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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #1819027
A summer of farm work was exactly what Randy thought he needed.
The Fall Harvest

By: Bikerider

Randy woke with a stiff neck and looked at the dashboard clock. 2 A.M. Turning, he watched the exit sign for Atlanta speed past the car window. He pushed himself up in the seat and looked at Paul, his college roommate.

"Are we there yet?" Bones cracked as Randy flexed his neck.

"About another hour," Paul said without taking his tired eyes off the road.

Randy had agreed to spend the summer at the farm where Paul's family lived. It was better than going home and telling his lawyer father that he had decided against going to law school. One more year at State and he would be finished with school. A summer filled with farm work was just what Randy thought he needed.


Randy's eyes fluttered open and for a few seconds he wasn't sure where he was. Like a fog lifting, awareness slowly separated itself from sleep and then he remembered. He and Paul had driven all night, and no one was awake when they arrived at Paul's home around four in the morning. Paul had shown him to the bedroom and left him there.

Randy's eyes wandered around the small, sunny room. Sheer curtains framed the window above the bed. Turning onto his stomach he looked out onto a green backyard dotted with small trees, chickens roamed freely, pecking at the grass. He hoped he wasn't watching dinner fatten itself up.

"Ya'll got in kinda late last night, ah didn't expect to see ya up so soon." Randy turned and saw her standing in the open doorway. Her smile was dazzling, her smooth-as-honey southern accent dripped sex. "You must be Randy," she said. "Paul didn't tell me his friend was so good looking...I'm Paul's mutha, Belle Parsons. Ah hope you slept well."

"Yes, I was very comfortable, thanks Miss Parsons." Randy rolled onto his side and noticed that the light in the hall made Belle's dress virtually transparent. Her shapely legs were nicely outlined under her dress. He felt a stirring in his stomach when he saw the place where her legs met.

"Just call me Belle. Mr. Parson's been dead a long time now, so I go by my given name...Belle." Her smiled lit up her face.

"Okay...Belle." Randy couldn't believe what he was seeing. Belle's long, curly blond hair fell to her shoulders in glowing tendrils. Her blue eyes were almond shaped and large. She reminded him of Faith Hill...and the words of her hit song, "Take Me As I Am," floated through his mind. The way her breasts strained against her cotton dress caused Randy's stomach to stir again, but lower this time. He rolled over onto his back and Belle's eyes settled on the tent Randy's arousal caused in the blankets covering him. He blushed and turned onto his side again but her smile, and the twinkle in her eyes, told Randy she had noticed.

"I'm glad to see you're up," she said through her full-lipped smile. "Come on down for breakfast whenever you're ready." Her eyes made their way to his crotch again. She smiled, then turned and walked down the stairs.

Over the next few weeks Belle and Randy flirted almost constantly. Randy wondered if she was just having fun, or if she was serious about the things she said...or rather, the things she insinuated. For his part, he hoped she was not joking.

One morning about three weeks later Randy was repairing the barn doors while Paul plowed a field, getting it ready for planting. Randy stopped working to watch Belle hang clothes out to dry on a clothes line in the yard. Each time she bent down to lift something out of the basket the top of her dress displayed her ample breasts. Randy knew it was wrong to stare, but he couldn't help it. She bent down again and looked at Randy and smiled. "Taking a break already?" she called to Randy. His face reddened and he turned quickly and got back to work.


"I think country living agrees with you, Randy," Belle said as she walked into the barn. She held a glass of iced tea in each hand, condensation dripping from her fingers. Her eyes floated over Randy's shirtless chest, shiny with sweat. "Yes...it definitely agrees with you," she said thoughtfully, looking into Randy's eyes. She smiled.

Randy felt her wet fingers when he took the offered glass from Belle. "Thanks...for the tea," Randy said. He felt the stirring again.

"Mr. Parsons was a good carpenter, too," she said, looking around the barn. Shafts of sunlight, filled with nature's dust, stabbed onto the hay-strewn floor. "Thanks for your help."

"My pleasure." He took a long drink of tea while Belle watched him, a thoughtful smile on her face.

She walked around the barn with a slow, rhythmic motion—quiet as a kitten. Stepping through slivers of sunlight that turned her thin, white dress invisible, Randy was able to see the outline of her body. He liked what he saw.

She walked over and stood next to him and reached up, gently pulling the hair at the back of his neck. "You could use a haircut." She slid her fingers through his dark, curly hair and smiled when she saw his nipples harden. Her hand rested against the back of his neck. "I'll do it for you."

"That'll save me a trip into town." He turned and smiled at Belle, then let his eyes drop to the open top of her dress where he could see the gentle rise of her breasts.


On Saturday night Paul had a date with an old girlfriend, Rebecca. He asked Randy if he'd like to come along. "I don't want to leave you here alone while I run off with a girlfriend," he told Randy.

"Go ahead, I'll be okay here. I'm planning to go to bed early."

After Paul left, Randy took a shower and was standing in his room wearing shorts and a tank top when Belle came in carrying a small leather bag. "Are you ready for your haircut?" Her watery eyes took in his bare legs and strong arms. She pulled the chair from under the writing desk and plopped it down in the center of the room, then stood smiling at Randy.

Randy looked at the chair, then his eyes traveled over her body. She wore a dress that fit her like a glove. It was short and showed off her firm, defined legs, the low neckline gave Randy a nice view of her cleavage. She wore no make-up, no jewelry, and she was barefoot. Randy thought she looked beautiful.

He sat down and raised his eyes to hers, "I'm ready."

"Are you sure?" She took a step toward him and pressed her hips against the bare skin of his arm, the scent of lilacs swirled around them. Belle's fingers slid through his hair, then along the sensitive skin of his neck and then it rested on his bare shoulder.

"That's a great way to start a haircut." Randy looked up at Belle.

She smiled. "You ain't seen nothin yet." She took a scissor out of the leather bag.


Belle stood close to Randy, her leg pressed against his hand. Feeling the soft, warm skin on his fingers, he slowly slid his hand behind her knee and then moved it up until he felt the rise of her bare cheek. She moaned softly. He stood and put his arms around her waist and raised her off the floor, then set her down on the dresser. He moved between her spread knees and kissed her deeply.

Belle felt the strength of Randy's arms as he pulled her against him. She felt his hardness against her belly and moaned. Her hands fisted in his hair as she pressed her breasts against him and slipped her tongue into his mouth.

Randy broke their kiss. His hot breath caressed her cheek. He kissed the soft skin where her neck and shoulder meet. Belle hummed with excitement and arched her back, sucking in air as his hands cupped her heaving breasts through the silky fabric of her dress. Her nipples felt like pebbles against his palms. Then his hands moved lower.

Starting at her calf, he traced a soft line up her leg, then inside her thigh. She shivered as his hand, as light as a feather, grazed her point of desire. He placed one hand behind her and drew her closer, his other hand drifted between her legs. His fingers found her ache and he stroked up and down, bringing her close to ecstasy. She gasped as his finger explored.

Suddenly, Belle broke their kiss and tilted her head, her eyes wide. "Was that a car door?" She looked into Randy's brown eyes.

"I didn't hear anything," he said and lowered his lips to hers.

The squeak of metal and the hollow slap of wood meeting wood startled them both. "I definitely heard that!" Belle shrugged herself off the dresser, "That's the screen door...someone's here."

Randy craned his neck and heard footsteps on the stairs. "Oh shit!" he said.

They jumped away from each other in a blurred frenzy. Randy adjusted his shorts and sat in the chair, crossing his legs. Belle smoothed her dress against her thighs and bent down to pick up the scissors that had fallen to the floor when Randy lifted her to the dresser.

Paul poked his head into the bedroom. "Hey you two," he said, "I'm home."

Neither turned to look at Paul. Randy raised his hand and said hello, Belle looked over her shoulder and nodded. Both hoped Paul wouldn't see the beads of sweat that glistened on their brows.


Paul kept Randy working with him for the next few days and Randy wondered if he suspected something. Had he heard them as they scurried around the bedroom while he climbed the stairs? When Belle left to visit her sister, Randy was relieved, but he also missed her smile, her flirting, the dresses that revealed so much. She had planned to stay away for two weeks, but when she stayed for another week Randy wondered if she was avoiding him. When she called and said she was staying another week, Randy was sure of it. When she finally returned she avoided being alone with Randy.

School would be starting in a week and Randy knew he'd never be with Belle. It was probably a mistake anyway. She was old enough to be his mother...even if she didn't look like it.

Since Randy and Paul were leaving on Sunday morning, Paul accepted an invitation from Rebecca to go out. Randy declined to go along. He wanted to talk to Belle. He had watched her since she returned from her sister's, and he wanted her more than ever. She continued to wear thin dresses that turned to gauze when she stood in the sunlight. The swell of her breasts over the top of her low cut blouses still caught his attention. He felt like he was falling in love with Belle.

Randy sat on the back porch with a bottle of red wine. In the west the mountains were a dark jagged line against the darkening grey sky. He took a sip and heard the squeak of the screen door as it opened.

"Care for some company?" Belle held out her wine glass and smiled down at Randy, the door banged shut.

"Sure," he said and filled her glass half full. He sat back in his chair and was surprised when Belle sat on his lap. "I'm sorry about that night," he said.

"Don't be." She leaned in and kissed him.

"I don't understand...I've felt like you've been avoiding me."

"I had time to think. There's nothing wrong with two people enjoying each other. Age shouldn't matter." She took a sip of wine and brushed golden curls off her forehead.

"So what now?" he asked as his eyes took in her face, then slowly dropped to her breasts, then down to her exposed legs.

"That's up to you." She put her wine glass on the window sill and kissed him.

Without breaking their kiss, Randy put his arms around Belle, then stood up and carried her into the house. Using his hip, he pushed her bedroom door open and walked in, placed her on the bed and lowered himself on top of her. "I want to take my time."

Randy slowly lowered the top of her dress and watched as her heaving breasts came into view. Taking the tip of her breast into his mouth, his tongue flicked against her hard nipple and then bit down gently while tweaking the other between his fingers. Belle arched her back and moaned. She laced her hands behind Randy's head and pulled him to her. Warmth pooled inside her belly, then emanated downward. Her whole body yearned for him.

Randy slipped down onto the floor and slowly pulled her dress off. He gently pressed her thighs apart and his fingers made feathery movements along her sensitive folds. He used his thumb to make small circles on the swollen nub he found at the tip of her sex. She gasped as Randy placed tender kisses along her inner thigh and then replaced his fingers with his mouth.

"Randy," she gasped. He answered by raising his hands along her body, stopping to knead her breasts.

"Sweet," he murmured, then pressed his tongue deep into her center.

Belle's fingers grasped at his hair. She was in a sensual fog where sparks arced behind her closed eyes and she waited for whatever was next. She bit her lip as Randy move up over her body, his hardness brushing against her thigh. She spread her legs and reached for him.

"No...let me find you." His breath was warm on her neck as he continued to slowly move over her. His hand slipped between them and his fingers found her moist yearning. Slowly, so slowly, he positioned himself so his rigid girth was pressed against the place where she ached.

"Yes, Randy, now...please." Her breath was ragged and came in gasps. Her fingers clawed at the skin on his back. "Please...I want you."

Randy felt himself slip into her warmth. Slowly he lowered himself against her until he was fully enveloped in her hot folds. She groaned against his mouth. Reaching around her, he fondled her bottom, squeezing and massaging her soft globes. He pushed deeply into her and then began a steady, rhythmic thrusting against her hips. His tongue explored her mouth.

She opened her eyes, a satisfied smiled widened her lips. She saw the set of his jaw, the tight line of his mouth, and she knew. He was close to the place where ecstasy reigned. She reached up and gathered him to her, pulling him down on top of her. The warmth of his body covered hers.

"Take me...Randy." She pulled at his backside. "Feel me around you, caressing you, pulling you." She looked up and saw his eyes tightly shut. The warmth that began in her belly was hot as it flowed through her and coated his manhood.

The coil inside his loins tightened. He felt the heat snaking through him like lava, and it filled him with determination. He thrust deeply into her center one last time and his length began to spasm, spewing himself inside her, coating her petals...her very core.

Belle felt his need, his unstoppable desire, and she arched her back, pressing her hips tightly to him. She moaned against his neck and pulled at him with clenched fingers as she felt his warmth filling her—deeply. Opening her eyes she saw his face strained with pleasure, her heart filled with pride knowing that she had brought him to this place of wonder, this oasis of bliss. It had been a long time, but it made her feel good. She felt like a woman again.


The early morning sky turned the color of a new penny as the sun slivered above the eastern sky. Rising higher, the sun brightened the colors crowding the surrounding hills as Randy sat on the porch, his filled backpack at his feet. Belle came out of the screen door and let it bang shut behind her. She handed Randy a cup of steaming coffee.

"The colors are beautiful this year." Belle stood next to him, sipped her coffee and watched the sunrise. Her eyes slowly moved to him.

Randy saw Belle's thin, cotton nightgown disappear in the sunlight, his stomach stirred when he saw the rise of her backside. He reached over and stroked her thigh. Belle turned to him and smiled.

"I'm going to miss you." She wiped a single tear that dripped to her chin. Randy raised his face to Belle. She leaned down and kissed his lips. Her scent wafted into his senses.

"What time are you and Paul leaving?" Belle placed her hand on his shoulder.

"I'm not...I decided to stay. I told Paul this morning."

"You're not serious?" she looked at him, hope filled her eyes. "When were you going to tell me?"

"Right now. I can't leave, Belle...I'm in love with you. Besides, Paul left an hour ago."

"What? Randy...it's been fun this summer, but it's time for you to go back to school." She said the words but hoped he would ignore them.

"It's been more than fun, you and I both know that, Belle." He turned and looked at the rows of corn he and Paul had planted shortly after they had arrived at the farm. "I'm going to stay with you. You'll need help bringing in all that corn."

"...Well, I could use help with the harvest." Her smile stretched across her face.

"Then it's settled, I'm staying." He reached up and put his arm around Belle's narrow waist and pulled her to him. The aroma of lilac swirled around the lovers.


Word Count 2990

Entry for the Paradise Cove Contest, October 2011.

© Copyright 2011 Bikerider (bikerider at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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