Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2041592-Is-a-Dream-Just-a-Dream
by TM
Rated: E · Fiction · History · #2041592
A young girls dream determines to outcome of a family vacation in history
Approx. word count: 735                                                   7212 Ardleigh Street, Apt. C3
                                                                                Philadelphia, PA 19119

Is a Dream Just a Dream?

By Theresa Manley

Claire bolted upright in bed breathing heavily and sweating. She had a dream that the ship sank. The ship that she, mommy and daddy would board two days from now sank in her dream. The three of them were on the deck, with crowds of other passenger's waiving, as they departed for Southampton, Long Island. She was walking between them holding their hands as they boarded the ship. Then suddenly she was in the water, on a lifeboat with mommy watching the big ship sink. They were both crying because daddy was not in the lifeboat with them. Claire told her mother about the dream but she said it was just a bad dream and not to worry.
The next day Claire sat at the table watching mommy make breakfast. She decided that when daddy came home she would find a way to talk alone with him about her dream. Although mommy said it was just a bad dream, it seemed very real to her. Like one of those visions she read about prophets having in the bible during Sunday school.

"Daddy, can I ask you something?"

He was sitting in his big chair with the pipe in his mouth. This was his do not disturb posture that Claire was familiar with, however the situation was of grave importance.

"I had a dream about the ship we're getting on tomorrow."

"Uh huh."

He wasn't listening just nodding and mumbling sounds to appease her or just get her to stop talking. Claire knew this strategy too. Therefore, she plopped down on his lap pushing herself under the newspaper he had open to block her view. Annoyed he looked at her over his glasses then smiled.

"Well since you won't let me read it must be important."

"Do ships sink at sea? Because I had a dream that the ship we were on sank into the ocean."

"Why Claire you know dreams are not real. Just something you ate that disagreed with you."

He was smiling when he said this and Claire thought he was making fun of her. She furrowed her brow so he could see her seriousness. He put his arms around her and pulled her into his chest.

"There is no need to worry Claire. The ship is perfectly safe. I would never take you and mommy aboard a boat that I thought would sink."

Her mother came in and sat down in the chair next to them. She reiterated what her father had said.

"I've heard that this ship is state of the art engineering. The first of its kind and your father helped to make it that way Claire."

         "Is that true daddy?"

Before he could answer her mother continued.

"Of course it is that's why your father came here to work with the other engineers to make sure the ship is safe."

"Well if daddy worked on it I know it's safe because he is the smartest engineer in the world."
Her father smiled taking pride in his daughter's confidence in him. Claire gave him a kiss on the check then got up and went to her room. She was convinced that her dream was just a dream brought on by too many cookies she ate after dinner. Now that her fears had been laid to rest she could concentrate on the task at hand, what gifts to buy at the market tomorrow for her friends back home.
The big day was here and Claire was excited. She had awakened early because she could not sleep. She was eager to see the ship her father had worked on with the other engineers to make it safe. After all it was going to be a long journey across the Atlantic Ocean and mommy said they might even see whales from the deck.
The dock was full of people moving in line to get aboard the ship. As Claire looked at it she could not believe how big the ship was. It looked like a city floating on the water. Nothing this big could ever have a problem and sink thought Claire. Why even the name of the boat meant it was strong, sturdy and powerful. As they approached the walkway to board the ship the Porter took their bags.

"Welcome aboard the Titanic Mr. and Mrs. Tenny, said the porter. I know you'll have a pleasant journey."


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