Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2266639-Miley-Cyrus-Feet-Worship-At-The-Concert
by FF
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2266639
The Night Miley Gave a special surprise to a very special Fan ...
Hello Everyone
I ve been reading various stories on this website before and I enjoy them, especially the ones regarding foot worship and similar stuff so I decided to post one here for you foot lovers that hopefully you will enjoy !!! I ve used Miley Cyrus as main character just because I like her attitude and to be honest I will definitely lick her feet if I would have a chance one day in my life !! You can picture in the story who ever you like and just create your own foot fantasy story .
Sit back, Relax and Enjoy

It was during her concert in Los Angeles in May and almost at the end of the show. She had sung and danced all night on her white boots so she decided to remove them and continue the show bare feet untill the end of the night. During one slow song Miley decided to sing sitting on the edge of the stage with her bare feet dangling off stage . One last note and she decided to end the song layng down on the floor while all the light on the stage where turning off to create more atmosphere ... then suddenly she felt something wet on her feet!
She open her eyes and glance down at her now stretched feet and saw a young redheaded girl sucking on her big toe. Initially that felt very weird and she wanted to kick her away and stand up but when she looked at her face,while she was sucking on her dirty big toe, she realized how much love she was putting in it, almost like her life depended on it... She decided to close her eyes again and lay down on the floor while her big toe stayed inside the girl's mouth while she continued to lively suck on it... feeling now a bit excited...
The moment broke when she heard the sound of approching feet and suddently removed her toe from the girl mouth with a pop and stood up. She saw one of staff coming to check if everything was fine as she was still on the floor after the song.
“Miley you ok?”
“Yes I was just taking a minute break before the grand finale” she said giving him a wink
“Just saw you there on the floor just think i would double check”
“Can I ask you a Favour?” she said “You see that girl right in front of the stage?”
“Which One? The one with red hair?”
“Yes” she said whispering in his ears “I want you to get her to my changing room back stage when the concert is over “
“What you planning Miley?” he asked
“Just want to make a surprise for a very big fan” she said taking the mic back and shouting “LA Are you ready for the grand Finale?” while everybody shouted on top of their lungs.

At the end of the show Miley still barefoot went straight to her changing room and collepsed on the couch, lighting up a cigarette. Suddenly there was a knock at the door and she said “Yes?”
“Miley the girl is here” said the voice of the same guy from the stage
“Let her in and close the door” she said still smoking
In came the girl with the red hair wich was sucking on her toes half an hour earlier. She was now complitely red and almost crying to be face to face with her idol
“Hi, welcome in ... what's your name?” Miley asked
“Re... becca ... can call me Becky” she said almost whispering
“Dont be so stiff ... would you like a drink?” Miley asked
“no ... thanks... is just that ... you are ... i mean ... I m... so happy to be here... you are like ... my life goal came true ...” Becky was trying to say
“I saw you from the stage” smiled Miley “You were sucking on my big toe”
“Sorry for that... but I dont think I could have a second chance in my life to come so close to you and... I had to do it”
“Well now that is interesting” Miley said now whatching the girl
“I m so ... so ... sorry plese don t make a scandal out of it...” the girl started crying
“Do you like my feet?” Miley asked lifting up her dirty feet from the floor
“Yes ... I... I really do” answered Becky staring now at her own shoes
“I've call you here to ask you for a favour” said Miley “would you like to finish what you started during the concert?”
Becky was surprised at the request but quickly without giving a second thought she went on her knees and gave a big lick from heel to toes to Mailey's left foot.
That was so amazing, Miley felt so exited . Her feet must be very dirty as Becky tongue was already so black after that first lick. She thought to stop everything as that could make the girl sick but she decided to relax and close her eyes while Becky was already giving a second big lick to her left sole... Becky continued licking her left sole for a while probably trying to remove all the dirt from the foot while Miley stayed with her eyes close moaning from time to time. After an eternity Becky moved to suck on each toes slowly and passionate. That was the moment when Miley opened her eyes to see the face of Becky so dirty but at the same time so concentrate on what she was doing. Whatever taste her foot was having after a whole day of sweat she was loving it to the heart. Becky started licking in between her toes and now she escaped a soft moan. Miley heard that and commented “this is your favourite part?” - “Yes , here is where your foot sweat is more tick... I m cleaning a whole day worth of your sweat” she said starting to lick again like she already missed the flavour. Miley smiled and closed her eyes again. Becky started on her right foot now with more passion licking all the sole clean then moving to her toes and in between them .
The moment was broken again by a knock on the door
“Miley are you ok ? You're in there almast 45 minutes already”
45 minutes? What ?? it looked like just 10 minutes were passed since Becky started her job
“We've done” she shouted back “Celebrity sucks sometimes” she said smiling at Becky. Then she took one of her latest cd's and put a signature on it giving it to Becky.
“Is better if you wash your face before you go out from here, and your mouth” smiled Mailey
“I will wash my face, but my mouth is never been so rich of flavours , i might as well never wash my theets again” she said moving to a sink near the couch
The 2 ladies said goodbye to each others and they never meet again (face to face). Obviously Rebecca always goes to Miley concerts but that night in LA was a night she will never be able to forget!!

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