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Rated: E · Poetry · Adult · #2256906
A poem of death via my own weird view/way

Wholehearted Hallucinations
by Keaton Foster

*Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5*

Know nothing,
Some things.
All alone,
In a wilderness
Of many bones.
Quite high,
Said errand.
We must face
What is blind,
While not knowing
What comes next.
What we can’t
Or could never
Begin to know
Is of chance,
Many shall seem,
Dare I say,
Will be
But not I,
Nor those
Like in kind.
We fear nothing
Because we live
For the very same.
More of an escape
Than a tool of fate.
In our hearts
There is less
Than in our souls.
In this world
Of wolves,
We are not lambs,
Nor are we beasts.
But rather,
Dare endeavor,
Just spectators.
A cosmic simulation,
An overabundant
Dereliction of prudence.
We are not mean,
Nor are we kind,
Neutral defined.
These words,
It will be said,
Are just rhymes,
Splices and splines,
Tissue and matter,
Made up molecular,
Motus operandi
Fit to an end
Yet to exist.
For a beginning,
From the start.
To an idea
Not yet thought.
Our minds,
Idyllic prisons,
Our hearts,
Captive audiences.
Our spines,
A conduit
Of lessons
In time.
Our being
And our
Is any something.
What is believed,
What is connected,
A symbiotic synapsis
Of aggravated damnation.
Wholehearted hallucinations
For us to see as real,
When what is real
Is all but an illusion
Of ideas,
Thus fears
We could never hope
To truly understand…

Written by Keaton Foster Copyright © 2008-2021


This poem delves into themes of existential uncertainty, the nature of fear, and the quest for understanding in a world that often appears chaotic and meaningless. It juxtaposes the concept of death with the idea of living without fear, positioning humans as neutral spectators in a vast, enigmatic cosmos.


Existential Uncertainty: The poem starts with an acknowledgment of ignorance and a desire to understand the unknown ("Know nothing / Understand / Some things / Wish"). This sets the tone for a meditation on the limitations of human knowledge and the mysteries of existence.

Imagery of Death: The imagery of bones and death is pervasive, suggesting a constant awareness of mortality ("In a wilderness / Of many bones / Stacked / Quite high / Death / Foolish / Said errand"). This reflects the inevitability of death and the human attempt to make sense of it.

Embracing Mortality: The narrator and those like them are unafraid of death, viewing it as an escape rather than a fate to be feared ("We fear nothing / Because we live / For the very same / Death / More of an escape / Than a tool of fate"). This contrasts with the common fear of death, suggesting a philosophical acceptance.

Neutral Spectators: The poem describes humans as neither lambs nor beasts, but neutral spectators in a cosmic simulation ("We are not lambs / Nor are we beast / But rather / Dare endeavor / Just spectators / This / A cosmic simulation"). This metaphor implies a detached observation of life’s events without deep emotional engagement.

Cosmic Simulation: The concept of life as a simulation or an illusion is explored, questioning the nature of reality ("This / A cosmic simulation / An over abundant / Dereliction of prudence"). This philosophical viewpoint challenges the reader to reconsider what is real.

Neutrality and Existence: The poem emphasizes neutrality and the idea of being defined by neither kindness nor malice ("We are not mean / Nor are we kind / Neutral defined"). This reinforces the theme of detachment and the impartial observation of life’s occurrences.

Mind and Illusion: There is a strong focus on the mind as an idyllic prison and reality as an illusion ("Our minds / Idyllic prisons / Our hearts / Captive audiences / Wayward / Our spines / A conduit / Of lessons"). This suggests that our perceptions are limited and often deceptive.

Philosophical Musings: The poem muses on the nature of existence, knowledge, and the human condition, proposing that what we see as real is a product of our ideas and fears ("What is believed / What is connected / A symbiotic synapsis / Of aggravated damnation"). This reflects a deep philosophical inquiry into the nature of reality and existence.


The poem can be interpreted as a philosophical exploration of the human condition, emphasizing the themes of ignorance, fear, neutrality, and the illusionary nature of reality. It challenges the reader to consider the limitations of human knowledge and the possibility that what we perceive as reality might be a construct of our minds. The acceptance of death and the idea of living without fear are central, positioning humans as neutral observers in a vast, unknowable cosmos.

The imagery and language suggest a contemplation of existential themes, where the quest for understanding and the acceptance of the unknown play crucial roles. The poem ultimately reflects a philosophical stance that embraces the uncertainties of life and the enigmatic nature of existence, advocating for a detached, neutral perspective on the world and our place within it.

© Copyright 2021 Keaton Foster: Know My Hell! (keatonfoster at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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