Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2024724-Straight-Erotica-Sample-1
Rated: XGC · Sample · Adult · #2024724
A female and male engage in sexual ways. Nothing you haven't seen before.

Straight Erotica Sample #1

He hastily adjusted his tie and panted heavily, sweat pouring down his face from every possible pore. Turning to the mirror, he assessed the damage. "Dammit," he groaned, "Why does she do this to me? Fifth time this week and she still has the same effect..." He swiftly buckled his belt and zipped his fly up, narrowly missing the protruding, throbbing flesh concealed within.

"It doesn't matter if I whack it one time or a thousand before our date... She always..." His fist slammed down on the side of the sink. "Ugh, I'm pathetic and if I ever told her, she'd think I was some sort of freak." He bit into the side of his finger for a moment to bring him back to reality and gave his hair a shake. "A slave to my own lust..." He sighed deeply, pulled a comb out of his pocket, and ran it through his short, brown hair as he dared to stare into his emerald eyes. 

"Then again... Maybe she'd think it flattering--cute even," he paused for a second, "No, no... That's just the boner talking... Can't let the man downstairs take over I can't..." He stuffed the comb back into his pocket and stood up straighter; making it so his slender body looked perfectly aligned with itself and anything around it. Just before walking out of the men's restroom, he grunted to himself, "But damned if I'm not even going to try for her before the night's out."

The man hurried back to his table, covered with multiple wine bottles, where his lady had been waiting ever so patiently. She was a fair looking woman, with shoulder length brown hair, light blue eyes, and a lightly speckled face, which usually sported a kind smile. Her chest was of average size, B-cup breasts at best, but she made up for it with a curvy figure that'd make any man turn his head as she walked past. For this dinner, she wore an elegant blue dress that hugged her body in the most pleasant of ways, leaving very little to the imagination of onlookers.


He sat down, shaking his head and opening his mouth to speak. "God, I'm so sorry Elena. I don't know what happened in there, seriously, I mean, I know I'm lactose intolerant, but it was just one glass for Christ's sake."

She held up a hand, looking to her wine glass. "Please... Spare me any further details, Jack. I understand." Promptly, he nodded and pulled a piece of bread out of the basket, mulling over the thought of biting it for a few seconds before taking a peck at it.

They both fell silent for a while and the sounds of classical instruments and the conversations of the others around them filled the air. Sensing the silence, the man said, "So, where were we last?"

The woman looked into the man's eyes thoughtfully for a moment and said, "How you'd like to fuck me."

Shocked, the man's eyes widened, "I'm sorry, what?"

The woman's brow came down, she repeated her words more clearly, and slowly, "How you'd like to spend my time off? I'm taking a few days to relax and all. Interior design can be so taxing."

"Oh, um, of course," Jack said, shifting uneasily in his chair as he felt his pants tightening around his groin. "Well, staying at home sounds good to me... Just you and me under the covers cuddling and watching movies or something."

A smile worked its way onto her face and she nodded, "Oh yes, that sounds lovely... Now that I think about it, we haven't really cuddled much, have we?"

He cleared his throat, "No, we haven't and if it's alright with you I'd like to change that."

"Perfectly fine," she said as she picked up the wine bottle, "Want to make me whine like a cheap slut?"

The man blinked twice, "Run that by me again?"

"Would you like some more wine...?" She said as she leaned forward, fully exposing her perfect cleavage.

Time seemed to slow and the man heard his heart beating within his ears as his manhood began throbbing wildly, a wet spot forming on the outside of his dress pants. He bit his lip and held his hand down, keeping it from reaching toward one of her breasts. Sweat trailed down the sides of his face. He closed his eyes and all it once he shouted, "Dammit, Elena! I want you!"

By the time he opened his eyes again every person in the restaurant was staring at him in awe. All except for Elena. Dumbfounded, he looked to the cool smile that rested on her face. "Took you long enough," she whispered.

"Wh--" Jack coughed up before Elena took him by the hand and dragged him out to the door. Along the way, several of the men gave Jack pleased smiles, accompanied by raised thumbs, but he gave a halfhearted grin in return.

Outside, waiting for them was a black limosine, which Elena crawled into with Jack falling in after her.

All this time Jack's mind was racing, but he couldn't think at all--the lack of blood going to his head didn't help either. Before he could put the pieces together, his lips had already collided with Elena's and they were sharing a deep kiss. The door behind Jack slammed and he lay back on the long, flat, curved sofa-like seat that they were on, pulling Elena on top of him and moving his hands up and down her back aggressively. He groaned and grunted into her mouth as he rubbed his lower half against her.

Their tongues twisted and danced from one mouth to the other. While below, their hands took hold of any clothing in the way, particularly Elena's. She took hold of Jack's pants, pulling them down forcefully, leaving only his boxers, between her and his lively manhood. She moaned into his mouth quietly as she rubbed herself on him, feeling Jack's hands roughly grabbing her ass, giving her an odd sensation of pleasure.

Then, almost as if she'd planned it, she pulled away from him, breaking the kiss as a line of saliva trailed from her mouth and his. She put her lips against his ear and whispered, "I'm all yours."

His eyes widened and a grin spread from ear to ear. Wordlessly, he sat up, shifting his weight forward and pushing himself onto Elena while a hand ran up from her knee, to her inner thigh, trailed up her stomach and finally landed at her breast. The soft mound of flesh seemed to quiver in his masterful hands, her nipples erecting to their fullest between his fingers. She gasped, closing her eyes and pressing her head back against the cushion beneath her as he took a light pink nip into his fingers, pinching and rolling it ever so softly in one direction and the other. Continuously, her quiet moans and gasps flew past her lips and crowded the air.

Jack's cock twitched with each pleasureful note that caressed his ears. He wanted so badly to remove his strained and restrictive undergarments, but he wanted so much more to pleasure his love that'd been tempting him for so long.

Mmmm.... No reason to rush, he thought to himself as he pressed his lips against the side of her neck, letting his tongue lick at it in between gentle suckles.

From above him he heard, "Stop teasing me, you bastard..."

He grinned, taking his lips from her neck and to her earlobe. Gently, he nibbled on it as he whispered back, "What...?" He snickered. Smoothly, he slid his hand down her body, just the same as it came up, and rested its palm at the top of her womanhood, lightly brushing the pubic hairs back as he pressed down on it.  Elena's eyes shot open, feeling her most intimate of places tingle and grow warmer as Jack's palm pressed harder, rubbing in a circular motion and stuck two fingers out on either sides of her swollen clitoris.

He sighed, satisfied to feel his partner's subtle twitches and listen to her lustful moans. He released her earlobe and instead took one of her succulent nipples into his mouth, flicking his tongue against the sweet flesh. Between his fingers he gently rubbed the nub, going faster as Elena's hips thrust harder up into them, trying to force more pleasure out of the position. "So impatient," he teased as he let her nipple out of his mouth. He gave it one last kiss coupled with a sly grin. 

Suddenly, he slipped his middle finger against her slit, which was immediately met with a gush of warm fluid that quickly coated his entire finger. He grinned, pulling his finger up to him and inhaling her scent--a sweet and citrusy smell, but at the same time pungent and strong--then licked it clean happily. "Mmm... You taste even better than I'd hoped, Elena...," he whispered to her. Jack couldn't quite tell, but it looked to him like she was blushing and he gave her a small smile of reassurance.

Just then, the vehicle came to a halt and a man with a gruff voice called out to them both, "We've arrived, Miss!"

Elena sighed and rolled her eyes, her face scrunching up. "If I have to tell you one last time, Charles..."

"Oh, don't worry, madam. I've already gotten out. I'll go get the bedroom prepared." Elena cleared her throat and turned her attention back to Jack, giving him a giggle.

"Sorry about that," she whispered. "Continue."

Jack cleared his throat and got up for a moment. He grinned as he glanced down at Elena, and hummed to himself merrily as he got down onto his knees and came face to face with Elena's snatch, pressing his nose into the moist folds. His tongue poked out of his lips and he slowly began licking up one side of the labia and then the other, lapping at Elena's juices as she moaned his name in delight. He felt two hands firmly plant themselves on the back of his head and he gave Elena's love button a quick flick with his tongue and as he did, he felt his hair being tugged.

He snickered, rapidly running his tongue from the bottom to the tip of her clit, swirling his tongue around its tip before encasing it in his lips and giving it a tender kiss. Softly, he suckled on it while he took his first two fingers and brushed their tops against her entrance and at once, she gasped aloud, shaking with anticipation. He encircled the hood of her clit with the underside of his tongue as he sucked harder; hoping to catch her off guard as he slowly sank his fingers into her slick and tight cunt.

Slowly, he pumped his fingers in and out of her, gradually picking up speed until they became a blur, making her entire body tremble as he worked her. "Fuck, Jack! Mmmm...!" It was only a matter of seconds before Elena jolted up, shouting Jack's name as she came, her juicy fuckhole contracting and tightening around his fingers.

Pleased, he took his fingers out, gave her clit one last lick and just as soon as he'd finished, he pressed his lips against hers.

© Copyright 2015 Steven Jackson (stevenljackson at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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