Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2113539-The-Flashes-Chapter-1
by Bruce.
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2113539
Saving Lady Margaret.
Chapter 1.

Morgan advanced and struck Baldwin’s sword. Baldwin blocked the next blow but had to take a step back as Morgan advanced. “It will soon be over,” Morgan said.

         Baldwin laughed and blocked two more blows and then with a mighty upward strike knocked Morgan’s sword from his hand. “You’re dead, Morgan.”

         Morgan pushed Baldwin's sword aside and swept his leg before pushing him over. Making sure to avoid the blade, he dropped onto Baldwin’s chest and held a dagger to his throat. “I win, I think.”

         “You cheated,” Baldwin said. “Had this been a real fight you would not have got near me.”

         Morgan laughed. "Cheated! You can't stop a fight on the battlefield because you think someone cheated." He laughed again as he stood up. “Don’t be such a bad loser. Let’s get to the inn. It’s your forfeit to get the ale.”

         Sir Foxley hired these mercenary fighters for a specific task and after seeing them practising again, he walked over. “I pay good money for you two. If you injure each other, or worse, in this silliness, you will be of no use to me.”

         “You are paying us for boredom,” Morgan said. “We sat in a field for three days before coming to the village. When are we to get on with the job?”

         “I have my informants, and they tell me that the Count will be crossing the Old Wintown Bridge tomorrow on his way to the quay. We will stop him at the bridge and rescue the woman he has kidnapped. He is asking the Baron for a huge ransom. We need to make sure no harm comes to her when we rescue her. So keep sharp and don’t drink too much ale tonight.”

         “Thinks he’s our dad, Morgan.”

         “With his unblemished chubby face, he looks more like my mother.”

         “Very funny. You will be roused just before dawn.” Sir Foxley walked off to his tent located on a green behind the village inn. There were three other tents for Sir Foxley's men but the two friends paid for beds at the inn rather than share Sir Foxley's tents again. The inn was the only one in this small village which is no more than a cluster of houses on a through track-way. A dilapidated barn at the end served as a village store selling everything from vegetables to tools and animal feedstuffs. The inn seemed a more modern place and its stone tiled roof stood out from all the thatched roofs of the other buildings. The locals congregated in the side rooms leaving the boisterous Duke’s men in the large room drinking their ale around a blazing log fire.

         The two men entered the inn and sat with some of the other warriors. "Two more tankards of ale, wench," Morgan called out to a woman serving tables.

         "Yes sir," the woman said and soon returned and put the tankards on the table.

         Morgan slapped the woman's rear. "And a fine well-built buxom wench you are too. I'll wager you like your oats."

         "I do, sir," she said and walked off wondering what they were laughing at.

         "Always having an eye for the serving girls," Baldwin said. "Even the old ones."

         Morgan looked across to the woman who was smiling at him. "Well, Baldwin, unlike you, I won't be sleeping on my own tonight."

         "Oh, so you've changed your mind and decided to sleep with the men in the tents after all then?"

         Morgan grinned and shook his head without comment.

         “So, Morgan, who is this woman we are to rescue?” one of the men asked.

         “I don’t know. It’s all very secret. Must be someone special though, we don’t come cheap.”

         “What if she is killed in the fight? Will we still get paid?”

         “Probably not,” Baldwin said. “You've an advance of your pay but you could forget the rest if she dies. Bear it in mind, a dead woman will cost us all.”

         Early the next morning the men got to Wintown Bridge just as the sun was rising. The ancient high single-arch stone bridge was only wide enough for one cart. It ran over a stream which became quite fierce in times of storm but at the moment it just meandered through. Six men went to hide under the bridge and Sir Foxley, Baldwin, Morgan, and two others were hiding just off the road. A wooden barrier had been erected at the foot of the bridge but could not be seen from the other side until the travellers were on the bridge.

         We've been here over two hours," Baldwin said. "It seems your informant may have got it wrong, Sir Foxley."

         "No, they will cross here soon, I'm sure of it."

         "Glad we're not under the bridge like the others," Morgan said. "I don't like getting my feet wet. If they have no big stones to stand on their feet will be all wrinkled up, and a bit cold."

         "What, like your serving girl partner at the inn last night?" Baldwin said.

         "At least I had a partner for the night."

         Baldwin laughed. "I think I'd rather do without," he said.

         "Quiet!" Sir Foxley said. "I can hear someone coming."

         "Well, let's hope it's them then," Baldwin said.

         As the horses stopped at the barrier Sir Foxley's men came out from hiding and Sir Foxley drew a pistol. "Just stop there," he shouted.

         There were two riders. A woman tied to one horse and the Count, a well-dressed man, on the other. Eight armed men followed behind on foot.

         The Count also pulled out a pistol as his men came forward. Sir Foxley was quicker to raise his pistol and he shot the Count. The Count took a mortal blow and fell from his horse as the woman's horse bolted and jumped the fence. Sir Foxley managed to hold onto the Count's horse. He mounted the horse and chased after the woman.

         The men under the bridge arch came out onto the bridge behind the Count's men. Morgan straight away took one of the men out with his throwing knife. The remaining seven men stood little chance against the ten professional swordsmen. They were blocked in and were quickly put to the sword with only the loss of one of the Sir Foxley's men, though two others were wounded.

         Baldwin looked at the dead Count. "A lucky shot. But I don't think these new-fangled things will catch on. If you fire at a swordsman and miss, by the time you have messed about reloading the thing you'll be run through."

         Sir Foxley returned with the woman. He had untied her and they dismounted. "This is the Baron's daughter, Lady Margaret. She assures me there will be a reward for all of you on top of what you are owed. Baldwin and Morgan you can accompany us to the Baron's castle. The rest of you get back to town with the casualties and we'll meet up at the inn tomorrow night."

         They had been walking for two hours and Sir Foxley asked the two men if one of them would like to ride the horse for a while. Lady Margaret also offered but the two men declined saying they would rather walk, neither of them ever having been on a horse. It took the rest of the day to get to the Baron's castle getting there just before dusk. The Baron was overjoyed to see the safe return of his daughter. They dined well in the main hall with the Baron and his family and slept the night in luxurious beds. The next morning they left one of the horses with the Baron and they set off on their way back.

         They were passing through some woods just before Wintown Bridge when four bandits stepped out from the trees and stood in their path. Three of the men were holding swords and the other was aiming an arrow at Sir Foxley.

         "Our lucky day," one of the men said. "A nobleman and his two servants."

         Morgan and Baldwin looked at each other. "Servants!" Morgan said.

 The Flashes. Chapter 2  (18+)
Off to the Pavillion Uprising.
#2253000 by Bruce.

© Copyright 2017 Bruce. (brucef at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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