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Rated: E · Other · Other · #2001170
The entire group is brought in for questioning.
Unknown Land, Interrogation room, top-secret lab

I wake up to find myself strapped to a chair. A man stands before me, and by the looks of things, he's studying me. Turning on a television, he instructs me to look at it. On the screen, I see Thornton. He was strapped in the same chair I'm sitting in.

"Name and current species?" The man asked. Thornton looked at the man.

"Thornton, and I'm a kitsune." He replied. The man jotted notes.

"I'm Velkin. I'm here to ask questions and study you and the rest of the intruders. While you were unconscious, we discovered your blood type, IQ, and genetic makeup. We can clone every one of you now." The man said.

This happened to Jon as well. When the new recruit showed up on screen, I huffed and looked down.

"Hmph... I thought a deity would be able to free himself from leather straps like these..." I grumbled. Velkin cleared his throat, catching my attention.

"Please look at the screen." He instructed.

The video continued playing.

"Name?" Velkin asked.

"Anemoi." The recruit replied.

"Well, Anemoi... As far as we can see, your eyes are red, your hair is black, you're approximately 5'6", and your pale skin glows. Why is that?" Velkin asked. Anemoi shook his head.

"I'm a god. Is that too difficult to understand? See these robes? They resemble royalty." Anemoi replied, rather frustrated.

"Why haven't you escaped if you're a god?" Velkin asked. Anemoi immediately broke the fourth wall in his answer.

"The readers desire suspense and adventure. If I escape now, where's the suspense?" Anemoi asked.

I had to show respect for Anemoi. He showed discipline even though he wanted to get out of there just as much as I did. I promised to apologize to Anemoi for being rude earlier. Velkin turned off the television screen and whipped out his clipboard.

"Now it's your turn. Name and species?" Velkin asked.

"My name's Lucario. I'm... Well... I'm a Lucario." I reply. Velkin jotted down the notes, then looked at me.

"Lucario, our lab results came in. We have your blood type, your IQ, and-"

"Can we hurry this along?" I interrupted him, getting quite annoyed. Velkin looked back at his clipboard.

"We discovered you have a disease called Lycanthropy. When were you bitten?" Velkin asked. I growl softly.

"I was born with it." I replied, trying hard not to snap at him. Velkin walked behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. As uneasy as I was, I allowed him to do so.

"Your friends didn't give us much information..." He said calmly. "Perhaps you can help us?"

"I refuse to help you!" I bark angrily. He firmly but kindly squeezes my shoulders.

"I know what you want so desperately..." He whispers. "What you long for... Help us, and it's yours."

"There's no possible way you can bring my family back!" I growl.

"And as for a cure for your Lycanthropy?" He asks. I ponder for a moment.

He then orders guards to escort me back to the cell with Thornton, Jon, and Anemoi waiting for me. As I sat down, I immediately remembered to apologize to Anemoi. Although he was silent, he nodded. I was satisfied to have made amends. That thought came back... The desire for a cure... Do I really desire it? So far, it's been a curse to me... Then I remember what my father said long ago.

"You have a gift..." He said before he died. "...and I know that one day, you'll use that gift for good."

I sat up and walked to the bars of the cell. Grasping the bars in my paws, I strained to pry them apart.

"Lucario, you're insane. Even if you pry them loose, there's still the metal door we have to open. The door is about 3 and a half inches thick." Jon muttered.

"I've seen the clipboard. I've seen the IQ's of everyone in it! We're all freaking geniuses! If we put our heads together, we can figure out a solution." I snarled, straining against the bars. The bars on the door start to bend as I struggle.

"Guys, make Lucario angry." Thornton suggests. Anemoi stares at me and then turns to Thornton.

"And you want him to rage, I presume?" He replies. Thornton nods.

"Lucario, you're pathetic! You can't bend bars?" Anemoi asks.

"You're a failure at everything you do." Jon chimes in. Thornton pauses. He tries to find an insult that's such a low blow, it would guarantee a reaction... Then his ears perked up.

"Lucario, those hunters did your parents a favor by killing them. You're a disgrace to them, and you let them down." He taunted.

"GRRRRRRAAAAAAAAGH!" I roared as I tore the door out of its hinges and hurled it angrily. The door made a smashing sound as it struck the wall, and it clattered loudly on the floor. Thornton pat me on the back as everyone else left the cell.

"Your parents would be proud. Now Jon and I will hack the door open. We all have to be ready when the door opens." He orders.

A few beeping sounds were heard, and the door opens up. My heart sinks as I see what's on the other side of the door. Velkin stood, grinning as he was accompanied by a group of men with guns.

"Velkin, I've made my decision... I don't want a cure!" I shout.

"I wasn't planning on giving you a cure anyway..." Velkin said, pointing at us. "Fire on my mark, boys."

Thanks for reading part 8! Part 9 will be made soon!
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