Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2083672-Aloysus-and-hopefully-Aryn
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Supernatural · #2083672
A Blueblood vampire needs advice on capturing a human’s heart
Aloysus entered the bar, hoping for advice. There was a human he wanted but hadn’t managed to snare. And it wasn’t as if Aloysus didn’t have the looks or the charm. As a Blueblood he had both in spades. He should have had Aryn wrapped around his little finger ages ago but the young man appeared oblivious.

Oh, they talked and Aryn even smiled, but friendship was as close as Aloysus ever managed. And it wasn’t like Aryn was against vampires; he’d been seen hanging out with several.

Aloysus never quit a challenge, but with self-doubt kicking in he was running out of ideas. Those of his own kind who knew of his attraction kept jibing him that his “magic pull” wasn’t pulling. Despite defeat not being in a Blueblood’s vocabulary, Aloysus felt like he was staring at it and he wasn’t ready for what that entailed.

So he’d come to Liquid in the hope Lucifer was present. Crazy, he reflected, a vampire seeking relationship advice from THE devil. Except that Lucifer had a human at his side and appeared to be very content. And, Aloysus thought, if the Lord of Hell could reel in a human lover then it should be that anyone less bloody scary could too.

Not that he’d tell Lucifer that.

In his world, Aloysus wasn’t exactly non-scary either. Bluebloods were vampire royalty; lineages stretching back forever with barely any foreign blood tainting them. The faint blue swirls and curlicues patterning Aloysus’ back evidenced that heritage, not that anyone needed to see to know his status. And in fact, very few had seen the patterns, but Aloysus had a burning desire to reveal them to Aryn, to feel Aryn’s fingers tracing gently over his skin.

Aloysus slung back the tumbler of Yellow Fire set before him and hauled tight on his imagination’s reins. Despite what the general populace might think of Blueblood vampires, Aloysus did have feelings and he despaired over the depth of those going unrequited.

The barman raised a silver brow and Aloysus nodded. The second tumbler emptied as quick as the first. For all Aloysus’ self-confidence, charm and heritage, having a conversation with Lucifer required extra courage.

Liquid’s atmosphere was hushed and that usually meant Lucifer or one of his brothers was present. Today it also felt taut, which indicated Lucifer rather than either of the Archangels. Aloysus half wondered if the Devil had brought his human with him. They weren’t allowed but no one would deny Lucifer.

‘He’s alone,’ the barman offered.

‘Stop reading my mind, Valus,’ Aloysus growled at the elf, even though he knew the elf hadn’t; couldn’t in fact when a vampire locked down his mind.

Valus shrugged and turned to serve another customer.

Aloysus gazed around the room. No one else paid particular attention to him, not even when he moved and his intended destination became clear.

Lucifer sat alone in a booth with one knee crossed over the other. Fingernails tapped the foot of a long-stemmed glass of red wine. The other hand suddenly swiped through his red-black hair, making it flick out. As usual he wore a dark pin-striped suit, though the jacket hung over the corner of the booth.

He seemed tense and Aloysus hesitated, realising he should have better read the atmosphere.

‘What is it, Aloysus?’

The vampire jerked. This man was the only being, aside from his own father, who could really scare him. And the Devil hadn’t even looked up. ‘My lord,’ he began with an inclination of his head.

‘I’m too tired for a long story, vampire,’ Lucifer said. ‘Just speak.’

‘I need some relationship advice.’

Well, that woke the Devil! His head came up, eyes wide, mouth part open. The expression—amusement, curiosity, something else—made Aloysus turn crimson. What an idiot, blurting like that!

‘Take a seat,’ Lucifer offered, faint hitch in his voice.

Aloysus slid into the booth and sat, wary and a little offended.

‘I wouldn’t expect a Blueblood to require advice,’ Lucifer said.

The vampire felt the heat on his face intensify.

‘So, you’re attracted to someone you can’t have.’

‘Not… necessarily,’ Aloysus got out. There weren’t any rules around who could love who.

‘I don’t mean “not allowed”, Aloysus. And I presume a human. No reason for you to talk to me otherwise.’

True. No one just started a conversation with the devil for the hell of it.

Aloysus lowered his gaze a moment, staring at the table’s fine grain, and wished he had a tumbler to play with. Being in Lucifer’s presence made him fidgety. ‘Yes,’ he acknowledged, straightening. ‘He’s human, and I can’t get through to him.’

Lucifer pinned him with his dark gaze, but didn’t make comment that perhaps the human just didn’t like the vampire or wasn’t oriented that way. Aloysus couldn’t accept either of those possibilities, and in any case he knew the latter wasn’t true. ‘I cannot cut him free from my heart. What can I do to show him I’m serious?’

‘Be yourself.’

Aloysus sucked in his lips, tasting blood as fangs pierced flesh. He didn’t respond that he had been himself. When he had enough control to not react rudely he said, ‘what did you do?’

Lucifer picked up the wine and took a slow swallow, gaze remaining on Aloysus. Setting the vessel back onto the table he said, ‘I was myself, Aloysus. Honesty is key.’

Aloysus frowned. ‘I’ve not been lying.’

‘I’m not suggesting you have,’ Lucifer responded. ‘But have you been honest with this young man? Told him how you feel?’


Lucifer nodded.

‘But he knows,’ Aloysus insisted.

‘If you haven’t been verbally clear, vampire, he probably thinks you’re a stalker or after something shallow.’

Aloysus felt piqued.

‘It’s simple, Aloysus,’ the Devil said. ‘You need to show him your heart.’

‘Is that what you did?’

Lucifer laughed, startling the vampire. ‘I told Reiki he was my destiny; he didn’t have much of a choice!’ His grin indicated he was reliving that moment.

Aloysus wasn’t sure what to do.

Lucifer swallowed more wine. ‘Aloysus, you should dispel the notion that Reiki is wrapped around my little finger. He is not, and I wouldn’t allow it. But I… I am wrapped around his. This young man you’re after… your lineage is possibly scaring him. You need to make clear how you feel, how much you need him. And if you need to grovel, then swallow your pride and do so.’

Aloysus felt himself nodding, couldn’t admit he was afraid to reveal his true feelings. Aryn ignoring him now was one thing, but rejecting his opened feelings was something Aloysus couldn’t face. To know for sure he had no hope was too painful to consider.

Lucifer inclined his head. ‘If you’re never clear, Aloysus, he’ll find someone else.’

The vampire nodded again.

‘If you agree, why are you still here?’

Aloysus extracted himself from the booth. ‘Thank you for your time,’ he got out, cringing at how stilted he sounded.

Lucifer gave a half wave of his hand as if to say “no problem”. ‘Good luck.’

Aloysus grimaced and turned away. He knew the Devil was right; shouldn’t have needed anyone to tell him that. Aloysus wasn’t a coward but revealing one’s heart wasn’t that easy, even for a Blueblood.

The vampire headed across the courtyard, aiming to walk along the waterfront. Waves lapping the rocks sounded like music to him, and he relished the tangy salt air.

Except that half way to his destination he noticed Aryn sitting with some friends right where he planned to walk. He stopped, grief tightening around his heart as if he’d already been turned down. He couldn’t face the youngster right now, and turned away.

Several steps down the street, Aloysus heard Aryn call after him. Not now, Aryn, please.

But running footsteps indicated Aryn didn’t read minds, any more than the elf did. He winced as the young man fell into step beside him, his scent washing him like a wave.

‘Is everything alright?’ Aryn asked. ‘You looked upset.’

‘Everything is fine, Aryn.’ He was aware of the raised eyebrow but didn’t speak further, didn’t stop walking, didn’t turn to look.

‘Oh,’ came a soft sigh.

Aloysus closed his eyes briefly as Aryn stopped walking. Lord, why couldn’t he be…

‘Why can’t you be honest, Aloysus?’

The vampire stopped dead. No sound came from behind and eventually he pivoted. Aryn stood, one hand curling into the bottom of his jersey, looking more upset than anything.

‘Pardon?’ Aloysus got out, unable to prevent it.

‘Be honest with me,’ Aryn whispered. ‘Please.’

Aloysus cocked his head. Faint colour dusted Aryn’s cheeks but his steady gaze didn’t lower. Aloysus drew in a breath. Honesty is key the devil had told him and it was, but he’d been too afraid thus far. And now Aryn had actually said it too but did he… ‘I love you.’ Aloysus was that surprised he almost looked around to see if someone else had spoken.

In front of him Aryn lost his rigid pose. ‘Why couldn’t you tell me before?’

‘You gave me no inkling you were interested,’ Aloysus said defensively.

‘Of course I was,’ Aryn returned. ‘Why would I hang out with you if I wasn’t?’

Aloysus blinked. ‘Why didn’t you say something?’

‘How could I? You’re a Blueblood, Aloysus. I couldn’t just blurt what I felt, not as a measly human!’

‘You’re not a measly human,’ Aloysus corrected, coming forward to stand within reaching distance.

Aryn straightened but kept his ground.

‘So,’ Aloysus said after a moment. ‘You… like me?’

A grin flickered over Aryn’s face, disappeared and then returned to settle. ‘Love, actually.’

Aloysus was so stunned he felt like he’d been whacked over the head with a cross. ‘Really?’

Aryn took a step and pecked a small kiss upon his lips, breathing ‘Yes’ as he lifted back.

Blinking glaze from his eyes Aloysus admitted with a croak that he’d love Aryn forever. ‘But I was afraid to tell you.’

Aryn flushed, murmured that he should have been honest too. ‘But I didn’t think I should be so forward.’

‘I wish you had,’ Aloysus said. ‘I’m not my heritage.’

Aryn pulled a face. After a moment he asked what they did now.

A dozen interesting positions flashed through Aloysus’ mind and he struggled to keep the feeling from his face. Admission of feelings didn’t lead automatically to nudity! Aryn seemed a little nervous still, and Aloysus wanted that nullified first. He reached out and took Aryn’s hand. ‘Walk and talk.’

Aryn’s brows rose but he moved alongside the vampire willingly. After a moment he said, ‘Is it true that Bluebloods have patterns over them that indicate their lineage?’

Aloysus nodded.

‘Will you show me yours some time?’

Aloysus nearly tripped over his jaw, couldn’t get the stunned expression off his face.

‘Was that… rude?’ Aryn asked. ‘I didn’t mean…’

‘No, no,’ Aloysus said quickly, and cleared his throat. ‘I just…’ He sucked in a breath. ‘I’ve been wanting that for a long time, for you to see and touch.’ He tried to pretend his face wasn’t heating.

‘When we get to your place,’ Aryn said, ‘I’m going to make you write down everything you’ve been hiding from me.’

‘Write?’ Aloysus shook his head. ‘My place?’

Aryn nodded. ‘Your home is closer, and write because I want to be able to tick everything off.’

Aloysus found himself unable to speak.

‘Just being honest,’ Aryn murmured.

The vampire released a half breath. ‘I’m sorry that I wasn’t, Aryn.’

‘Well, I wasn’t either,’ Aryn said, ‘so we’re both idiots. But from now on…’

‘It’ll be a long list.’

Aryn’s lips curved upwards. ‘Of course, because I’ll have added my own things.’

They squeezed hands at the same time.

Guess the devil knew what he was talking about, Aloysus thought as he and his human partner made their way along the street.


Entered for May Round: "Supernatural Writing Contest - Closed
Word Count: 1984
© Copyright 2016 Osirantinous (osirantinous at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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