Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2069320-Elves-Unite-in-Smear-Campaign
Rated: E · Fiction · Children's · #2069320
Santa's Elves start a smear campaign against Blitzen accusing him of dishonesty.
"This is perfect and well deserved, given what I found him doing the last few months," Elf One said as he finalized the banner that said, "Don't Trust Blitzen". Elf One had programmed the banner to flash this warning message in red letters across the screens of all of Santa's colleagues and Blitzen's contacts starting that evening.
"Awe, are you sure? From what you've told me, it all seems like circumstantial evidence to me. Did you actually SEE him steal Santa's Christmas cookies each time? Or was it just the trail of crumbs that you found that made you THINK it was Blitzen?" Elf Two asked, rubbing his beard in inquiry. Elf Two was a pleasing sort of Elf who was only happy when everyone else was happy and everything was in order. He became quite anxious when there was trouble brewing among the team.
"I am quite certain, even though I didn't actually SEE him put his grubby hooves on the cookies that he is the thief. I've followed many paths of crumbs to his stall and he's gained weight, if you haven't noticed. Which, by the way, is going to be a huge hindrance to Santa's travels on Christmas night. Why, with him weighing down the sleigh, we may have to recruit additional reindeer, which means more cost, and he may delay the scheduled delivery of goods. Not to mention quality may suffer if the sleigh is tipping half the time towards his side due to his extra weight and items are damaged. It is a huge risk to the Cost/Time/Quality triangle," Elf One said assuredly and indignantly. He was going to save the mission and blow the whistle on poor Blitzen. Santa would thank him with much gratitude.
"Now, I presented my findings at last week’s Elf meeting and all agree that this was the best way to start to resolve this. Santa will see this, begin to see the truth about Blitzen’s lack of integrity and character, and confront Blitzen right away. Blitzen will see this and he will, of course, become angry and deny it, but he will STOP all of this dishonesty and thievery. Hopefully, he'll have a chance to lose a few pounds before Xmas Eve." Elf One smiled with an evil twinkle in his eye. He was the Elf that was always scheming to get in Santa's good graces by telling on the other helpers. He had a jealous streak in him and he couldn't stand to see Santa bestow kindness and gratitude to the others. In his opinion, Santa was overly partial to Blitzen and it wasn't deserved.
“Well, I think we should stake out the kitchen after Mrs. Claus puts out her cookies out this afternoon. I’m surprised you haven’t done that. Then we can be sure that it is Blitzen before you activate the warning message this evening. Come on, I can smell the cookies so I think she is almost ready to put them out.”
“Nonsense. I will do no such thing! Now, you go ahead and finish up the circuitry for those iPads and don’t waste time on this anymore; you’re way behind schedule.” Elf One dismissed Elf Two, directing him back to his work station.
Elf Two started back to finishing up the circuitry, but he couldn’t get this trouble off of his mind. He went over it and over it in his head, and he just couldn’t believe that all of the other Elves were in on it with Elf One. He missed the meeting last week, due to working over time, so he didn’t really know how the other’s felt. He just couldn’t live with himself if Blitzen was falsely accused. He was such a gentle reindeer and so much fun. Maybe he had gained a few pounds, but that was most probably due to the fact that Santa was always throwing pizza parties during the late night.
Just then, Elf Two smelled the deliciously warm, sweet smell of Mrs. Claus’ cookies coming out of the oven. He’d be darned if he wasn’t going to go hide and see if Blitzen came to steal them. He put down his tools and crept over to the outside kitchen bar window where he kneelt behind a potted plant. He saw Mrs. Clause put the cookies on a plate, bringing them over and setting them on the bar to cool. “Oh boy, they smelled good!” he thought. He’d wait and watch to see who was stealing the cookies.
After 10 minutes, he was just beginning to wonder if anyone was going to show up to steal them, when he saw Elf One peak around the corner and spy the freshly baked cookies. He turned back and motioned to others to follow him. Much to Elf Two’s complete surprise, Elf One led the way with all of the other Elves trailing behind, over to the cookies. Elf One was shocked and almost blew his cover by a covered up breathless scream.
“Now, take a cookie, and just like before, let’s knock off crumbs all along the path back to Blitzen’s stall. I gave him hay duty again today, so he’ll never see us!” Elf One smiled at his cleverness. Why, it was the perfect frame. With all of the Elves in on it, no one would disbelieve him. He was full of conceit and pride in his cunning plan.
Elf Two couldn’t believe his eyes! The dastardliness of this! They were framing poor Blitzen! He waited until the team of Elves was out of sight before he ran to Santa with the story.

© Copyright 2015 Rena Dauber (renam at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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