Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1712959-Comet-and-OrganizationXIII-CH-2
by Comet
Rated: · Other · Action/Adventure · #1712959
the only character I own is Comet now that's outta the way welcome to chapter 2
It was early morning in Castle Oblivion. I heard a knock at the door. “Hey buddy, its Axel, rise and shine my friend, you got a long day ahead of you.” Amber still lay asleep, so I tried not to wake her as I looked at the standard issue alarm clock next to our bed. It was 5 in the morning… Boy was I pissed… “Axel if you know what’s best for you you’ll give me another hour of sleep, or I blast your head off with this AK-47” he was just being a smart ass “make my day” so I fired a round off or two and one hit his thigh, as he screamed in pain I yelled “and I wasn’t even aiming!” Those gunshots made him think twice about waking me up at five in the morning, but the gunshots woke Amber up… I should have bought that suppressor from Xigbar when I bought the gun… Oh well; I kissed Amber on the cheek, said good morning, and told her that she should get some sleep while I got ready for another day of working with her, and then after I got my clothes I realized that their wasn’t one but SEVEN shower heads… God dam, a whole party of Pokémon plus me could shower in here, and then it hit me, that was what it was designed for. I said at that point “Amber you can take a shower but my shower is nearby” Amber walked in, I finally got to look at her in direct light, she was a shiny Blaziken, with a human mouth and nose! I heard her voice “ugh great first thing in the morning I see you naked.” She didn’t need to be rude about it and then she asked, “Are most humans aroused in the morning? Or did I arouse you?” I looked at her hourglass body again, and honestly answered “both most likely” she just stared at me disgusted, so I told her “you have a body that most human women would kill for” she looked at me, she asked, “you think I am beautiful?” I said “sweetheart I’d take you over any human girl any day, or at least that’s the case if I stay single” she said “if you think I’m pretty than we might get along, and about not talking to you yesterday, I don’t really like talking to new people… Even my boss or trainer” I just said, “let’s just forget this conversation and get ready, Saix is probably waiting to give us work to do” Amber replied “than get your muscular human ass in the shower god dammit!” Not wanting to piss her off, I did, seeing a pissed Blaziken is not really a pretty sight. About forty-five minutes later I arrived in front of Saix’s desk. He looked up at Amber and me, he immediately told me that I was late and that all new members (regardless of time around) of Organization XIII were to be awoken at five in the morning to get ready for a day of missions and receive breakfast by 6 o clock, I just asked for my mission and he was surprised, he asked “don’t you want breakfast? Just cause you’re late doesn’t mean you aren’t welcome to…” I stared him down, he just replied to my stare with “your call Comet, Amber looks hungry though” I looked at her, and we went to the kitchen with a mission folder Roxas and his Gallade approached us, he yelled “hey XVI over here! And bring Amber!” I walked over but didn’t understand why he called me by a number, I’ve been here maybe five years and everyone acts like I joined yesterday, but I sat down next to him and said “the hell is that” the tag in front of me said ‘number XVI’ and got an answer from Axel “Well Comet everyone has a number based on when they became a member your XVI or 16 because you were the sixteenth person to appear, but your not a nobody, so you’ll be unpopular for a little while” I said “but Vexen said I was a ‘half-blood Nobody’ what the hell is that?” Axel replied, “Means you’re not somebody with a heart but not a nobody, got it memorized?” I said, “ So I’m half of each… because I was born somebody with a heart but lost it?” Zexion, who had been eavesdropping at another table while reading a book, said, “yes, you poor bastard, you finally understand Axel, I can hear your IQ skydiving down already…” In German I yelled out “ YOU SHUT UP BEFORE I TAKE THAT BOOK AND RAM IT DOWN YOUR THROAT YOU EMO LITTLE ASSHOLE!!!” That shut him up really quick, but also caught Xemnas’ eye and ear. “Are we having a problem?” Axel quickly said “no sir, we aren’t, how is your morning?” Xemnas left, not believing Axel, Amber whispered into my ear “let’s just eat and get to work” Axel, hearing her comment, said “yeah Comet you get to work with Amber today… Make sure she comes back with her virginity, okay?” I reached for a USP .45 underneath my pitch-black cloak and flashed it about; Axel limped away as fast as he could. I put the gun away and got up “come on Amber we got to go do this mission” the mission was to receive some research notes from Prof. Rowan of Sinnoh. I looked at Amber but she couldn’t move. I removed one of my standard issue black gloves and moved my index finger underneath Amber’s nose, she had blood under her nose. I told her “stop thinking about sex, we have to go pick up some research papers” Amber got up without a word. Roxas and his Gallade looked at each other, Roxas finally said “if he was going to do her I know a place a Blaziken like her-’’ he was cut off by me yelling in Japanese “say another word and it will be your last breath!” he stayed quiet until Larxene said “don’t piss him off, it would be really scary” coming out of her it meant something.          I was back in Sinnoh, I really had to stock up on luxury balls so after I was finished getting the research papers from Rowan I went to SunyShore City and bought as many as I could. I RTCed ASAP, or returned to the castle. Saix said I was late again, but reported me on time for giving him more papers than expected. I told him while I was out, I got a Chansey, so our Pokémon had a nurse nearby when they were hurt or sick, I handed him the luxury ball with the Chansey inside. I had also secretly gotten myself a Growlithe and trained it to be powerful… then used a firestone to make her an Arcanine. ‘Boss man’ as Axel called him, didn’t know. I then reported for inspection, they found my Arcanine and they looked at me. I said I had always wanted an Arcanine and a Blaziken because they were both extremely powerful and awesome looking. Xemnas didn’t mind as long as I kept it alive and well. I went to bed shortly after. Amber looked at me as we laid in bed and asked “so your into an morphed version of a Pokémon?” I told Amber even though she was a Blaziken; I still loved her, she had to ruin it by asking “emotionally or sexually?” I looked at her, “the first one, smarty-bird” Amber retorted “I’ll snap your neck if it’s the other one and you try something fishy. Good night.” I cuddled closer to Amber and said “good night sweetheart.” After I said that, Amber’s warm fur and soft heart beat put me out like a light…
© Copyright 2010 Comet (cometxsamus at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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