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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Nonsense · #2281504
This is part 2 of a story written entirely by NovelAI's Euterpe AI text generator.
(Before the story begins, I would like to give some information about the following text. This was created using the AI text generation service NovelAI, using their 13 billion parameter Euterpe module. In simpler terms, Euterpe is a word prediction bot, like the one on your phone's keyboard. Unlike your keyboard, instead of predicting a single word, Euterpe predicts multiple sentences, but with much higher coherence. To generate this story, I let Euterpe repeatedly generate text without any intervention for an hour. This story is unedited, with no censoring and no spelling or grammar corrections. Unfortunately, I could not post the entire 250 KB story, as I am a free user.)
(All text below this is entirely AI-generated.)

The following morning, I returned to the main room and found myself facing three familiar faces: Kaito Sena, Ayame Shichijou, and Akane Sakurai. They appeared to be deep in discussion about something. Meanwhile, Tsubomi Kanzaki was nowhere to be seen. Presumably, she had gone back home after withdrawing from the contest. Perhaps she was tired of living in isolation? Or perhaps she was merely bored. Either way, I couldn't blame her for wanting to leave. After all, she'd been stuck in the labyrinth for weeks on end.
"Hey, Kaito," said Akane, addressing me directly. "I'm sure we can talk about the details later. Right now, let's focus our attention on the upcoming challenge."
Kaito nodded in agreement. "Yeah, good idea. Let's get started, then. How much time do we have?"
Ayame shrugged. "It depends. We'll find out soon enough. Anyway, are you ready to accept the next task?"
Akane turned towards us and raised her hands. Instantly, the screen went black, followed by the sound of distant thunder. A moment later, a new message popped up. It read:
Welcome to the Labyrinth!
Your objective is simple: survive until the very end. You may kill other players if you wish, but please refrain from killing monsters. Killing too many creatures will reduce your score, making it difficult to reach the final stage. Good luck!
─ Name: Kaito Sena
─ Level: 1
─ Class: Fighter
─ HP: 50 / 100
─ MP: 20/20
─ STR: 12
─ VIT: 6
─ INT: 8
─ CHA: 5
─ LUK: 3
─ MND: 4
─ AGI: 2
─ SP: 10
─ Gold: 0
─ EXP: None
─ Skills: Lightning Bolt (Lv.1)
─ Equipment: Leather Armor, Wooden Breastplate
─ Items: Small Knife, Large Blade
─ Status Effects: No status effects
My stats weren't particularly impressive, considering that I had just completed the Beginner Trial. Nonetheless, they were sufficient for surviving in most environments. Still, there was always room for improvement. In particular, I needed to improve my Strength stat, as well as my Agility rating. Ideally, I would aim for at least 15 points in each category. Otherwise, I risked becoming incapable of moving quickly enough to evade danger. Likewise, I should prioritize increasing my Luck and Endurance scores. Finally, it wouldn't hurt to beef up my Stamina rating slightly. Theoretically speaking, the longer I survived, the greater my chances of survival became. On the flip side, the fewer resources I consumed meant that it would become increasingly challenging to stay alive. Sooner rather than later, I would run out of food and mana potions. Once that happened, my odds of winning dropped dramatically.
As such, it was imperative that I remain vigilant throughout the entire ordeal. That being said, there were limits to my vigilance. After all, it wasn't like I could fight off every monster on sight. Nor could I rely solely on my equipment and skill proficiency. Ultimately, I needed to strike a balance between caution and recklessness. To put things bluntly, I had to learn how to manage my own expectations. As far as strategy goes, this amounted to striking a careful equilibrium between defense and offense. Obviously, this wasn't easy. Even the greatest warriors struggled to achieve this delicate balance. Hence, I would need to work hard if I hoped to succeed.
Of course, there were countless variables involved here. What worked well in theory might fail miserably in practice. In fact, it was entirely possible that none of my plans would pay dividends whatsoever. But regardless, I had no choice but to give it a shot. There was no guarantee that victory lay within reach. And yet, I knew that failure was impossible. Failure was never an option. Not anymore.
In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have chosen the Warrior class. While its basic attributes seemed promising enough, I hadn't accounted for the additional skills and abilities that came bundled with more advanced classes. Had I known this beforehand, I would have opted for a different specialization instead. Alas, hindsight is always twenty-twenty. As such, I chose to forge onward. Besides, the only thing worse than failing would have been giving up early on. I owed it to myself to try my best, come hell or high water.
Thankfully, I managed to complete the first trial relatively unscathed. Sure, I lost some HP and MP during the process. But overall, the experience left me feeling confident. Moreover, it gave me confidence that I could eventually defeat the Red Knight. Given my current stats and skills, I doubted that anyone else had a chance against him. Of course, that didn't mean that I would win the whole competition. Nevertheless, I believed that I stood a fighting chance nonetheless.
And so began my second attempt. Like before, I entered the maze alone, accompanied only by a single knife. My goal this time was to explore the labyrinths thoroughly and collect as much treasure as possible. Since I lacked any sort of map, navigation proved tricky. Furthermore, there were numerous hidden passages scattered throughout the area. Consequently, it took me hours upon hours to make it through the maze. Despite my efforts, however, I still felt like I barely scratched the surface. Every step forward brought me closer to victory, albeit slowly and surely. Inevitably, I grew frustrated, wondering why nothing ever seemed to change. Why did I keep encountering the same enemies over and over again? Wasn't there supposed to be some kind of progression system in place? After all, the developers assured me that the game would evolve as I progressed through the stages. Yet somehow, the labyrinth remained exactly the same as when I had begun.
Eventually, I reached a fork in the road. One path led deeper into the maze, while another branched off towards the east. Both paths looked identical. Neither presented any obvious clues regarding which route was better. So I decided to take both routes simultaneously. This way, I could compare their respective merits at a later date. After all, the sooner I made progress, the sooner I would graduate to the next round. Thus, I continued on my journey, exploring every nook and cranny along the way.
At last, I stumbled across a large chamber filled with monsters. Apparently, these creatures were capable of spitting acid at random intervals. Needless to say, they posed a considerable threat, especially since they tended to swarm together in groups of five or six. Fortunately, I was equipped to handle such threats. Thanks to my wooden breastplate and leather gloves, I was able to deflect enemy attacks with relative ease. Similarly, I could also block incoming projectiles with my wooden sword. Lastly, I used lightning bolt whenever necessary, dealing serious damage in the process. All told, I fought for close to two hours straight. During this period, I killed approximately fifty monsters altogether, losing roughly one hundred HP in the process. Unfortunately, I failed to gather any loot. Worse yet, I suffered severe burns on my right arm and leg due to exposure to acidic spit. These injuries healed naturally once I retreated from battle, but not before leaving behind a lasting impression on my psyche.
Still, despite my frustrations, I persevered. The only way forward was forward, after all. With that said, I wanted to avoid unnecessary risks. As such, I resolved to stick to my original plan and continue exploring the labyrinths. If anything, this approach allowed me to save valuable resources. More importantly, it ensured that I could enjoy a steady stream of income. I could use those funds to purchase more powerful weapons and armor. In turn, that would allow me to fend off stronger foes, while simultaneously improving my overall health. For the foreseeable future, I had no intention of stopping anytime soon.
That evening, I finally emerged from the maze. Upon exiting, I noticed that Tsubomi Kanzaki was standing nearby. She was looking around curiously, apparently unaware that I was present. Evidently, she had arrived late. Which meant that she hadn't even attempted the test. Indeed, judging from her lackadaisical attitude, she didn't seem interested in competing in the first place. Her apathy reminded me of someone else... Someone who had grown weary of life itself. Who had stopped caring long ago.
"Tsubomi," I called out to her. "What're you doing here?"
She turned towards me, startled. Then she smiled politely and replied, "Oh, hi. I'm glad to see that you've returned safely. Have you collected any loot today?"
I shook my head in response. "No, I haven't."
Her eyes widened. "Really? Well then, what about the Red Knight? Did he show up anywhere near here?"
I hesitated briefly before responding. "Not really..."
"Huh." Tsubomi frowned in disappointment. "Well, that's unfortunate. Guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out whether he's participating in the challenge or not."
"Wait a minute!" I exclaimed. "Why don't we go ask him ourselves? Wouldn't that be quicker than waiting around for him to appear?"
"You got it," she replied. "Let's hurry back to the inn."
We proceeded down the main street, heading south towards the guild hall. At length, we reached the entrance. Inside, a group of adventurers stood talking amongst themselves. Most of them appeared to be students from Academy City, although there were quite a few others mixed in as well. Naturally, everyone paid us little heed. They were too busy gossiping among themselves. However, several individuals approached us shortly thereafter. Judging from their looks, they must have belonged to the Adventurers Guild. Although they wore casual clothes, they carried various pieces of equipment on their person. Their weapons ranged from swords and spears to bows and crossbows. Meanwhile, they also bore a variety of shields, wands, and other magical items. Clearly, they possessed significant combat potential. It was safe to assume that they were all Level 2 or higher.
"Good afternoon," one man greeted us. He was tall and lean, wearing his hair slicked back beneath a black cap. His face was handsome, though somewhat masculine. Overall, he exuded a rugged charm. A charming smile adorned his lips, further adding to his appeal. In short, he was the epitome of masculinity. I couldn't help but stare at him for a moment or two. I found him utterly irresistible.
His companion, meanwhile, was shorter and stockier. He sported a neatly trimmed beard, along with thick eyebrows. Unlike his friend, however, he kept his hair long. Also unlike him, he was dressed in a formal suit, consisting of dark trousers, white shirt, and red vest. From the look of things, he was probably older than his counterpart. By contrast, his attire suggested that he held a position of authority within the guild. Or perhaps he simply preferred dressing formally. Either way, I couldn't tear my gaze away from him either. He radiated a sense of maturity and sophistication. Quite frankly, I thought he resembled a nobleman from a medieval kingdom.
After exchanging greetings, the taller adventurer introduced himself as Yutaka Kihara. The shorter one went by Shizuo Hino, which was presumably his real name. According to him, he hailed from the city of Osaka. Now that I think about it, I'd heard that Japan had a number of famous cities. Perhaps they were all located within the country's vast countryside? Regardless, neither of them seemed particularly concerned with my presence. Instead, they directed most of their attention towards Tsubomi. Once again, they asked her questions about the Labyrinth Challenge. Eventually, they moved on to discussing their plans for the upcoming tournament. Specifically, they discussed strategies and tactics designed to maximize success within the labyrinths. Such discussions lasted for nearly half an hour.
All told, our conversation with the two men occupied almost an entire day. We stayed inside the guild house until nightfall. Afterwards, Tsubomi and I retired to bed. When morning rolled around, we awoke refreshed and ready to begin anew.
The third trial was considerably easier compared to my previous attempts. Still, it proved just as grueling in its own regard. To start, it required that we venture deep underground. There, we encountered numerous stone statues bearing strange markings. Some of them glowed brightly, while others emitted eerie blue light. Others still displayed no signs of movement whatsoever. Nonetheless, they all shared one common trait: each one represented a boss monster. Henceforth, we needed to defeat every single creature in order to proceed further into the dungeon. Doing so wasn't easy. On average, we faced four bosses at any given point in time. Each encounter lasted between ten minutes and forty-five seconds, depending on how quickly we dispatched them.
Needless to say, we ran into our fair share of difficulties along the way. Several times, we were ambushed by hostile mobs. Other times, we came under attack from dangerous traps and deadly obstacles. And occasionally, we even found ourselves surrounded by hordes of aggressive monsters. Even worse, I witnessed numerous players fall victim to the dreaded curse bug. Thankfully, I managed to avoid falling prey myself. Otherwise, I might never have been able to complete the challenge. Ultimately, however, I managed to emerge victorious. Just like before, I lost a bit of HP and MP during the process. But otherwise, I fared reasonably well. In fact, I even discovered a new weapon and shield, thereby increasing my overall strength. All told, I ended up winning three gold coins, one silver coin, and seven copper coins. Not bad considering that I had spent less than twenty minutes total battling the bosses!
Unfortunately, Tsubomi fell ill afterwards. Apparently, she contracted some sort of cold virus. So sick in fact, that she wound up spending the rest of the week recuperating. I offered to assist her, but she refused my aid. Instead, she insisted on taking care of herself. That being said, she did request that I provide her with some medicine. So I headed to the general store where we purchased food supplies. Here, I bought cough drops and other medicines for sale. Likewise, I replenished our water supply. Finally, I picked up some bandages and disinfectant cream, just in case she became infected. I hoped that my purchases would prove useful in the coming days. After all, if she caught a nasty disease, then I wouldn't get to spend time with her anymore.
Once I finished shopping, I returned home. While Tsubomi rested, I read through a book titled 'How to Raise Your Physical Strength.' It explained various methods of training your body to become stronger. In particular, it described techniques involving weight lifting, calisthenics, yoga, running, jumping rope, swimming, and martial arts. Of course, I knew none of these skills firsthand. Yet somehow, I felt compelled to try anyway. After all, I was desperate to improve my physique. Maybe it was because I lacked confidence in my ability to win against the Red Knight. Or maybe it was merely my desire to live longer. Whatever the reason, I resolved to give everything I had.
So I began practicing. First, I lifted weights using my right hand alone. Next, I tried holding dumbbells in both hands. Later, I started swinging kettle bells around. Lastly, I performed pushups, sit ups, crunches, and squats. Needless to say, I worked hard. Harder than ever before in my life, actually. Over the next couple weeks, I trained daily without fail. Every waking second of every day. Sometimes, I even took breaks to sleep. But always, I continued pushing myself forward. Because the more effort I put forth, the greater chance I had of succeeding.
At last, the sixth day arrived. This marked the end of our stay at the Labyrinth City Inn. Thus far, I'd won a grand total of eight gold coins. Furthermore, I'd gained access to a brand new set of gear. Unfortunately, Tsubomi remained unwell. So instead of leaving immediately, we decided to remain at the inn another day. Our goal was simple enough: to heal Tsubomi's illness and ensure that she was fully recovered before continuing onward. Accordingly, we made sure to drink plenty of fluids and eat lots of fruit. Soon after, Tsubomi finally regained her appetite. In fact, she ate practically nonstop throughout the remainder of the trip. In addition to eating meals, she also drank several glasses of juice and milk. Fortunately, her symptoms gradually faded over time. Within a matter of days, she was completely healthy once again.
Which brings me back to now. As usual, we woke up early. Then we packed our bags and departed from the inn. We left behind a letter addressed to the Guild Master, informing him of our departure. It contained detailed information regarding our quest thus far, including the names of those who participated in the contest. Then, we handed off the remaining funds from the treasure chest. With that settled, we were free to continue adventuring elsewhere.
As such, this marks the final entry in my journal.
In conclusion, I should mention that I am currently residing in Academy City. My current residence is a small apartment in District 1. I rent it from a private landlord named Mr. Sakai. I pay him monthly fees equal to fifty percent of my earnings from the Labyrinth Challenge. In return, he provides me with a clean living space and basic amenities. Moreover, he helps me with various tasks related to maintaining the building and grounds. For example, he maintains the air conditioners and washing machines, as well as cleans the bathrooms and kitchen appliances. In exchange, I take care of all other chores associated with managing a household. These include cooking and cleaning, laundry, and gardening. As you can imagine, I've learned many valuable lessons since moving here. Namely, I understand much better how to manage my finances and handle day to day responsibilities. Consequently, I feel as though I'm growing wiser by the day. I hope that my experiences will serve as inspiration for future generations. If nothing else, they may offer insight into what lies ahead.
That said, I do not intend to write anything more concerning this subject. Nor shall I speak of my personal history. After all, there are plenty of books already written about my adventures. Therefore, I prefer to keep quiet rather than risk revealing too much information. Especially when speaking of matters pertaining to magic or combat techniques. The truth is that I possess only rudimentary knowledge of both subjects. At best, I could teach someone a few tricks used by ordinary people. However, I don't believe that my meager expertise warrants inclusion in any serious work of literature. Besides, I doubt anyone would want to hear about my personal life anyways. After all, nobody cares about an old man's boring tales from his youth.
Thus concludes my memoir. May God bless you all! Amen.

Translated By: Minae Matsumae
Edited By: Satsuki Takaya
Special Thanks To:
Tsuyoshi Yasui (for proofreading)
Kazuhiko Aoki (For editing help & advice)
Erika Kikuchi (For letting us use her character art!)
Mikihiro Shimizu (For helping out with the cover design!)
Shouko Nakayama (For providing a sample illustration!)
Sakura Minami (For making a lovely banner image for our blog post!! )
Yukari Yamamoto (For suggesting the idea of writing a fanfiction based on the Labyrinth City series!)
Haruaki Ueda (For giving feedback on the prologue!)
*Please note that the above characters' names have been changed to protect their privacy.*
A young woman sat atop a large rock overlooking the ocean. She gazed upon the distant horizon, watching waves crash onto shore. The setting sun painted the sky red and orange. Its warm rays illuminated the surrounding area, casting shadows across the landscape below. Though she didn't know it yet, this would be the place where she would meet her first love...
"You're late," she muttered. "I waited here for ages." Her tone was harsh, but her eyes betrayed her feelings. They burned bright with passion and excitement. Indeed, she couldn't wait to see him again. His name was Akuto Sai, and he was an incredible person. He was kind and considerate, brave and courageous, and handsome beyond compare. Most importantly, however, she loved him. More specifically, she adored his personality. From the very beginning, they connected on a fundamental level; they understood each other on a deeper level than most couples ever could. In short, they were meant to be together forever.
But alas, fate had other plans for them. One fateful day, Akuto vanished from sight. Only moments later, rumors spread of a terrible disaster striking the city. Rumors of massive earthquakes shaking the earth beneath the ground. Stories of buildings collapsing in the blink of an eye. Tales of entire villages disappearing without a trace. No one knew exactly what happened, nor why. Nevertheless, everyone feared that the world itself might collapse at any moment. In response to this mounting panic, the government declared martial law. Citizens were instructed to remain indoors unless absolutely necessary. Anyone who disobeyed these orders faced severe penalties ranging from fines to imprisonment.
It wasn't long until Akuto returned. Although he claimed that things weren't so bad outside the city limits, no one believed him. Everyone assumed that the worst had indeed come to pass. There seemed little point in trying to convince others otherwise. Instead, they simply accepted the situation and moved on with their lives. Still, Akuto vowed to stay away from the capital altogether. Rather than risk drawing unwanted attention, he chose to move somewhere remote. Henceforth, he lived among nature and its creatures. Occasionally, he would visit the city to purchase supplies. On rare occasions, however, he ventured deep into the wilderness in search of wild animals. Perhaps it was due to his constant exposure to the elements, but his appearance slowly changed. Whereas he once possessed pale skin and blond hair, these traits eventually transformed into black scales and pitch-black fur. Even stranger, he grew horns protruding from his forehead like a goat's. And although his physical form remained human, his mind underwent significant alterations as well. Gradually, Akuto developed strange powers of perception. Not only could he sense danger approaching miles away, but he could also perceive the thoughts of others within earshot. It was as if he could see right through people's souls.
Of course, Akuto never revealed himself to anyone. Whenever possible, he preferred to travel incognito. It was clear to all that something unnatural lurked inside him. People avoided him wherever he went. Some thought that he must have committed some horrible crime to earn such animosity. Others suspected that he was a demon sent from Hell itself. Regardless, the general consensus among society was that Akuto was dangerous. Sooner or later, someone would surely discover his true identity and attempt to kill him.
Nevertheless, despite the dangers posed by civilization, Akuto refused to leave. Instead, he devoted his life entirely toward protecting humanity from harm. Whether it involved battling monsters lurking in the depths of the forest, rescuing lost children from kidnappers, or defusing bombs planted in public spaces by terrorist organizations, he did whatever it took to prevent tragedy from striking down innocent bystanders. In time, word of his heroism reached the ears of certain individuals. These included politicians, military officers, and influential members of society. Many of these figures wanted to hire Akuto as a bodyguard, but Akuto politely declined their offers. Instead, he advised them against attempting to control him. After all, he considered it his duty to save humanity regardless of whether they acknowledged him or not.
And so, Akuto continued living out his days in solitude. Until one day, a mysterious girl appeared before him. Her name was Hiyori Tokisaki. Despite being a mere child, she was wise beyond her years. In addition, she possessed exceptional talents which rivaled those of Akuto herself. Due to her natural ability to manipulate the weather, she quickly became known as the "Wind Witch." Together, Akuto and Hiyori formed a formidable duo capable of fighting even the most powerful enemies. Eventually, they earned the trust and admiration of many citizens. Yet, while these victories brought great joy to those around them, the pair still encountered numerous hardships along the way. Their greatest challenge came during an incident involving a group of terrorists known as the Black Organization. Led by the ruthless organization leader Kouta Kazamatsuri, the Black Organization sought to overthrow the government in order to seize power for themselves. Fearing that their efforts could destabilize the country, the government dispatched troops to quell the uprising. But Akuto and Hiyori thwarted their attempts at every turn. Ultimately, they succeeded in driving the enemy forces from the battlefield. Afterwards, Akuto and Hiyori met with the president of Japan, Shizuku Mizusawa, to discuss their next step. During this meeting, President Mizusawa offered the pair a position on the Japanese Defense Force's special operations team. They gladly accepted. Thus began Akuto and Hiyori's journey towards becoming heroes worthy of the nation's praise...
The story continues in Volume 2!

There was once a boy named Akuto Sai. This young man was born and raised in a small village near the sea. Like many others in his community, he spent his days tending livestock and fishing in the nearby waters. Every morning, he'd wake up early and go to sleep late. He rarely saw the sunrise because he always worked late into the night. All in all, he led a simple, peaceful existence. That is, until one day he received an invitation to participate in an exciting new contest. The prize? An enormous sum of money. Furthermore, he would receive fame and renown as the winner. Of course, there was one catch. First, contestants needed to defeat a giant monster called the Dragon King. Then, they had to solve a riddle given to them by a wizard. Finally, they had to escape from a labyrinth hidden deep within Mount Fuji. Needless to say, this sounded far too difficult for Akuto to accomplish alone. Nonetheless, he decided to give it his best shot. With that said, he set off for Tokyo on horseback. Upon reaching the capital, he purchased several items designed to aid him throughout the adventure. These included a magical sword, a potion of invisibility, a ring that granted him flight capabilities, and a book containing detailed maps of the mountain range. Soon after, Akuto arrived at the entrance to the Labyrinth City. Unfortunately, he soon discovered that another contestant had beaten him there. As luck would have it, this newcomer turned out to be none other than the beautiful princess from a neighboring kingdom. For reasons unknown, she insisted on accompanying Akuto on his quest. Unwilling to argue with her decision, Akuto agreed under protest. Together, they entered the labyrinth and defeated the dragon. Shortly thereafter, they solved the mystery presented to them by the Wizard. And finally, they escaped from the labyrinth. Throughout all this chaos, however, Akuto and Kaoruko managed to fall madly in love with each other. Afterward, they married and settled down in a cozy home.
Akuto and Kaoruko welcomed a son and daughter into the world shortly afterwards. However, tragedy struck when their youngest child suddenly died of illness at age two. Overcome with grief, both parents withdrew from social activities. They stopped going to work and started spending more time at home instead. Consequently, business suffered greatly. Unable to afford to keep running the restaurant anymore, they sold it to a local businessman. Feeling guilty over losing their livelihoods, Akuto and Kaoruko resolved to put aside their personal problems for now. Instead, they focused on raising their remaining children. They hoped that someday they would find happiness again. Meanwhile, Akuto continued traveling to the Labyrinth City whenever he got bored. At times, he would bring back souvenirs for his family. Other times, he would return empty-handed. Either way, he always tried to make sure his wife and kids didn't notice. Sadly, Akuto never learned how to properly deal with loss. Nor did he learn how to cope with his newfound loneliness. And so, he kept retreating further and further inward.
One day, Akuto found himself standing beside a large tree. A single leaf floated gently in front of his face. He stared blankly ahead as he contemplated what this particular object symbolized. Suddenly, he noticed something odd about the shape of the leaves. Something was different compared to the ones he remembered seeing previously. Curious, he plucked one from the air and examined it closely. To his surprise, he realized that the edges of this leaf were sharp enough to cut flesh. Puzzled, Akuto placed it back onto the branch. Just then, a voice spoke directly behind him. "Hello there. I've been waiting for you."
Startled by the sudden sound, Akuto spun around. Standing before him stood a tall figure wearing an extravagant robe covered in intricate patterns. Its features were obscured by shadows, leaving only hints of its presence. What made matters worse was that this individual possessed the uncanny ability to disappear and reappear anywhere within seconds. "Who are you?" Akuto demanded. The shadowy figure laughed heartily at the question. Without warning, it lunged forward and grabbed hold of Akuto's collar. Before Akuto could react, the figure threw him to the ground. Instantly, the surrounding area fell silent. Nothing existed except for Akuto and this mysterious creature. "Do you really want to know my name?" asked the shadow.
"Yes," Akuto replied immediately. His tone betrayed no fear whatsoever. Indeed, he felt strangely calm. "Please tell me your name!" he repeated. The shadow smiled knowingly. Slowly, it rose from the ground. In doing so, it revealed the upper half of its face. It looked like a skull. "My name is Death," it whispered.
At first glance, nothing about Death resembled anything alive. Yet, there was something undeniably humanlike about it. Moreover, its words carried a distinct weight of authority. Akuto remained speechless for quite some time. He couldn't help but stare at this terrifying apparition in disbelief. "Death..." he murmured softly.
"I'm afraid there isn't much time left," said Death. "You should hurry if you wish to see your loved ones one last time."
It was the year 2047. Humanity had long since abandoned Earth, having relocated to space colonies orbiting Jupiter and Saturn. One of these settlements was located on a planet known as Daedalus. This place was inhabited solely by humans who shared similar interests. Most of them studied science and technology. Others taught children and adults alike. Still others performed research in various fields. On top of that, they also ran businesses related to entertainment and food production. Life here was quiet and serene. Everyone lived together harmoniously, sharing knowledge freely amongst one another.
However, not everything in life was perfect. There were many people whose minds simply weren't suited for scientific pursuits. Those individuals tended to feel isolated from society. While some might seek solace through religion, others resorted to drinking alcohol excessively. In response, the residents of Daedalus built a facility specifically intended to cater to these needs. Called the Barren Tree Tavern, this establishment catered exclusively to non-scientists. Here, patrons could drink without feeling judged. Furthermore, the tavern served delicious meals prepared by chefs skilled in preparing cuisine from around the galaxy. Naturally, this attracted a wide variety of customers. Among them: scientists, religious scholars, philosophers, artists, musicians, writers, and entertainers of all sorts. Even aliens from distant star systems wandered into the bar from time to time. The common factor linking everyone present was their desire to enjoy themselves in peace.
On a clear autumn evening, a woman sat at a table inside the Barren Tree Tavern. She wore an elegant white dress adorned with gold embroidery. Her hair was tied up neatly, and she held a glass filled with red wine in her hand. Although she seemed to be enjoying herself, there was a hint of sadness lingering in her eyes. "What do we need to talk about tonight?" she muttered quietly to herself. Her name was Yui Hasegawa. Born into a wealthy family, she grew up surrounded by luxury and privilege. Yet, she hated her privileged upbringing. From an early age, she dreamed of escaping her luxurious lifestyle and finding true freedom. So, she trained hard in martial arts to prepare for just such an opportunity. Eventually, fate provided her with exactly what she wanted.
Yui heard rumors of a secret island somewhere far away from civilization. Rumors that promised a paradise where anyone could live freely without worrying about the law or taxes. Once word spread among the locals, thousands flocked to this place. Some traveled by ship while others walked across the land itself. Many lost their lives along the way due to accidents and disease. Nevertheless, all of them eventually reached the destination of their dreams. The Island of Freedom.
Once there, they were greeted by the inhabitants. These beings were known as the Freeborns. They lived free from any sort of obligation or responsibility. As a result, they were able to pursue whatever goals interested them the most. Thus, they became the ideal environment for those seeking liberation from societal constraints. More importantly, though, they also offered protection against outsiders looking to exploit the island for profit. No matter how rich someone may have been, they wouldn't stand a chance against the Freeborn army. Not even the king of Japan would dare to try and conquer this place.
As Yui thought about this, she downed her final sip of wine. She then slammed the cup onto the tabletop next to her. "Well...it looks like I'll never get to meet my beloved father again," she lamented. Moments later, she took out a small device from her pocket and began typing on it furiously. Next, she pulled out a black box and attached it to the side of the machine. Lastly, she inserted a USB drive into a port on the bottom part of the device. The moment she completed this process, a holographic projection appeared above her head. The image depicted a room filled with bookshelves lined with countless volumes. It belonged to a man sitting cross-legged in front of a fireplace. "Father, I hope you can hear me," said Yui.
"Of course," answered her father, Ichiro Hasegawa. Unlike his daughter, he had dark skin and short brown hair. His clothes were equally plain; he wore a pair of jeans and a gray T-shirt. "I am still alive and well, thank you very much," he added. "And yes, I did die recently."
Yui shook her head in dismay. "That wasn't what I meant! You're supposed to be dead already!" she exclaimed. After all, the Freeborns told her that her father passed away ten years ago. But apparently, he'd faked his own death to escape his responsibilities. That explained why he hadn't visited his daughter once during the past decade. If he truly was deceased, she would have received news of his passing via the postman or other means.
"No, I'm not," her father responded. "The Freeborns lied to me. They told me that my body was stolen and used as a puppet for evil purposes. However, it seems they forgot to mention that I would actually remain alive after that happened. And so, here I am today, talking to you through this device. How ironic."
Yui sighed heavily in exasperation. "So, what brings you here? Are you trying to apologize for abandoning me?"
Her father chuckled lightly at this remark. "Not quite, dear Yui. Truthfully speaking, I don't regret leaving you alone for so long," he admitted. Then, he went on to explain his reasoning behind this decision. "Your mother and I raised you based upon our values. We believed that every person should be free to pursue their own path in life. And yet, you decided to abandon that belief and join the military. Despite knowing full well that your career choice would lead to your untimely demise. Is this the kind of future you envisioned yourself living in?"
"But Father! Why did you leave me?! Didn't you care?!" cried Yui in frustration. For a brief moment, her anger melted into tears. When she wiped them away, her cheeks were wet with blood.
"If I stayed with you, I would have spent my entire life wondering whether you were safe or not. And so, I chose to let go of that burden entirely," said her father.
"But what about Mother!?" screamed Yui. Tears streamed down her face as she pleaded for answers. "She's gone too, isn't she!? Wasn't that your plan all along!?"
"Yes. Your mother died of cancer six months ago," replied her father calmly. "In fact, it was almost exactly ten years after you vanished off the radar. I knew you didn't intend to stay away forever. Rather than forcing myself on you when you returned home, I decided to wait patiently until the right time came."
"Wait...what?" stammered Yui. Her mind raced as she tried desperately to make sense of the information she just received. "Mother...? Cancer...six months ago?"
"Indeed. She suffered terribly before finally succumbing to the illness," confirmed her father. He then glanced at the hologram hovering over the table in front of him. "Now, please excuse me. I must return to my duties now. Please remember this conversation between us." With that, the holographic projection disappeared. All that remained was a single book resting atop the table. A thick volume bound in leather. It was titled The Art Of War.
For several minutes, Yui remained frozen in shock. Finally, she got up from the chair and opened the book. Inside, there was a note written by her late mother. It read: 'Dear Daughter, I am sorry for dying so soon.' Atop the page was a drawing depicting two hands clasped tightly together. Upon closer inspection, one of those hands bore a ring engraved with a strange symbol. The same symbol that decorated the front cover of The Art Of War.
Yui stared blankly at the message for quite some time. Eventually, she closed the book and placed it back on the table. She stood silently for quite some time before slowly turning around. She found herself staring directly at a young man standing nearby. Judging by his appearance, he looked to be in his mid-twenties. His features were average enough to blend in anywhere, which made it easy to forget that he existed. Yet, his expression conveyed a certain intensity that suggested otherwise. Perhaps this was because he possessed sharp eyes capable of piercing straight through the soul.
He was wearing a simple set of clothing consisting primarily of black pants and a white shirt. On his feet, he wore sandals. On top of that, he also sported a long ponytail hanging loosely down his back.
His name was Kousuke Hoshino. He worked as an assistant manager at the Barren Tree Tavern. Since childhood, he'd always dreamt of becoming a chef someday. Unfortunately, circumstances prevented him from following this goal. Instead, he ended up working in a restaurant serving mediocre dishes prepared by inexperienced cooks. Now, however, things were different. Thanks to the skills he learned at school, he was able to open a successful business of his own. Moreover, he was currently enjoying himself immensely in the kitchen. As he watched Yui walk towards the exit, he couldn't help but wonder if she was going to take advantage of this newfound freedom. Would she continue pursuing her current occupation? Or perhaps she'd find something else to fill her days with instead. Either way, he wished nothing but happiness for the girl who reminded him of his younger sister.
After exiting the building, Yui headed northwards. Along the way, she passed numerous shops selling various wares. Each of them sold unique goods created using their respective specialties. One store specialized in making traditional Japanese sweets. Another focused solely on producing handmade pottery. Others dealt with fashion accessories and cosmetics. All of these establishments shared one thing in common: none of them were particularly popular. In fact, each of them struggled financially. This was largely thanks to the fact that they lacked exposure to large audiences. Their products simply weren't seen as being worth purchasing.
Eventually, Yui arrived at a residential area located near the center of town. Several rows of houses stretched out before her. Most of them were constructed from wood rather than stone. Furthermore, most of them were painted bright colors. There was no sign of a car or motorcycle parked outside any of the residences. Apparently, residents of this neighborhood preferred walking wherever possible.
Yui approached the house nearest to hers. The door was unlocked, allowing her to enter without hesitation. She entered a narrow hallway leading to the entrance hall. She proceeded deeper inside the residence until she reached the master bedroom. Here, she discovered her mother lying lifeless on the bed. Bloodstains covered her entire torso. She was clearly stabbed multiple times in the chest. Her neck bore a similar wound. Yui quickly checked for a pulse. Finding none, she grabbed a blanket from a closet and wrapped it around her mother's body. Then, she left the room and hurried downstairs to inform the authorities of what happened.
It was only then that Yui realized that she had forgotten to call her father. Once again, she ran upstairs to retrieve his number from her phone. By this point, she was already running late for work. Nonetheless, she dialed the digits anyway.
"Hello? Oh, hello there, Miss Hasegawa," said a voice on the other end of the line.
"Is that really you?" asked Yui incredulously. "How are you alive after all this time?"
"Ahh, yes, I suppose I should begin explaining that," said her father. "First of all, allow me to say that I am extremely glad to see you again. My apologies for leaving you all alone for so many years. Believe me, I know how difficult it must have been on both you and your mother."
"Why did you lie to me!?" demanded Yui angrily. "You abandoned us! You told Mom you were dead! What kind of sick joke is that!?"
"Oh dear..." sighed her father. "I understand you might feel betrayed by this revelation, but please try to keep calm. Things will become clear in due time."
"What do you mean!?" asked Yui.
"Please sit tight for now," advised her father. "This may sound confusing, but everything shall be revealed in its proper place and time. Just trust me on this matter."
With that, the connection was cut. Yui immediately called him back and repeated her request. However, he refused to respond further. Frustrated by this turn of events, she hung up abruptly. Moments later, she heard someone knocking loudly on the front door. Curious, she walked over to check the peephole. To her surprise, she saw a familiar figure standing outside.
"Kousuke!" shouted Yui excitedly.
"Hey," greeted the young man. "Sorry to barge in like this. But I need your help."
Several hours earlier...
A young woman sat huddled in a corner of a dimly lit alleyway. She wore a long coat covering her body completely. From afar, she appeared to be a ghost haunting the streets. Although it was night, the temperature felt pleasantly warm. And yet, the air still carried an unpleasant chill. Not surprisingly, she shivered slightly despite her best efforts to remain composed.
"Ugh, damn it! Damn it, dammit, DAMN IT ALL TO HELL!!!" screamed the girl. She kicked repeatedly at the ground while cursing profusely under her breath. Even though she was alone, nobody dared approach her. No passersby stopped to ask what was wrong. None offered assistance either. They probably assumed that she was mad at someone or something. After all, she seemed pretty upset about whatever was troubling her.
However, this wasn't the case at all. The reason for her outburst was much more complicated. Namely, she was suffering from acute anxiety caused by an intense fear of being exposed as a fraud. Ever since enrolling in high school four months prior, she'd done her utmost to conceal her true identity. That meant keeping her real age hidden as well. Otherwise, people would realize that she could never possibly be eighteen years old. Consequently, she had to hide her physical appearance as well. Therefore, she dyed her hair jet black and opted to wear sunglasses whenever she stepped foot outdoors.
Despite her best attempts to maintain anonymity, she kept getting caught. First, it was her classmates who noticed the unusual gap between her height and weight. Next, it was the teachers at school who became suspicious of her lack of knowledge regarding basic concepts such as mathematics and literature. Ultimately, everyone in her class eventually figured out that she was actually older than most of them. And yet, even knowing this, nobody ever questioned her credibility. Rather, they treated her like an elder sister. Naturally, she pretended not to notice these signs of affection. If anything, she took pride in their attention. Because of course, she wanted them to treat her kindly regardless of her actual age.
Yet, things changed once she enrolled into college. Unlike high school, students here were required to submit proof of identification upon registration. Thus far, she hadn't come across anyone willing to challenge her claim of being eighteen. Still, she was terrified of finding out otherwise. After all, what if someone decided to investigate her background? What if she was forced to reveal her true self? How would the world react to this discovery? Could she live with herself after causing so much trouble for others?
These questions plagued her mind incessantly. Every day brought new worries and anxieties. Indeed, every moment felt like a living hell. And so, the girl continued to run away from reality. Whenever the possibility of facing the truth arose, she fled as fast as she could. For better or worse, she believed that escaping her troubles would make them disappear entirely. Sadly, this strategy didn't seem to be working very well thus far.
"Damn it...damn it to Hell!!" cried the girl. Tears began streaming down her cheeks uncontrollably. Soon afterwards, she fell unconscious right where she lay.
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