Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2188831-Nature
Rated: E · Poetry · Environment · #2188831
Its open to various interpretations and understanding
Its beauty is like the sun and moon
Its's aura is that of a royalty
Its warmth is that of a mother
Its calmness is that of an ocean
Its smile brings satisfaction to our eyes

When we have nobody with us ,
Its always there for us with wide open arms,
It only gives but doesn't take anything in return
All it asks is safety of its loved ones.

Its love is way beyond infinity,
It cares and supports like a father.
It cries when we are sad or in pain
It spreads its arms to wipe our tears.

Every morning it brightens up our worlds,
It greets us with a big bright smile ,
Asking us to wake up
To make the most of the day ahead of us .

In its beautiful voice it sings good morning to us ,
Just one hug from it makes our day the best one,
Just being near it fixes moods of many ,
Its one affectionate hand reminds us our mothers.

There is nothing!
Nothing that can match its beauty
Its aura , love , care and peace,
Because it is made by god the almighty.
Cause no man made thing can match
The creation of god
Cause it is the only thing apart from god
That doesn't discriminate between us.

The sad truth of our generation
Is that we don't value things
We don't understand its importance
Until we have lost it.
There shall be one day
When realization shall strike us dead
By then it will be to late
for the almighty had Given all the solutions to our problems.

The sad reality is that
We are destroying something
That has no substitute
Something that is beyond
Mankind's understanding of the world.
I fear that our future generations
May not get this wonderful gift from god

Authors Note :
Hey guys , thanks for investing your precious time in reading my poem. This poem is very different from all my other poems. Hence i hope you guys love this new style also like you guys loved the other one. This poem is named Nature and has no use of the word in the poem. i have done this because Nature is one such theme that is open to various perspectives. It can be different for different people. Hence i would love to hear Your interpretation and your version of nature.

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