Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1972371-Ghost-wolf
Rated: E · Fiction · Dark · #1972371
based on concepts from the rpg. game system world of darkness
The street was still wet from a passing shower that lasted only a few minutes. The wind was blowing and the moon was peeking in and out from behind the remaining clouds; it was in its crescent phase so there wasn't a lot of light. The power was out from a transformer that blew an hour ago, before she left the house. Erie silence settled over the neighborhood. The rhythmic pounding  of her new jogging shoes echoed as she jogged." maybe tonight was the wrong night to try and break these in" She thought to herself.

Lisa's heal was hurting, she stopped and pulled off her shoe to see if she developed a blister: no blister but there was a piece of the tag still protruding from the inside of the shoe. She pulled it out and slipped the shoe back on. Suddenly" CRASH!!! "She spun around to see a trash can rolling in the middle of the road; she scanned the area, to see if someone was fooling around. She could see no one than another can flew all the across the street to the other side, than another, and another, heading in her direction. No one was there they just seem to fly by themselves. She turned and ran as fast as she could down the suburban street not a person was in sight. She ran into someone's drive way  she pounded frantically on there door, no one seemed to hear her. She ran back to the street every trash can she passed flew into the air. Faster and faster she pushed her self .she had never been so scared in all her life. Trash can after trash can flew into the street.  She sprinted into the park and stumbled  over a low stone bench. She rolled into the marble fountain with a hard thud; knocking the wind from her lungs gasping for air she Scrambling to her feet she spun around looking to see if anything was following her. She could see nothing  coming.She bent over from exhaustion and pain with her hand on her knees, her shins she were bleeding  she inspected the damage, it was not bad, still panting from exhaustion she tried to make sense of what just happened. She glanced around again she saw nothing but she could hear a low growl slowly reverberating around her from all directions, shadows danced around the tree line; she was terrified , nowhere to run,  she collapsed to her knees with her hands on her ears trying to shut out the horrible sounds. The growling got louder and louder. the temperature dropped lower as the inhuman growl continued, until she could see her breathe, the air chilled her to the bone. The growling continued to get louder she screamed. She was so scared her dark brown hair suddenly streaked with white just above her ears.  In an instant the growling stopped and dead silence fell over the park. a low mist rolled up from the ground and  then a distant howl of what sounded like a pack of wolves echoed across the park . The mist retracted back into the ground.  she sat there on her knees still holding her hands over her ears and shaking uncontrollably she slowly looked around she could see nothing ." excuse me mam, are you alright" Lisa screamed and spun to face a man walking out from a foot path leading into the park. Lisa rose to her feet shakily and started to fall back down, the man seemed to blink from one end of the fountain to her side, catching her.  He was so strong he lifted her right into the air she wrapped her arms around his neck and began to cry uncontrollably. "Whoa!! There, what happened to you lady? Do you need a doctor or maybe I should call the police for you."

"No thank you." she said releasing his neck." Do you think you could call my husband and walk me back to the road he must be worried about me."

He handed her his phone and guided her gently by the arm back to the road.

She dialed her home phone he picked up on the third ring. "Hey Hun it's me could you please come and pick me up at the west entrance of central park.", Her voice still sounded a little shaky.

"Are you OK Lis? "Lis was his nick name for her.

"No mark something really weird happened during my jog; scared the hell out of me." She still sounded shaky. "But I am fine now; I'll explain when you get here" she handed the phone back to him"What did you say your name was?" She asked him.

"Oh I am sorry how rude of me. My name is Nathan Rayne." he said holding his hand out.

She gingerly took his hand. "I am Lisa Landon" she said smiling." Thank you for your help Mr." she paused trying to remember what he said". Rayne, did you say?"

"Yes that's right. "he said letting go of her hand.

"Well thank you again Mr. Rayne" she said." Do you think you could stay with me until my husband gets here? he should be here any minute."

Sure Mrs. Landon no problem. He said. He had no intention of leaving until he knew she was safe. He knows what was after her.

"Are you sure you don't want me to call the police" he asks with concern in his voice.

Lisa looked him in the eyes and could not look away. His eyes were stark blue; Like huskies. He had a strong face, dark hair, shoulder length, she could tell the way his cloths fit that he was well muscled  about 6 feet tall. And a strong musk was coming off him like he had been running as well tonight. she could feel her blood pressure rise and her cheeks were beginning to blush as he stared back at her.  Her head began to spin and she felt herself beginning to fall into him. He gently took hold of her shoulders to steady her. "Look. Is this your husband?" He said pointing to an approaching blue SUV. She looked to where he was pointing "yes" she said returning to the moment. "Thank you for helping me Mr. Rayne"

"My pleasure mam." He said.  He opened the door for her,and helped her into the passenger seat. "She had quite a shock Mr Landon take care of her." he said and smiled placing his hand on her leg." you will be OK now, good night MRS Landon"

© Copyright 2014 Ian Blake (dauthamber at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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