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Rated: E · Essay · Religious · #2258432
What do we know? About God, the universe, even about ourselves & who or what we truly are.
It may be said that I ask too many questions. I'm certainly not trying to be annoying, or contentious, or even controversial. I'm interested in people, and why they believe, act, and say the things they do, like they are facts. People who believe in science, who are in general atheist in ideology, claim things that I can almost guarantee, will be proven incorrect ten years from now. And those of faith, who believe, often with even more conviction than those on the other side, take strength from the fact that they will never have their ideologies either proven or disproven. And because neither side can prove much of anything, to me, it is less about proof and more about accepting and facing this reality.

The Large Hadron Collider is being used to search for what is termed 'The God Particle', and although this has little to do with the existence of God, it will most certainly change sciences' attitudes and theories (once again).

Once upon a time, in a cave or village, a young couple had the misfortune of losing a child. The Sharman, seeing their grief, wanted to console, and so, told them, whether in his absolute truth or because he had empathy, that one day, they would be reunited. This belief had a profound effect upon those who needed something...and in that moment, and from that time on, debate has raged.

I don't present this story as truth, but merely a possibility. And who knows, perhaps the existence of God may one day be proven. Just as one day there could be a proper understanding of the universe. Almost anything is possible.

I have absolutely no idea if there is, or isn't, a higher being. But, when someone tells me that they KNOW there is, based solely on their teachings or the way they were raised, is patronising.

I have never read the bible, and I have no intention of ever doing so. My mother is a Christian and has been for a very long time. She is my sounding board. Someone who I trust to give me a balanced opinion. Someone I can bounce my questions off. I trust her, but even someone as cynical as I am, can see there is something in what she tells me, although, what that something is...well, therein is where the difficulty exists, especially when speaking of God in a Christian sense.

I wonder if it is a coincidence that when I joke about her beliefs and say things meant to tease, that I will sometimes kick my little toe. Or perhaps it is something else altogether? It may simply be that I am clumsy, or it might just be a higher power showing me that I had better be careful. Or, it's possible that I may be doing this to myself, on some subconscious level, because I know she is my mom and it's not the right thing to do.

She prays, and it is true that I have, on occasion, asked her to pray for someone I know needs all the help they can get. And, I must admit that while not scientifically proven, the results are often good. But, this doesn't prove that God or a divine power is responsible.

We humans, as a species, are still evolving. We know very little about what our potential is, or where this will lead us. A potential power or skill that one day, we may think of as normal. Miracles might be caused by God, and of course, Christians will jump on these events shouting, Hallelujah. Meditation, to me, is very similar to prayer. Something indeed happens, and it is entrenched in human nature to pigeonhole things we simply do not understand.

Is it essential to understand why something works, so long as it does? And in my mind, if faith gives comfort, strength, or offers someone eternal life, even if that isn't necessarily true, so long as it provides something for those who need it, then there is no harm done. It's not about proof or answers to me, it's the questions that drive humans to observe and to ponder. To look into the sky at night and wonder, I see as the essence of being human.

How could this universe in which we find ourselves have come about? Things like time, light, gravity and distances that we cannot even begin to fathom. Even reality is beyond our present capabilities to understand and makes me humble enough to say, I simply don't know what is true...and I for one, am comfortable with that.
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