed, with minimal damage to herself, and the ritual of bonding was completed there in the darkness of the night, the feline’s blood still warm and sticky, the scent of death fresh on the cold breeze.

Shymoora was sitting in one of the reading rooms on the second floor considering her new form, twisting her hand as she watched it shimmer with a lavender light and fade into a deadly paw, when a sudden feeling of awareness passed over her, her body tingled unmistakably and she stood moving to the window to look over the crowd that was shuffling carefully through the snow covered streets below. In the distance a shadowy figure caught her attention. Instantly she knew who approached and shrieked happily. The sudden cry in the silent library sent Estra crashing in wielding a cane and huffing wildly as her eyes darted around the small bright room. The sight of her blood thirst maid sent Shymoora into a fit of giggles. Which then caused Estra to scowl and toss the cane to the floor so she could pump her fists onto her hips in her fashion. “What’s with you Seri? Screeching like the house is coming down?” She scolded.

After a few unsuccessful attempts Shymoora was finally able to swallow her mirth and point out the window. “Look!” She exclaimed excitedly as the older woman tottered over to the large window and scanned the scene below, her eyes grew and she gasped.

“I will go see his rooms are readied, you go below and greet him, its chill out so a warm and familiar greeting will be just the thing.” Estra ordered, she headed toward the door and smiled. “I missed the rascal, but don’t you tell him so.” Shymoora grinned and looked outside below, she worried for a moment about her simple white gown and her loose hair, but decided against taking a moment to grab a veil before greeting him. She lifted her skirts and dashed out of the reading room. With a gasp she came sliding to a very unladylike halt a mere inch away from crashing straight into Daveth who lifted a brow and chuckled at her.

“Darling what is the rush?” He asked laughingly. True to his word Daveth had not forced his affection upon her since that first night when he kissed her, but they had been spending a great amount of time in one another’s company, surprisingly Shymoora had come to truly care for him, yet she was still unsure of the nature of her feelings for him. They had shared their ambitions, dreams, and secrets over the last weeks, as well as a few stolen moments of intimacy, which left her wondering always at the quickening of her heartbeat. She looked around him at the stairs anxiously. “Ah, yes, I was on my way to invite you on a stroll through the indoor gardens before you take your midday meal.” He said finally, drawing her attention back to him.

“Oh, oh dear.” Shymoora said with a slight frown. “Draven is just now returning and I meant to greet him.” Daveth frowned deeply then and followed her gaze to the stairs.

“I see.” He replied flatly.

“Oh, but I would be honored to walk with you after the midday meal, if it pleases you, Daveth.” She added, sensing his disappointment.

The Umdal smiled at her then. “Of course, I will call on you after your lunch then Darling.” He replied. Shymoora smiled brightly at him, waiting as patiently as possible for him to turn and walk away before she made a dash for the stairs. Shymoora was just skidding into the entrance hall when the great doors opened with a flurry of cool air and swirling snow. The moment she saw Draven’s dark form mounting the steps outside she launched herself at him. “Shensi!” She cried happily as she came into his arm.

Draven was caught by surprise when Shymoora ran into his arms and wrapped her own about his neck, he had missed her greatly, but he was shocked to find she had been waiting for him in the doorway. He hugged her close for a moment, relishing the feel of her, the rightness of it, before he set her to her feet and looked her over. She had grown even lovelier, so much now like her mother and Brayah he barely recognized the frightened girl he had taken from the charred remains of her home in the Sumas before. She grasped his hand and tugged him into the warmth of the entrance hall chattering all the way.

“I felt you coming you know, silly isn’t it, but it’s true, Estra is off readying your rooms for you, she was excited to see you approaching but don’t let her know I told you she missed you. My training is finished, well almost, I still have a bit of stamina conditioning left to do with Master Lina, but she says I am ready, I have exceeded her expectations, so she says, Im so glad you are- who is that?” She stopped abruptly as she spotted the man coming up behind Draven. He turned and pulled her to his side. Of course she hadn’t noticed, he was so warmed by her welcome he had forgotten his companion as well.

Just as the man entered the hall the doors closed behind him, shutting out the light from outside and causing Shymoora’s vision to falter, the man came to a stop before her and she blinked away the haziness as she studied him, he was very tall and strongly built. She took in the sheer broadness of him with wonder. His skin was tanned and smooth and his eyes were the clearest blue she had ever seen. She was instantly struck with a warm feeling deep inside of her and blushed at the heat there. “Shymoora, this is my companion Connar O’nala, he is a blood warden from the Twilight Carvern.” Draven explained. Shymoora took in Connar’s strong angular jaw and straight nose, his raven hair and smooth complexion. He was perfect. Her mind whispered.

“H-hello Ser O’nala.” She greeted in an airy voice.

Connar smiled at the woman before him. She was so small and delicate that he wondered at Draven’s claims about her becoming a Warden. She was fair, in every way imaginable. Her hair was nearly as light as the crisp white gown she wore, and her skin was a perfect peach and ivory mix. There wasn’t a flaw to be seen, her eyes were almond shaped and the emerald green irises seemed almost fluid as her focus changed. Her mouth was surprisingly enticing as well, and again he wonder how such a delicate flower as Shymoora V’raldii could be anything more than a spoiled and pamper Seri. “Greetings Seri.” He said finally, turning his gaze to Draven. “I have arrived unexpectedly it seems.”

“No, Shymoora simply did not know that I left to claim you, we did not have the chance to speak before my departure.” Draven turned his silver eyes to Shymoora and frowned. “For that I am sorry.” He added for her alone.

“Do not worry; I ceased to be angry with you a long time ago. I’m just glad you are back.” She replied. “You both must be hungry.” She added. “You are just in time for the midday meal, would you like to join me in the dinning hall, or would you prefer to take your meals in your rooms?” She asked. Draven lifted a brow at her.

“Quite the hostess.” He commented. “I believe we will join you in the hall, I am famished and so must Connar be.”

“Indeed.” Connar interjected.

Shymoora smiled warmly. “Perfect, shall we then.” Draven offered his wrist and on cue Shymoora settled her hand over it.

“You have perfected you form.” He commented as the three made their way to the hall.

“You have been away a long time Shensi, I had naught else to do but study and mingle.” She replied.

The dining hall was set up as the customary lunch buffet. At the table sat Mirriam and a few of the remaining barons, each looking up when the three entered.

“Shensi Draven has finally returned, and with him he brings a companion Warden O’nala.” Shymoora announced before directing the two to the buffet. She cast Mirriam a glance taking note of the girls scowl. They had spoken little since the Shida made her threat, mostly because Shymoora had avoided contact with her, but on the rare occasions that they were forced into each other’s company it was always a cool reception.

Once the men had filled their plates Shymoora followed suit and joined them at the table, where she and Draven fell comfortably into conversation about her training. When Mirriam finally excused herself Shymoora looked about the room and then feeling it was safe to speak she smiled at Draven.

“Will you escort me to the evening meal tonight? There is a matter I wish to discuss with you privately.” She said quietly.

Draven frowned for a moment. “What is it?” Just as Shymoora had opened her mouth to answer Umdal Hansid entered the dining hall. The remaining guests jumped to their feet, surprised by the man’s appearance during the midday meal. Daveth wasted no time chatting with any of the barons or their wives, he headed directly for Draven, Connar, and most importantly Shymoora.  “Most High, I am glad you have joined us.” Draven greeted.

© Copyright 2010 C.A. Hobby (cahobby at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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