Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1875976-In-the-Cold
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Relationship · #1875976
A feeling, once controllable, when it becomes uncontrollable
The cold, icy wind pierced her skin as she stepped out into the dark of night. The chill that ran down her spine, a reminder that death was still near. Gently snow flakes fell all around her, collecting on the ground, covering her clothes. As her gaze turned upward she had to squint to see past the the snow flakes that had gathered on her lashes. She exhaled, slowly collapsing to her knees, her breath making a large cloud of steam in the freezing night atmosphere. She wanted to cry, God how she wanted to let everything out. But she couldn't, even though everything inside of her was trying to tear it's way to the surface. She tried to scream, tried to do anything; but all her pathetic, emotionally tattered soul could do was let out a barely audible yelp. Giving up, she laid on her back, watching the falling snow swirl and dance around her. She pushed herself into the frozen ground, forcing the cold to completely engulf her body. If she couldn't cry, couldn't scream, then she wanted to feel numb, to feel nothing. Pushing herself further into the ground,a whisper escaped from her trembling lips, "So I can feel the nothingness I've become."
© Copyright 2012 Leigh Taylor (asaviers at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1875976-In-the-Cold