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by Elle
Rated: E · Chapter · Fanfiction · #1772808
Can Rachel Berry Find Her True Beauty And Faith With The Help Of Her Fellow Glee Members
Chapter 1 : No One Really Knows Me

This All Started A Few Monthes Back I Had Just Turned 17 And I Was Walking Through The Door With A Suspension Notice And A Bloody Busted Lip.

"Paul Who Was That?" Daddy Asked As He Was Stirring His Maple Tea.

Dad Peaked Through The Corner And Slowly Made His Way Towards Me Then Quickly Quickened His Pace Touching My Bruised And Beaten Figure I Winced And He Asked "Rachel Dear God What Happened To You?"

Daddy Ran In Quickly "My Lord What Happened Whats That?"

I Quickly Tensed Up And Very Nervuosly Said "Umm A Suspension Notice..."

"What!" Daddy Yelled So Loud I Swore Everyone In Lima, Ohio Heard I Closed My Eyes Scared If What Was Going TO Happen Next.

"Let Me See It Hand It Over" I Slowly Inched My Hand Forward Toward Him And He Forcefully Grabbed It Out Of My Hand.

I Could Hear The Mumbling And Tension As Clear As I Could Hear The Drops Of Water On The Tip Of The Faucet Falling.

"You Got Suspended For Fighting Then Calling Her A Umm Word That Should Not Be Said And Then Pushed Principle Figgins To The Floor When He Tried To Pull Ya'll Apart.. What Has Gotten Into You, You March Up There Get Out Of Those Bloody Clothes And Take A Shower When You Get Down We re Going To Have A Looonngg Talk Go Now"

I Walked Up Rolling My Eyes But I Swore I Felt Like I Was Staring Right At Them Doing It Because Of The Tensuion I Could Feel It Felt So Real.

As I Slowly Took Off My Top Wincing To The Pain I Looked At My Polyester Sweater That Had Red Blood Stains On It

As I Took The Rest Of My Clothing Off I Walked Into The Restroom And Looked At Myself I Felt Fat I Felt Ugly I Looked Like Everything I Hated No One Knew Sure Every One In Glee Club And Even My Dads And Mr.Shue Looked At Me As The Over Obsessive Wannabe Star And Highly Talkative Wierd Freak Girl..But They DIdnt Know Me They Didnt Know I Felt Insecure Or Ugly Or BadAbout Myself They Just Didnt Know Me......

I Stepped Into The Shower The Hot Water Illuminating The Room I Sat On The Floor Even Though The Water And Room Was Hot The Bathtub Floor Was So Cold Until I Sat On It.

I Looked At The Razor On The Side And Grabbed It Fearfully I Held It To My Wrist Hestitently And Slowly Ran It Through My Pale Skin I Winced And Held My Teeth Together As I Slowly Wispered "Ugly.." The Blood Flowed From My Wrist As I Took It Off And Moved Down Alittle Bit Then Ran It Again "Fat.." Then Again Alittle Bit More Down "Stupid..' And Again " Useless.." Then I Sighed And Put The Bloody Razor Next To Me And Looked At The Red River Flowing Next To Me.

I Walked Downstairs With A Really Long Sleaved Night Shirt And Come Short Pajama Shorts And Sat On The Couch This Was Gonna Be A Longggggg Talk.

Its My First Real Story Never Really DId "Dont Close Your Eyes" And Yes This Is Going To Be A frikken Awesome Glee Fanfic....I Hope Haha JK Tell Me What You Think Of It So Far.

© Copyright 2011 Elle (wacie at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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