Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1989608-Alexiss-Story
by brigxx
Rated: 18+ · Other · Tragedy · #1989608
This is an old piece, and I just wanted to share it.
It was somewhere between one and two in the morning that my life changed. It was a Friday night, and my best friend Emily had been talking about a party a junior had invited us to at his house. Normally, teens go out and party and rebel, but I’m not like most teenagers my age at all, and my best friend, Emily knew that as well. For Emily this was a big event because the one boy she had a crush on would be there, and all the big shot boys would be there too, so I knew I had to go with her to make sure she was okay. But really, all I wanted to do was sit at home and watch doctor who’s marathon that was on television tonight, but I sucked it up and did this for Emily. I had thought about what to wear, and at first I was going to go with casual what I wear normally sort of thing, but Emily had suggested I go out and crazy with this to try to get someone’s attention. Usually freshmen were never invited to these things at all but seeing that Emily had some sort of connection to this guy, we were invited to the party.

This guy was some sort of big shot in our school, Matthew Connin was his name. This kid was the star of our high school’s basketball team, as well as our football team too. So you can imagine just how popular he was, right? Emily’s older brother Kevin was best buds with Matt when he was in high school, so treating Emily like royalty was needed for Matt and all the rest of the team. So he decided to do good by that and brought us along just to see if we would like this sort of scene, which I really doubted that I would, but for some reason I was excited and nervous all at the same time about this “party. I was wearing something actually that I wouldn't wear out in public and in front of guys at all. Emily had said that it would draw people’s interest in me. Well, actually just one person in particular. I figured I would give it a shot, since I had nothing better to really do on this night. If I wanted to be honest with you, I was nervous for this party. I wasn’t one to be good with social gatherings with people I didn’t know. Like, I said before I was doing this for Emily, because she was really the one that wanted to go. I didn’t know that it would end up changing my life dramatically though.

Emily went on and on about Matt on the ride over to the party. She didn't even get how I wasn’t interested, because honestly, me and Emily are so opposite in the way we act about life. See Boys weren't my main interest at all in my life, but I had to admit Matt was a good looking guy, and hell he was the captain of the football team, and co-captain of the basketball team, what did I have to lose? Nothing, really. But anyways, I was wearing a little black dress with black sandals since I knew heals wouldn't be good at a party. I had make up on but not too much since I didn't want to overdo it on the makeup. I didn't think a junior would really go for freshmen but hey you never know do you? We walked into the door of the party to a full blaring sound of the new hot song playing that all the teens were mushing about, and then Kevin looked at both of us and said”have fun, girls! Don’t find me if you need me please.” And there he went into the crowd. We both knew the first person we would go to, anyways was Tyler. Tyler Mcstream was a good friend of both me and Emily’s. Tyler Mcstream was known for his excellent times in Track, and his awesome pitch on the baseball team. Tyler was actually a year older than both me and Emily. Tyler Mcstream was known to be the best star athlete, after Matt of course. The thing about Tyler is that Emily had a HUGE crush on him. I felt for her, and understood her crush to be honest. He was a good looking kid, and a real charmer.

But Emily had some impressing to do on this boy because he was a ladies man, like any other jock in our town was. If she wanted a chance with the next big shot,she would have to outdo the most popular girl in the tenth grade, Paige Trilly. Paige Trilly was known very well in this town because her older brother, Brent Trilly was one of the best basketball players the town has ever seen. Paige was a tall girl, with lushing blonde hair that flowed down her back, and these baby blue eyes that captured your essences. She didn't even care for Tyler actually. They were friends but she wanted Matt. Which meant if I wanted Matt, I would have to try my hardest to get his attention?I finally saw Tyler with of course Paige, which he was trying so hard to flirt with her, but you could tell she had no interest at all in him. As we walked up to Tyler, Emily tried to cover the big smile she had on her face. I saw the disgusted face on Paige, and then she kissed Tyler’s check and left him with us. If you can’t already tell, Paige hates me and Emily, and the fact that Tyler hung out with us disgusted her completely.

Paige went right by Matt trying to get his attention but Matt's eyes were not even there. His eyes? You would never ever believe this. But they were on me. Yeah I know a junior looking at a freshman. That was hard to believe. But it was true. He finished his conversation up with his friends, Ryan Weston and Connor Leither. He put his drink down and started to walk toward me and Emily. Bump Bump, Bump, and Bump, that was my heart telling me that I had a admirer and I was very nervous about it, too.That was my heart though, thumping over a guy that I had never really talked to, and never knew. But that’s how it went actually for us girls. . As he came closer, I didn't know what he was going to say or what I was going to say back to him. He smiled and looked to Tyler and said "Hey stud. I'm seeing you got the two prettiest freshmen with you". Tyler smiled and said "Yeah I guess so".

His eyes wandered to find Paige. Matt could tell. He looked at him and said "Dude, It's not worth it. She's not worth it at all. She'll like you for a week then play you and then dump your butt". Tyler looked at him and said "Well you're encouraging today." Matt looked at him and said "Telling you the truth man. She did it to Ryan like two weeks ago, just to get me jealous but I'm not like that". Matt looked to me and smiled. He looked to Emily then Tyler. He sighed and said "Well Ladies. Can I have the pleasure of knowing the names?' So I guess this is where I say my name to you. I wanted it to be another way really I did. But he asked and I reply. Emily looked to him and said "I'm Emily. Kevin's my older brother". He looked to her and said "Oh you're the little sister he talks about". Emily sighed and blushed a bit. I knew she hated that. I looked to him and said" I'm Alexis." Matt looked to me and smiled. The music started to play. He looked to me and said "Alexis, Can I get you a drink". It was random, I know but this gave me some time and Emily some time to talk to Tyler . I nodded to Matt, giving his a slight smile as well and said "Sure". He put his arm around my shoulder and started to walk towards the kitchen. He went to the table with the drinks and said "What do you want to drink". I looked to him and said "um soda".

He grabbed a diet Pepsi and opened and handed me the soda. I smiled and said "thank you." I took a sip and looked to him. He smiled at me and said "So how's freshmen year going for you". Seeing that it was only about two month's in to the year, he had to know my response to that question right? Or maybe not. I looked at him, and said” It’s going good I guess. My teachers are fine, the school is pretty big, but I mean, isn’t that supposed to be how it is in high school.” Maybe that would change after a few more months. I had no clue. He looked at me and laughed and then nodded and said” I remember that year pretty well. But, again my year was pretty swell, and the rest of the years to follow. Everyone already knew me, because of my brother.” I smirked and then thought of course someone had to be the bigger one than him. He looked to me and said "Yeah it's not hard to think I had an older brother". I smiled and said" I guess not".

I took another sip of my soda. I took a look around the kitchen, observing the area, and the people in the kitchen. A couple was on the counter about inches away from us making out, yeah this wasn't awkward at all, right? . He looked to me and said" Not much of talkers are you?". I looked to him and shrugged and said" You'll get used to me not talking then all of sudden I talk and talk". He nodded and said "Okay we'll how about you come up stairs with me. I have a new cd and I think you would like it". I thought wait is this his house. I looked to him and said "Why not". He smiled and put his hand around my shoulder again. The stairs were in the kitchen, odd place to be but I knew these were the back stairs to upstairs. We turned to the left and went upstairs again. I looked around and then saw a door. It had a sign saying Matt's room and caution do not enter.He opened the door to the room. There was a bed near a window and it looked like a king or queen. I wasn't sure about bed sizes. Over near the other side of the room was a couch then a desk with a cd player stereo. He walked to the desk and popped the cd in and hit play. He turned it up loud. I looked at my phone and it was ten o clock already.

He looked around and said" You can sit on the couch". I stood there for a minute or two, then I decided to sit on the couch. I walked over to the blue couch, and sat down, and crossed my legs.. He walked around the room circling and looking around. I didn't know what he was doing. I finally got it after the sign that this was his house. I wondered now how Emily was doing without me. I wondered if she was a wreck yet. I heard a beep from my phone. I slid my phone out of my pocket that my dress had. It was tiny enough to fit in there,Thank god for that too. I looked to see a text for Emily. I opened it up and it said where the heck you at? I texted back “IN HIS ROOM. Oh my god I can't even breathe. Text back if you want”. I slid it back into the pocket. Matt was still walking in circles. He looked like he was thinking. I didn't really know what to think.

I heard a beep and slid my phone out and read the text “Oh my god, deep breathes Lexi. Deep breathes. Tell me about it later. I'm with Ryan Weston. Gosh I never knew how hot he was. I think I'm finally over Tyler . Peace sistah tell me lata about every little thing”. I closed my phone and slid it back in to the pocket. I looked up to Matt and said" Neat room". He looked to me and said "Oh thanks. It used to be my brothers." He seemed to talk about his brother a lot. Something must have happened to him. I sighed and said "Oh, I really like it". He nodded and sat down next to me. I looked to him and smiled. This wasn't awkward at all. Nope not even a little. I was a nervous wreck right now. All I wanted to do was go down stairs and run away from this. But I couldn't. I looked to him and said" I really like the music". He smiled and said "shhhh". He leaned in and then he kissed me. Oh god I almost melted right there and then. I couldn't believe this. He just kissed me. A junior just kissed me. Oh my god. I didn't know what to do. He backed up after like three seconds of kissing or so. I looked at him and smiled. He leaned in a little and I leaned in a little to and then we kissed. It went from there now. We started to make out. It was great. He was great. It was amazing now. Oh how I couldn't even breathe. This was more than I ever imagined. Then he let go and we stopped kissing. He sighed and said "I think I went too far. I did it again. I went way too far". I looked to him and said "shut up and kiss me". He smiled and leaned in and started to kiss me. I couldn't help it. I was so happy. I didn't know what to do. I started to smile. Then I focused more on the making out now. He backed off and said" You are really pretty you know that". I blushed and said" well thanks. You not so bad yourself ". He smiled and said" well thanks missy". I looked to the clock almost eleven. This is where it starts. This is where I didn't know what to do. Yes, I could have stopped it to happening but I didn't know how. He smiled and said" I'll be right back. I have to go see how the party is".

This is when I felt kind of awkward but I nodded in agreeing. He stood up and walked out the door. I could hear him go down the stairs then his steps disappeared. I slid my phone out and texted Emily.” Oh my god we made out TWICE. He's down stairs Emily”. She texted right back and said” get out of there. NOW. He's not going back up. Someone one else is. A guy you don't like at all. TRISTIAN GALDEN IS COMING UP THE FRONT STAIRS and VINNY Metcalf up the back ones. TYLER IS COMING TO GET YOU”. I slid my phone in the pocket. I think now Matt set me up for this. I opened the door and looked out. I didn't know what to do. I sighed and heard them both coming. I dodged out and down the hall to a room. It was dark. I couldn't see in it. I managed to find the bed in the room. I sat down on it and just waited. I didn't know where Tyler was at all. I slid my phone out and texted Emily. “I'm in his sister's room. Where is Tyler ? “A minute later she texted back and said “he got caught by Ryan. IT WAS A TOTAL SET UP. LEXI get out of there now. Please”.

I texted her back and said” their coming I heard them. I'm staying here. Please get Kevin”Back down stairs Emily tried to get her brother. She got caught by Matt. She sighed and said” I need to see my brother Matt”. He sighed and said "No Em. Sorry your brother isn't available". I sighed and waited. I heard a knock on the door. I panicked. I stayed still and didn't talk at all." Lexi, its Tyler. Open the door". I got up and saw him but then I saw Tristan. I tried to close the door but Ryan pulled Tyler and then Tristan pushed into the room and Vinny followed him in as well. I backed up and into the bed. I got pushed down on to the bed. I didn't know what was happening. I tried to scream but Vinny's hand was over my mouth.I lifted my foot and kicked him right in the forbidden zone. He sighed and said "I have a cup, sweetie. It's not going to work". I sighed and bit his hand. He screamed and took his hand off my mouth and shook it a bit. He slapped me and said "You are one brave little girl". Tristan looked around and smiled. He looked kind of weird looking. He was kind of ugly.

It wasn't like his looks but his personality that made him ugly. He was attractive but still a jerk. Vinny pulled out his wallet and grabbed something. It looked like a condom but I didn't get a clear view of it. It was too fast for me to see. Vinny sighed and said "Who first bro". Tristan smiled and said" Me. You know I've wanted this pretty little thing since I saw her. So I get her first". Vinny nodded and passed the thing. That's when I knew it was a condom. I tried to scream but then they put tape over my mouth. I heard someone trying to get in. I didn't know who. I wish it was Kevin or my dad or maybe my older brother, Cameron. I didn't know what Tristan was going to do to me at this point. Vinny looked at him and said "Bro you going to or you too chicken man". Tristan sighed and said "No man. She teased me and she deserves this. She gets what was coming to her." I was confused now. I didn't tease him. I was just being me. I didn't know I teased people. He sighed and looked at me once more. He slipped his shirt off and then took his belt off. He then slid his pants down to just his boxers. I took notes of his blue boxers that seem to match his eyes perfectly. I sighed. He was too attractive that it was sickening. I looked at him and watched him carefully. He pushed me back on the bed more and then got on me. He took his boxers off and slid the thing on. It was over in 10 minutes. For guys that was a quickie. The big thing for girls was done for me. My plans, my everything. This wasn't so good. He got off and took the thing off and got dressed. Vinny was sitting on the couch waiting for his turn. Tristan kissed me and left the room to Vinny and did the same thing as Tristan did but this was different. I didn't feel the thing. I felt more like him more. And this is when I knew. This is when I was truly scared. I didn't know what to do so I lay lifeless. It was longer. It was way longer. I could tell. I knew it was. It was about 1 30 now. I could tell Emily was worried about me. I could feel it. Then I didn't feel Vinny there. He was standing at the end of the bed. He smiled and said "Have fun. You were good. Your body is great".

He opened the door and Emily and Tyler ran in to the room. They turned on the light. I was under the sheets crying my eyes out by this time. Twice in a night. This was just not a good thing.I sat up and looked to them and said "Tristan was nice. He wore one but…" I stopped in mid sentence. I didn't know what to say. I was totally scared. I looked to Tyler and said" He didn't use one." Tyler shook his head and said" Lexi you have to go to the hospital. You have to report this. You really have to. I'll bring you. I'll make sure everything is okay and if you want I'll call your parents or Cameron to come get you". I looked at him and said "All I want is to take a shower". He shook his head and said "No that will get rid of the evidence." I nodded and said "the condom is on the floor, and I guess I'll go". Emily looked to me and said "I will go too. I don't care what anyone says. I will go with you". I nodded and said "okay. I'm still in the dress. They didn't undress me so I don't know how he said my body is rocking". Tyler nodded and said "Okay sweetie let's go".

He picked me up in his arms and Emily behind him. We started down the back stairs and out the back door. Everyone was still here so it was a safe way. He put me in the back of the car. Emily sat down in the front seat. He took his keys and went to the front and drove off. The party was still going when we left and that was somewhere close to two in the morning. I was surprised. Emily looked to me and said" Don't worry Lexi everything will be okay". Tyler was driving slowly but not to slow. The hospital wasn't really that far from Matt's house. Maybe that's why it was such a good place to live. I soon couldn't see a thing. Everything was going black on me. My eyes were seeing fuzzy around and blue and a lot of other colors. Then suddenly I blacked out. I couldn't hear a thing. I couldn't feel a thing. Emily screamed" Alexis Alexis. Tyler , Hurry Hurry. She just blacked out." I could feel the car go faster than before. Then it stopped and went to park mood. That was the last I really felt. I soon woke up in a bed. I didn't know where I was. I looked around and saw my brother Cameron then Tyler and Emily and Kevin. I didn't smile, just laid there.

Cameron looked to me and smiled. He didn't say a thing but I knew he wanted to say how could you. You knew mom and dad were out on vacation. I sighed and closed my eyes. Soon I was woken by a doctor and a nurse. The nurse smiled and said "Sweetie we have the evidence. Now, we need your clothes. You need to stay here for a while since you blacked out in the car". I looked at her and said" I blacked out on the car ride". I sounded so pathetic. I sounded drugged up and out of it. She smiled and said "Yeah, Did they give you anything at all". I looked to her and said "No, All I had was a soda from Matt". She nodded and said "Matt what?" I could barely speak now. I spit out Connin and then closed my eyes. I was totally out of it.
© Copyright 2014 brigxx (brigxox at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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