Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1721532-2nd-November
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1721532
6th Blog (:
Today, what happened? School. MEH! It's making me so tired being back after a lovely two weeks holiday, and now there's all this talk of exams and "controlled assessments" which are boring, I know they are highly important for my education but, I've only been back two days and I'm still sleepy! I've supposed to be spending tonight revising, but I've ended up laying on our new darn comfy settees that I could of fallen asleep on, whilst watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S. and Don't Tell The Bride, what an interesting life I have.. But I was home alone, and had no mum to nag me to do any work, and I think I was better off not because I think I might of forgotten more, if that makes sense. Anyway, I still hope it goes well. Oh and I made curry in Food+Nutrition today and everyone said it was scrummy, I thought it was too! Now to talk about something that isn't going to bore me, I'm going to talk about Chris *Heart* NOM! We've been talking every night for the past few days, and we've spent the whole of today texting. He's a babe, but he's older than me, by quite a bit too. It doesn't bother me, but I don't think he'll see me as a potential girlfriend. He's told me he's done some things he regrets and doesn't want to be in a relationship right now, to clear his head and get his priorities right. Which is understandable, I haven't dated anyone since my last [insert bad word here] and that was over a year ago. So I understand completely where he's coming from, I don't know if I love him. I did use to really really like him, but then we fell apart and now were falling back together and the more I speak to him, the more I like him. He's always telling me that I should think more of myself and not put myself down. I'm a bit of a pessimist sometimes, you'd understand if you knew my life! ADVICE NEEDED IF YOU READ THIS! I know I can't really do anything about it, because we've only just become close again and after everything he said I don't want to creep him out. I'm not even sure of my true feelings. I just think he could be a really nice boyfriend. He calls my beautiful and gorgeous now, which is a lot more than I could of said for my ex's "sexy" is not really the best of compliments in my eyes.

Anyways, boy help is always needed in the land of Grace.
So blog you later, and review/email whatever you want to help or put what you think about my life?
I know it's not that interesting, if interesting at all!
- G (:
(almost put my name then :O )
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