Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2302847-Talk-LIke-Jar-Jar-Brinks-Day
Rated: E · Poetry · Sci-fi · #2302847
Talk Like Jar Jar Brinks Day for Writer's cramp
Jar Jar Brinks express It In Eight


Salmon Rubinstein was a lead writer
For the Star Wars franchise.
He was infamous for having written
The most annoying Star Wars character

Hated by most fans
And was the voice of Jar Jar.

He was the inventor
Of the International
Talk Like Jar Jar Brinks Day.

To celebrate, he usually recorded a video
Wearing a bow tie
As it was also international bow day
And he loved wearing bow ties.

NEW PROMPT: Tomorrow, August 19, is International Bow Day. It is also International Talk Like Jar-Jar Binks Day! Find a way to combine these two observances in your story or poem.
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