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by BarryN
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1996857
Some mega rubs off on Liz
Chapter 17: Some mega rubs off on Liz

The rest of the weekend Liz and Tom got used to their new roles. Most of the time was spent with Tom serving at Liz’s feet. She did not Mega-out again, as there was no need. She was already twice as strong as him in her normal state, which was plenty strong for wrestling and other things. She loved being able to dominate him with her normal, yet superior, strength. To squeeze him with her legs, pin him under her mighty feet and make him beg to kiss them. And she could tell, Tom liked it too.

However, it was time to return to the real world, and the couple began packing back up their bags.

“I am going to have to get all new cloths,” Tom said as he packed up cloths which used to fit, but now simply smothered him.

“We can go shopping. It will be fun. I know how you LOOOOOVE to shop,” she said smiling.

Tom smiled back. “Right. I will probably have to look in the kid’s section or something,” he said. Liz laughed.

“Maybe,” she said as she packed up her cloths. “Um, about that, I think you need to call in sick to work for at least a week, maybe longer. That is the only way to explain your rapid muscle loss,” she said.

He turned to her and smiled. “What, I can’t say my girlfriend turned into a super woman and used her powers to drain most of my strength into her?” he asked.

“Um, negative,” she said as she closed up her suitcase. “But I did have an idea. Why don’t you stay at my place? We can continue the fun we had here, plus as my ‘foot Servant, you don’t really have a choice,” she said.

Tom walked over to her and kneeled. “I know. Okay, sounds good to me Supreme Master Almighty Muscle Liz,” he said.

She sat on the bed and extended her right foot. “My sandal,” she ordered.

“Of course,” he said as he grabbed it and put it on her foot. She brought up her other one. “How about a kiss goodbye, will be a few hours before you can worship at my feet again,” she said coyly.

He smiled. “Of course, you are the boss,” he said as he kissed the bottom of her foot a few times. “Sorry again for fighting you on this,” he said.

“No problem. You have accepted it now, which I love,” she said as he slid her sandal on. “You can stand, help me with the bags,” she said.

Tom got up and instinctively went to the larger bag. He grabbed the handle. “Ung,” he gasped. Liz looked over.

“Need some help honey?” she asked.

Tom sighed. “Yes. It, it’s too heavy for me. I can’t lift it. Damn I am weak,” he said as she walked over and, with some effort, lifted the bag and took it out to the car. Tom grabbed the smaller bag, which was still heavy to him, and followed her out.

“Guess I should get used to you being the muscle around here huh?” he said as they loaded the bags.

“Yep,” she said as she got into the passenger seat and him the driver seat. He started the car and pulled away.

“Wild weekend huh?” she said.

“Too say the least. I still can’t believe it happened, the powers you now have. It is like something out of a comic book,” he said. “Which reminds me, you did put on your Mega Woman outfit right? Never know when we may run into another band of thieves, or if some one needs a mountain moved,” he joked.

She laughed and flexed a bicep. “I have it on. We are good, no more nude super woman,” she said as she looked at her bicep.

“So, um, you notice anything different about me?” she asked.

“How so?” he asked as he looked at her flexed arm.

“My muscles, I mean, my normal muscles. They feel like they have gotten bigger over the weekend,” she said.

“Oh, yeah, I, I kinda noticed that as well. Especially your legs. They felt firmer when you had them wrapped around my head last night. Maybe you retain some level of your mega strength in normal Master mode?” he asked.

“No, no I don’t think that is it. I think that, and you aren’t going to like this, but I think when Mega Woman drains someone, I retain that person’s ability to build muscle,” she said.

“Um, okay. So like, you drained those two guys almost dry, and he drained a hell of a lot out of me. So, are you saying that you can build muscle three times faster than you could before? Is that something you wished for when you got the powers?” he asked. “And more importantly, does that mean I will have to work twice as hard to build muscle? ”

“To answer your first question, yes, it is something I wished for. And since there isn’t much of anything that can tax my strength in mega-mode, I guess that power went to me when I am just normal. To answer your second question, I am afraid that is a yes too. You will have to work really hard to put on extra muscle,” she said.

“Damn,” he said accepting yet another sign of his weakness. “Okay, nothing I can do about it now I guess. So, like when we were wrestling, you were adding muscle?” he asked.

“Appears so,” she said excited. “Not much, but some. Imagine Foot Servant, with a few workouts I will be even stronger than you! Remember how you were glad you were stronger than my big muscle toe?’ she asked.

“Um, yeah,” he said.

“Well after a few workouts, you might not be able to say that anymore!” she said as the thought of him being weaker than her normal toe excited her.

© Copyright 2014 BarryN (barryn1978 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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