Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1837171-An-adventure-into-a-day-dream
Rated: E · Short Story · Dark · #1837171
This story is just happend on accident!
She looked like she was deep in thought, lost in the depths of her own mind. Day dreaming about somewhere much better than this. She sees herself without a care in the world, skipping through a flowery field. She stops and lays down in the warm summer air. Her curly golden hair surrounding her head like a halo. She reaches toward the sky with her finger and writes on the blue vast canvas, {/i}Hello world. This is me. Knowing that no one else could see it she got up and wandered into a long deep forest. It was dark and damp and reminded her of were she came from. Suddenly she comes to a split in the path. She knows one will take her out of this scary place and one will lead her farther into it. She doesnt know what to do so she kneels down and begins to cry. Suddenly a light appers at the end of the tunnel and she knows in her mind that this is the right way. But in her heart she knows that it is a trap. A small voice in the back of her mind told her "Dont be afraid. Do you think I would ever let you down?" So she obyed and started down the lighted path. About 6 paces in the light got so dim that it almost went out. She heard someone laughing. She turned around to see a little old man stabbing a lamb. She began to cry as she watched the lamb struggle for she knew that there was nothing she could do to save it. Then she knew she had made the wrong descion. She knew that she had to run. Run back to the split in the road past the dying lamb and the creepy man. She would go down the other path and never look back. She began to run when the little old man grabbed her and put the knife to her neck she began to scream in fear. Then out of the deep darkness a blinding light appeared. It shouted loudly "Dont be afraid for I am with you." Then she felt the man release her and she started jogging out of the path looking back only to see the man cowering by a tree. Then she ran. She ran as fast as she could and this time never looked back. Once she arrived at the split in the road she knew what she must do. Now she stands at the split and tells people who come her story and about the path she went down and the one that she was suppose to go down. Also she prays to the big booming voice who is her savior. When the time is right she will leave the fork in the road and this time go down the right path.
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