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by Daisy
Rated: E · Other · Supernatural · #1971835
Chapter 2 of Reiki 11
Matilda had seen her neighbours's car many times during her 40 years.

She had seen it around the town nearly every week, but rarely saw the driver

or passenger. She could however always sense the passenger and driver

within. She could sense their twisted and deformed souls that had been

ravished by time and their wrong doings. The dark cold almost pure evil that

emanated from them, which made her shudder.

She often wondered just how old her neighbour and his driver were and what

they might have done to emanate such evil . She had hoped that surely by

now at least one of their souls would have departed to the spirit world by now.

Then occasionally she had thought that maybe they were not even human,

since she had never come across such a force of energy coming off any

human before, or any living thing for that matter.

Nobody local seemed to know who they were, and not many people had ever

seen them. Matilda had had a close look at the driver when she was a child.

She had been waiting at the bus stop with her mother and they driver had

parked the car and walked past. He turned to Matilda and looked her right

into her eyes.

So Matilda had been able to look past his piecing green eyes and look right

into eyes and deep into his soul. She had seen a soul tired of existing and in

need of healing. A soul enslaved to his master for all time.

This was a gift she had been born with. Possible her greatest gift and at the

same time her greatest weakness. A gift not uncommon in humans . Those

who have this often do not realise they have it and use it in their day to day

life without even realising. A dangerous gift if used wrongly. Something that

Matilda was well aware of, and so used it with caution.

The few people who had seen Matilda's strange neighbour had described

them as a one being very tall and presumably male in a black hooded

coat. Nobody had actually seen what was under his cloak. Those that had

seen the driver described him as a little old man white hair and beard often

holding a stuff, who seemed more approachable. This was only presumably

because he was little and very old. For he still had what people described as

haunting green eyes which peered out from enormous grey eyebrows that

hung over his eyes. His skin was transparent and wrinkled like someone who

had of great age who had lived in the desert all their life.

Even those without Matilda' s powers could sense there was

something not good about these two. Although she had always felt there was

great evilness emanating from them, she sensed evilness in many places

and from many people, and she new she should not dwell on these thoughts.

For if she were to do, so she would not be able to concentrate on her

everyday life. She was aware there was a great unseen battle going on

between unseen forces in the universe, some good, some bad and some

indifferent. What they were fighting about, did not concern her.

She did not want to get involved with anything outside her healing

secessions. She felt she had enough to deal with, just dealing with

the things she came across in her healing sessions. She could have asked

the higher beings that helped her in her healing sessions, but she chose not

to this. She knew, that if she did, she would inevitably become involved in the

unseen turmoil and her life would never be the same. She did not know that

from the day she became a Reiki healer she was already involved in this

unseen battle that had been going on since before the beginning of time and

would probably never end.

As her neighbour's car came closer to the house Melissa turned from the

window to watch Anubis, Tarot and Pluto usual reaction to the evil

presence going by. They would stop what ever they were doing or in this

case wake from their sleep and rush into garden. They would climb up a tree

hiss and arch their backs. This always slightly amused Melissa . Today for

some reason she began to suspect that her cats, were looking after her and

, rather than her looking after them. The orb cats now unseen to Matilda

because of the daylight spun all around her , as if trying to create an invisible


Once the neighbour had gone by, peace seemed to envelope her house,

and would stayed that way until he returned to his house. The birds started

singing and everyone relaxed. The neighbour was usually away for several

days at a time, each week. Melissa and her cats felt relieved and their

home suddenly became a calming place to be. She had soon picked

up on this and tried to arrange any healing sessions, to be done while her

neighbour was not at his home.

After watching her cats reaction to her strange neighbour. Melissa went out

of her bedroom and went to prepare her breakfast. To do this she passed

down the glass corridor that nearly all the rooms in the house lead off.

This glass corridor had a glass roof and glass halfway down the side that

formed the outside wall.There was a windowsill that run from one end of

the corridor to the other, only stopping at the french doors. This was the

main entrance to her house. What Melissa called her actual front door was

opposite this. On this windowsill there were yet more flourishing plants in


On the opposite wall there were also numerous little tables crammed full

After eating her breakfast Melissa gathered up her bag and keys

and went out of the kitchen, and back down her glass corridor.

She passed the french doors and opened the only unpainted wooden

door in the corridor.

This was a stripped pine door to her healing room, with the two beautifully

painted detailed angels on either side. She looked up at the painting like

Anubis above the door and reflected again on how much it did look like him.

At the feet of each angel on either side of the door were five cats. On each

cat’s head a was a painted a different symbol which Melissa thought to be

some sort of sacred geometry. This was because she had sensed the energy

that each gave off. Every time she passed by them or went she could feel the

pure white energy that seemed to surround them. She had also meditated on

each sign. Imagining the sign larger than life size standing in front of her.

Her whole body would eventually sway in time with the vibration

of the symbol she was meditating with. In this way she had worked out that

each one had a different vibrational energy, but she did not know what they

were for.

Matilda had decided that all of her cats must of at some time lived at this

house or had some connection with it. For each painted cat was like either

one of her living cats orb cats, apart from the signs on their heads.

She entered into the healing room and glanced briefly to see if she could see

any being in there. Matilda used only her sight and this morning because she

was in a rush did not sense me there only just visible to the naked

eye. My outer edge just catching some light from the opened door.

I wanted to tell her that she should tell no one of what she saw

that day. Matilda's healing room was also a doorway for me to travel to the

physical dimension that you humans live in . Unfortunately I can not travel

threw it. I can only communicate with her if she was meditating or healing in

there. Matilda can sometimes see me in certain lights, but she normaly

sensed my presence.

I was concerned that I had not been able to warn her not to tell any living soul

of what she was to see. For today I had seen the signs that this would be

the day that the universe had been leading her too. Too many of my fellow

inter dimensional traveler and higher beings had now vanished and it was

time for Matilda to develop her powers to help us. Her soul was as ancient as

time itself. A pure soul, given to a body created, by my master to have

many gifts to help us. Many had being protecting her soul threw time, waiting

to play our last card, who is Matilda.

There were two entrances to Matilda's healing room. The doorway that

Matilda and you humans would use and the doorway into my dimension. The

healing room being the passage between the two dimensions.

I cannot tell you yet what my dimension is called.

Matilda had specialy set up this room for healing because she could sense

the higher energies coming from my dimension. When she had removed the

wall paper from around the door into it and seen the paintings of the angels,

she knew this room was very very special. Then she had realised why she felt

she must buy this house. Never before had she had so many higher beings

that would come to her healing room.

In fact she regularly checked in it to see if any of the higher beings that

helped her in her healing sessions were there. There arrival mean’t

somebody was just going to be turning up with or without an appointment to

be healed.

People would just turn up sometimes and Melissa was always

happy to heal them, if she was not off to her other part time job. This

was working as a kind of personnel secretary. This job was not

far away in the town she had grown up in.

After seeing that there was no one in her healing room this morning,

Melissa shouted out "see you later you higher beings " or maybe not " she

muted under her breath. She then turned and went out of the room closely

followed by her orb cats spinning round above her head . She locked

her front door and then went into her dilapidated old garage, which was

right next to her house.

Her car was a 2cv and started first time, this morning. She backed it

out of her garage, narrowly missing her dustbin.

As she drove off to work in the morning sunshine, she was already

getting a bad feeling about this day.
© Copyright 2014 Daisy (percypigeon at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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