Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2115737-Conversation-With-the-Spirit
Rated: 18+ · Script/Play · Emotional · #2115737
Daivid speaks with J. F. K. about the state of the union.
Conversation with the Spirit of a President\

         “David, I understand how you feel, believe me, I’ve been watching from the sidelines since my tragic death, and America has sunk about as far as it can before ultimate destruction. The sad thing is, ignorance and the desire for change will bring her to knees. And sadly, the silent majority stays silent.”
         “Yes, sir, I know, but it seems to me that those who support the in-guy are the losers in the battle of wills. I mean, how do they explain away a change that not only brings this nation to its knees in eyes of the world, but destroys credibility at home as well? How do they explain a madman who accuses a former President of wire-tapping to cover up for his own illegal activities?  Hell, he can’t even get along with the members of his own house and that’s dangerous. And you know what they say about a divided house.”
         “Yes, David, but this was happening even before that fateful day in the sixties. People want change only if it doesn’t threaten the corrupt fiber on which this nation was built. As long as, the pervasive mentality is control and destroy (not matter what the cost), America will continue to fall.”
         “But Mr. President, sir, I’ve come to believe that rather than let me serve you, it’s all about you serve me. You pay my taxes and fight my wars, but your health and well-being is of no interest me. I am healthy and wealthy—forget the wise—it just doesn’t fit into the puzzle. Like I said, the pervasive voice speaks just loud enough to tingle, but  when it comes to taking a stand, it disappears.”
         “I understand, David, and you are right. But unfortunately, that’s the chord that has vibrated down through history. Do you think every Catholics in the middle ages were on board with the inquisitions or did all of England agree that the Scotts were wild savages just because they didn’t dance to the same drum? No, but fear of the consequences cause complacency. America is neither as free or as strong as Americans believe, David.”
         “I understand, sir, but how can the leaders live with themselves? I mean they lie faster than they think, and everyone just closes their ears to what is said. I think men like Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse had it right when they said White man speak with forked tongue.”
         “Ha, ha, David, you have put your finger on the detonator with that statement. But nobody listened to those savages either.”
         “Were they the real savages? It’s a question that bears repeating, David. But to answer it would just be too embarrassing.
         “Well, little guys like me, we just fight the fucking wars and if we live, we’re just forgotten in the larger picture. To me, it seems that out of sight out of mind is the pervasive state of mind.”
         “You hit it again, David.

494 words
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