Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2191509-Dear-Heart
Rated: E · Poetry · Relationship · #2191509
Its all about how it feels when we are in love and when our heart has been broken
Dear heart !
You are very nice and caring
You are sweet and innocent
You are brave and smart
You are humble and witty
You are an angel yet an devil
You are funny and annoying
You are a wise owl
Above all you are an amazing listener
You just know when to be what

I only have one complain
Why are you too sweet that
People take advantage of you
They misuse your kindness
They misuse your caring attitude.

They make you remove your walls
They make you believe in them
They make you believe in existence of god
They play an important role in your life
They leave their imprints on you.

You give them your all
You start loving them with all that you have
Your day starts and ends with their thoughts
You allow them to affect you
Basically they become your weakness.

You try to hide things from them,
But you fail miserably.
You try to lie to them,
But you just can't.
You try to forget them,
But you can't.
You try to stop texting them all the time,
But you can't.
Something or the other makes you lose,
Lose your strong will of not texting them again,
Of trying to keep less contact,
Of trying not to love them.

When they call you,
You talk for hours.
When they video call you,
You keep staring at them.
When they smile you smile.
Their happiness gives you happiness.
When they are sad you are sad
You understand their unsaid words
You're the first person to whom
They share things with.

They lead you on a path together
Holding your hands
They give you false hopes
They show you fake dreams
They make you want to see
A future with them.

When you are finally ready,
When they have bought you halfway,
They leave your hands and
They say they never did hold your hand,
They never bought you there so far.
They even reject wanting to see a future with you.
They reject their love for you
While their eyes are the evidence of their lies.
They demand to remain "just friends".

You think that it's better
At least this way they are in your life
But it’s the worst decision
As their eyes are the testimonial of their lies
You are a delicate glass,
You already have lots of cracks in you
Then these lies increase them
Till when they break apart
And can never be fixed back together.

You ask me what was your fault,
What was your mistake?
Your mistake was that you understood their unsaid words,
That you believed in them ,
You believed that they won't ever lie to you ,
Just like you can't lie to them .
You thought that they understood you ,
Just like you understood them.
That they loved you just as you loved them.
You thought that they will not leave your hand
That they will not change their colors.
You couldn't identify their real motif.
You couldn't understand that they are cowards.
You allowed the wrong person to break your walls.

Even after promising yourself,
Of not allowing anyone to play with you,
To play with your feelings ,
You allowed them to do the same only.
After making yourself so strong
That no one could mess with you,
You allowed them to mess with you.
After learning your lesson from the past
Yet you forgot it all over again.

My dear heart,
Your only mistake was,
Loving the wrong person,
Of being too weak in front of them.
Maybe in the future,
There will be a right guy for you also.
Till then don't forget the lesson next time.

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