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Rated: E · Other · Other · #1722568
6th November.
I know I haven't wrote in a couple of days, I started writing on friday but then my whole blog got deleted and it was light so I couldn't be bothered to write it all again. So I'm writing about the last couple of days. On thursday I was looking forward to seeing Chris, because I help out at this group thing and afterwards its band practise which he goes to. He doesn't have to go if Jake goes, but he wasn't supposed to be going. But Jake did go, so pretty much as soon as he came, he left and I didn't even get to see him. I can't really remember what else happened on thursday, it's been a tiring war.

Yesterday, my friend Kirsty came round after school and stayed the night. We went to Chris' house as part of my youth group, it was at his house because we were watching the fireworks. It was a great night, and me and Kirsty had lots to talk about. I didn't get to see Chris much though which was sad, and I only got some one armed hug, which wasn't the best. But I'm seeing him tomorrow which should be good, as he owes me a big hug! Which I'm very much looking forward too! I'm sorry for not writing very much me and Kirsty stayed up a bit late, and got up quite early. So I'm probably leave it at that.

Blog you later,
- G.
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