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Rated: E · Fiction · Fanfiction · #2303135
The true battle vs Toriel begins. Will Chara see she is wrong about her mother?
The next day started as usual. After eating Toriel's tasty breakfast, Rodrigo went to play tag with Frisk, while Chara huffed and watched the two, as she laid on the wall with her arms crossed.

If it was up to them, they'd stay here forever. Heck, maybe this was Frisk's idea. Since she became an overprotective big sister, she clearly doesn't want Rodrigo to face the dangers and sadness this journey might bring...

....But, Chara had enough, if they are content enough to stay here, she'll have to persuade her Partner to move on personally! So, she walked to Rodrigo....

"Look, Partner. Did you notice these stairs leading down?" Chara asked Rodrigo, who blinked as he stopped playing with Frisk to look at where his partner was motioning to.

"I never paid attention to them..." Rodrigo admitted, curiously.

"W-well, it doesn't matter. If Toriel didn't tell us about it, maybe we should just ignore these stairs." Frisk said, sweatdropping, before teaching Rodrigo, "Remember, little brother, that some places are just unsafe for us kids. There's a time and a place to be curious."

"O...okay, big sis..." Rodrigo said, but his little face showed he was VERY curious right now, as he looked at the stairs!

"I think it might be the way out, Partner." smirked Chara. "Out of the ruins...and to your home, perhaps."

"Chara!!" Frisk yelled, before gulping and saying, "D-don't teach what you don't know, you wanna little bro to wander there and get lost?"

"Big sis, don't be so upset. Maybe Chara's right, I can just ask m...Toriel about it!" Rodrigo innocently said.

Frisk sighed. She still remembered the last timeline. She just wanted her new little brother to stay safe and happy, and staying on Toriel's home would be perfect for that!

Alas, thanks to Chara, this seemed not to be, as the trio went to Toriel. Rodrigo didn't notice Frisk's eyebrowns showing she was glaring at Chara through her closed eyes, while Chara just smirked at Frisk smugly! Chara wasn't sure if Frisk could actually see it through her closed eyes...

(Which, for the record, she can, due to her own Determination!)

...But it felt so GOOD to do this, on Chara's opinion!

"Mommy...miss Toriel?" Rodrigo asked, again correcting himself as his Partner glared at him!

"Yes, my child? What is it?" Toriel asked.

"It has been good staying here all this time, but...I think I need to go home..." Rodrigo said.

"W...what do you mean, my child? Y...you are home, see?" Toriel asked, patting Rodrigo's head.

Chara rolled her eyes. "She NEVER changes. Always the same song...."

"Chara, she's sad to see little bro leave. Can't you see it?" Frisk asked.

"You're as innocent as Partner is, and that's annoying. As soon as we leave, she'll just wait for our replacement to fall here." Chara told Frisk.

"Chara, you are so bitter...that isn't good for you..." Frisk said, actually worried for the other girl.

"Shut up, Frisk! I told you already, I don't want your pity!!" growled Chara.

"It wasn't pity....it was worry...." mumbled Frisk.

Chara ignored Frisk, and with her twisted smirk, remarked, confusing Frisk, "Sides, the fun part comes after we go to the Ruins's exit...she won't look for replacements for QUITE a while, trust me..."

Chara's memory came to the very next battle against Toriel, after she and Rodrigo reseted.

"Remember, Partner, no being stubborn. If she stands in our way, we beat her, and that's that! Understood?" Chara warned Rodrigo.

Rodrigo held the wooden stick on his hand, but nodded, "Kay, Partner...I guess we can beat without killing."

"I doubt it, but if this makes you more willing to fight, then sure, do whatever makes you happy. But if you start hesitating too much, let ME take over." Chara warned!

The dark corridors were light up with the flames in Toriel's hands. Rodrigo's shadow seemed to be smirking darkly...it was actually showing not Rodrigo, but Chara. She was sure that, this time, her Partner will do things right. No hesitation. No whining, and specially, no jumping into a fireball for not paying attention!

No Resets, either. Toriel is going down, right here, right now!

"......." Rodrigo again wasn't having nearly as much fun as Chara was. He looked sad as Toriel glared sternly at him.

"No more monsters will fall by your hands. You are the..." Toriel began the same speech from the last reset, but this time, she was shocked!

For, grabbing his wooden stick, Rodrigo just said, "....Let's just get straight to the point..." before he charged her!

"Heh. I'm proud of you, Rodrigo. You're a great Partner!" smirked Chara!

Toriel yelped in pain as the wooden stick hit. However, while Rodrigo had EXP, and Determination, he lacked Chara's killing intent. He was fighting to knock her out, not to kill.

As she tossed (and missed purposely) her fireballs, and tried to dodge the swings, Toriel could see her child's heart was not fully into this. He seemed to be....

"....Crying....?" Toriel wondered, as the sobbing boy kept attacking her! "My child, why are you...."

"Because I don't wanna hurt you! Or kill you! But you're stubborn! You'll NEVER let me leave if we don't fight!" Rodrigo cried, "Why do you make me do this?! Hurt you, huh?! Tell me, MOTHER!!!"

Toriel gasped! This piercing question hit her like a slap to the face! And the way he called her "mother"...it reminded her of...

She thought her child emptied the Ruins, but....she also can see how much pained he is, fighting her! And the Monsters's idea of playing is...of course! He was scared, and fought on self-defense, but her, she did nothing but love, care, and raise him ever since they met! It only stands to reason he DOESN'T want to fight her, but her refusing to let him leave is forcing him to!

This made Toriel drop her guard, and....

SMACK!!!! Rodrigo hit Toriel hard enough to send her into a wall!

The boy panted as he sobbed, glaring at the motherly Boss Monster. He felt his partner gently touch his shoulder.

"You did a great job, Partner. Do you think you can go on or should I take over? You seem at your limit, emotionally speaking." Chara asked him.

But then both of them blinked, as Toriel approached them....and hugged Rodrigo!

"I'm sorry, my child. You really aren't a bad child, you were just scared, weren't you? All the others attacked you, and when I was nice to you, I refused to see you are mature enough to decide if you want to live here or leave. But you don't have to cry anymore. You showed me your strenght. I'll let you leave the ruins."

"....She's tottaly bluffing." Chara said, but gasped, "Wait, Partner?!" as the crying boy hugged Toriel tightly, dropping his weapon!

Toriel smiled, and conforted her poor child as long as he needed. Once he calmed down, she just asked him to be good, and remember not all enemies want to kill him.

However, Chara hasn't forgiven her, for what she percieved as Toriel replacing her with all sorts of other children....

And she also noticed how exausted her Partner was. This fight was exausting physically and emotionally. And as they walked, Chara said, "...Partner, stop right there. You need to rest."

"I can't...what if we are attacked while I sleep, Chara? We need to look for a safer place to sleep...."

But the girl shook her head, "You're a mess right now, Partner. If you fought anything right now, there's only an end result. A trip to Resetland." she said, then added, "Have you forgotten I can take over? Just sleep, and I'll keep us safe while you do. Oooor you can get a red bottom and THEN sleep. Your call."

"Partneeeeer...." whined Rodrigo!

"Don't "Partner" me...Partner." Chara scolded, but patted his head. "C'mon, just rest a bit, it's good for you. I'll take over till you wake up, deal?"

"Well...I AM kinda tired..." admitted Rodrigo, yawning. "Kay, Chara, but can you take good care of my...sorry, our body?"

"Of course. Rest, partner...." Chara said...

....and as Rodrigo closed his eyes and fell asleep, his eyes opened, now bright red, signifying Chara is in control of the body, "...And I'll take care of everything. First, though...to finish the job..."

Toriel was reading a book, trying to take her mind out of the worry for her child, when she saw Rodrigo enter, with his eyes closed.

"My child...!" she gasped, "You're back! Is there something wrong?"

Still with his eyes closed, the boy chuckled and had a twisted grin. "...Greetings, Mother." he said, shocking Toriel...

....and her shock was even bigger as he opened his eyes, now a deep red like her long lost daughter's, as Chara finished, "...I am CHARA."

"C...Chara?" Toriel asked, tearing up, "Is that a drea..."

....She didn't have time to finish the sentence, as Chara got Rodrigo's wooden stick, and charged her, making her world go black.....

"......Chara? Chara?"

Back on Toriel's home, Chara blinked as she heard her name being called, and turned around, "Hmm..? What, Frisk?"

"You okay? You just zoned out there, with that..." Frisk noted, then groaned, "Kinda creepy smile on your face..."

"Oh, don't worry, I'm okay, Frisk." smirked Chara. "I just remembered something funny!"

Rodrigo was still trying to convince Toriel. "Well...it's just that I fell here, so I think I should go somewhere else...I dunno why, but..." he said, then raised an eyebrown as Toriel nervously looked at the stairs.

"We can talk about it after you clean your room, okay, my child? On the meantime, I have to check something on the basement. Be good while I'm down there, alright?" Toriel asked, leaving the room.

Chara's eyes widened! "PARTNER! QUICK, AFTER HER!!!" she yelled, knowing well what Toriel would do!

Rodrigo gasped! "Chara, what's wrong?!"

"Little brother, it's wierd how she didn't anwser about the basement AND went there so suddently. Maybe we shouldn't let her outta our sight..." Frisk encouraged Rodrigo.

She'd rather her little brother stayed here, safe and sound, for the good of Rodrigo AND the promise she made in a previous timeline....but maybe she was being selfish and underestimating his strenght and Determination. Besides, she'll be with him on this journey to ensure Chara doesn't act up, so, there was no reason not to let him see the world!

Rodrigo nervously nodded, as he ran after Toriel. He sweatdropped, "These corridors are just like the ones from that nightmare I had..." he said.

"They are?" Frisk asked, surprised. "Wait, then-"

"We're wasting time, you two!" Chara cut them off, not wanting Frisk to know how Chara's first journey with Rodrigo went without her influence! If the overprotective Frisk knew how Chara convinced Rodrigo to empty the ruins, and he refused to fight Toriel, only to end up jumping into a fireball by mistake, as in Rodrigo's "nightmare"....well, suffice to say Frisk'll nag Chara for the rest of this journey!

They managed to reach Toriel. "My child, I told you to go clean your room."

"Mommy...Toriel, why are you walking so far? What are you gonna do?" Rodrigo asked, nervously.

Toriel sighed. "You wanted to know how to go home, did you not?" she asked, "Ahead of us is the end of the ruins. A one way exit to the rest of the Underground."

"So the exit WAS here!" Rodrigo said!

But Toriel then added, "....I am going to destroy it. No one will leave, ever again. Now, be a good child, and go upstairs."

"W-what?! You can't do this!" Rodrigo gasped!

"I can and I will. Every human that comes here meets the same fate. They come...they leave...then they die." Toriel said.

"But there's no way of knowing if I'll die out there...heck, if the Underground is so dangerous, I could die anywhere, even here, for all you know! All it takes is you not seeing one single attack going my way, right?" Rodrigo reasoned.

Frisk nodded in approval. That is right, and it's a lesson she had to learn as well. She needed to trust her little brother, not let her own protective nature blind her to his potential!

Chara, however, sighed. When will Partner learn that sometimes, talking isn't the solution? Yes, so Toriel changed her mind, that one time, but Rodrigo still had to attack her before she did!

Still, Chara is lightly surprised that how Toriel seems eager to prove her point about her to Frisk and Rodrigo. The trio didn't kill a single monster on this timeline, and STILL Toriel stands in their way, willing to fight to keep them on the Ruins!

"You naive child....if you try to leave the ruins...they...Asgore...will kill you. I just want what's best for you, do you understand? Go to your room." Toriel said.

"Well, Partner? Will you just take that from her?" Chara smirked at Rodrigo.

"It's your choice, little bro. I wouldn't mind us staying forever here, having fun, you being safe, but I won't stop you. Do what you think is right, and we'll see where this takes on." encouraged Frisk.

"Thanks, big sis. Thanks...Partner." Rodrigo mumbled, confusing Toriel a bit, before narrowing his eyes. "Sorry, I'm NOT backing down. I won't let you destroy the exit!"

"Do not try to stop me. This is your final warning...." warned Toriel.

As Rodrigo stepped foward, Toriel sighed sadly.

"You want to leave so badly? Hmph. You are just like the others. There is only one solution to this. Prove yourself...prove to me you are strong enough to survive." she said, flames covering her hand.

Frisk sadly remembered when she tried to defend herself from Toriel's blows. How it all ended up, and what made her promise herself to become Mercy itself, never raising a weapon unless there's no other way to escape the fight.

Chara was worried, as again Rodrigo kept dodging Toriel, yelling at her Partner to attack her.

But unlike the timeline Chara remembered, since Rodrigo wasn't forced to empty the ruins, he wasn't as distraught, and could think clearly. "Big sis..." he mumbled.

Frisk blinked. "Yes, little brother?" she asked.

"I'll do what you taught me to. I'm gonna show Mercy and Spare." Rodrigo said, making Frisk smile proudly, hoping he succeded where even she has failed!

"For the love of...Partner, you WANNA be burned to a crisp?" Chara asked, annoyed. Last time, Toriel was conflicted, and didn't try to hit them. But who's to say that this time, she isn't dead serious in keeping them here and will fight seriously?

But Rodrigo was Determined to spare Toriel, and kept dodging, giving her a sad, but firm and stern look. He was showing her he would NOT back down.

"What...what are you doing? Attack me or run away! What are you proving this way? Fight me, or leave!" demanded Toriel.

But Rodrigo kept dodging her attacks, and giving Toriel the same Determined look. He wasn't going to give up.

"Stop. Stop looking at me this way!" Toriel groaned! "Go away!"

Rodrigo approached her while dodging her attack, but still not attacking.

"I know you want to go home, but....but please, go upstairs now. I know we don't have much, but we can live a good life here." pleaded Toriel.

"No, I can't. Sorry..." Rodrigo said, as he kept dodging and approaching.

"Why are you making this so difficult?! Please, go upstairs!" Toriel pleaded!

But Rodrigo was already in front of her, and much for her shock....

.....The little boy actually hugged Toriel instead of attacking!

This made both Frisk AND Chara gasp in surprise, not expecting that!

".....!" Toriel's eyes widened in surprise, before she gave her little boy a sad smile. "Ha, ha...pathetic, is it not? I cannot save even a single child."

"Mommy..." Rodrigo said, as Chara was too shocked to glare him into correcting himself, "I'm sorry, but this is something I have to do..."

"No, I understand. You would just be unhappy trapped down here. The Ruins are very small once you get used to them. It would not be right for you to grow up in a place like this. My expectations... my loneliness... my fear...for you, my child... I will put them aside." Toriel gently said, returning Rodrigo's hug.

Rodrigo smiled as he didn't let go of the hug.

"She...surrendered? Just like that?" Chara asked, surprised.

Frisk smiled, "I knew there was always another way...if only I could have found it...back then..."

But all kids's attentions went to Toriel, as she giggled and said, "Rodrigo, my child...you remind me of someone I once knew."

"Who is it, mommy?" Rodrigo asked, curious.

"My long lost daughter....her name was Chara." Toriel said.

"...........!!!!!!!" All three were shocked! Chara? THAT Chara, Rodrigo and Frisk wondered?! As in Rodrigo's Partner, the one who hates Toriel and think she'll replace them, THAT CHARA?!

And Chara herself was even MORE shocked at hering Toriel talk about her to someone else! One thing is remembering Chara when she showed herself, possesing her Partner's body. Another thing is Toriel mentioning her without knowing she was there!

"What's wrong, my child? You seem surprised." Toriel said.

"I...I just got surprised I remind you of someone, mommy." Rodrigo quickly said.

Frisk raised her hand to give a spank to her little bro for lying, but then realised how Toriel would react knowing Chara was right there next to her, and realized Rodrigo did the right thing lying! So she lowered her hand.

"S-so, why do I remind you of this...Chara?" Rodrigo softly asked Toriel.

"First of all, your determination. I never saw a child like you before Chara. Then, while my daughter had trouble admitting her true feelings, she also was very caring and protective deep inside, much like you are." Toriel said.

Frisk looked at Chara in surprise, but the other girl only huffed at this.

"And finnaly...this small time we spent together showed you and Chara have quite similar eating habits. It...might be sillyness of a mother who misses her child, but...I actually keep chocolate in the fridge to remind myself of her. I also have a few of my son Asriel favorite toys in the guest room, and..."

....This struck Chara! Toriel keeps chocolate...to remember her? She wasn't being...replaced?

Frisk touched Chara's shoulder and smiled, as if telling her there's no reason to be so bitter with Toriel, and Rodrigo also smiled. "That's so nice of you, mommy..." he said, but yawned.

"I know you don't want to stay here, but how about you at least sleep before leaving? I'll pack you your favorite pie, my child." Toriel said, his yawn telling her he was exausted.

Rodrigo nodded, as he was taken to the guest room to sleep. At this time, Chara asked Frisk, "Frisk, while Partner is sleeping, I need to talk with you."

Frisk tilted her head. "Sure, Chara." she said, curious of why she'd want to talk on private. Could there be something to do with the revelation Toriel made?

And once they were in private, Chara explained more about Rodrigo's "nightmare"....


"Among other places...." Chara admitted, sweatdropping. So far Frisk was reacting...like he expected, to be honest!

"AND you didn't stop him from hitting a fireball?!"

"Hey, his Determination stopped me..." Chara grunted.

"AND even used his body, when he trusted you to take care of it, to dust Toriel AFTER she had been SPARED?!" Frisk continued.

"Well, I WAS kinda mad at her, and since Partner was asleep, well...." Chara groaned.

"Chara, if your Determination wasn't so much bigger than mine, I'd take you over my knee right now!" Frisk scolded.

Chara nodded, "Yeah, I know, Frisk, and you can do it."

"Is that your excuse?! For shame, in what world this excuse is...." Frisk began, but then stopped at what she just heard! "...Eh...wait, what? what exactly did you say, Chara?"

"I said you can do it. I let you. I don't want you to nag me all through this journey, sides...I can see when I did a mistake..." Chara said, a sad look in her face.

"....Chara..." Frisk mumbled. She could see now, knowing Toriel never replaced her, all the bitterness that made Chara dust her and think on it as "remembering something funny"...Chara must be feeling horrible right now!

And Frisk is one to make others feel better, after all. So, she made an spiritual chair and nodded, "Okay, Chara. I can see you feel guilty for what happened between you and your mother...though I don't approve of how you tricked or use my little brother, I'll do my best to make you feel better." she said, sitting down and patting her lap.

"I don't feel guilty, Frisk. I never feel guilty for anything! I just don't want you finding all this out later in our journey, and then nagging me to no end or freaking out. And if Partner finds out, we'll be back on the garden starting all this from the beggining again." huffed Chara as she laid over Frisk's lap, acting tough as she usually does on these situations.

Frisk sighed. It's as Toriel mentioned, Chara had trouble admitting her feelings, but in truth, she must be feeling very guilty about Toriel right now. As she bared Chara's bottom, Frisk said, "Right, Chara. Sorry if I offended you. But with all the mischief you got into so far, don't think I'll go easy on you, okay? I'll punish you as I would do little bro." she then landed the first loud spank!

"OWWWWWWIEEEE!" Chara yelped, as the first spank fell. How hard could that girl spank?! It felt as hard as Toriel's! It probably didn't help that if has been a LONG time since last a hand hit Chara's butt.

But, acting tough, she said, "Yeah, yeah, just don't get used to it, Frisk. This is a one time thing only!"

"I dunno, Chara, I still have hopes that you're better than you think you are." Frisk noted, as she kept spanking. "You were so nice to little bro just yesterday, for example."

"Oww, ouch, I need Partner to be in good spirits! He messes up, we have to Reset!" Chara yelped. "P-plus...OUCH, darn! Do you have to nag even when spanking?!"

"Sorry, Chara, but if you didn't saw last time I spanked Rodrigo, lecturing through it is kind of the way I spank." Frisk said, alternating cheeks. "It helps the lesson to be learned, plus, I want you to feel better, you know."

"OUCH! C-c'mon, I feel good! And why do you keep worrying, anyway?! Oww! We have, oww, nothing in common aside from Partner's body!" Chara groaned, her voice shaking a bit.

"Well..." Frisk said, spanking all over Chara's butt, "I can't endure seeing people sad. And mischievous as you are..." Frisk began.

(Frisk ignored an outraged "Mischievous?! C'mon, don't treat me like you do Rodrigo!" from Chara!)

"....You ARE my adoptive little brother's Partner. And you showed some good in you twice now. So I need to worry....in fact, only I and Rodrigo can worry, at this point, and someone HAS to." Frisk pointed out.

".....!!" Chara was shocked at this, but her pride still made her act tough, specially since, permission or no permission, it's still FRISK spanking her, her enemy, her opposite! The one who is trying to soften up her Partner! "Well, oww! I hope you, ouch! Don't expect me to thank you, Little Miss Perfect Behavior!"

Frisk sighed. "No, Chara, I don't. What I do expect...."

Suddently, Frisk started spanking VERY hard!

"OWWW! OUCH! OWWIE! W-W-WHAT?!!!" Chara yelped, loudly! Who'd guess Frisk that kinda swing on her?! It was almost like Chara's final slash in a previous timeline, she had the impression the number "9" appeared everywhere as Frisk dealt almost infinite power with her spanking!

"....Is for you to be true to your feelings. I'd ask you to behave, stop misguiding Rodrigo, and so on, but I know you're not ready for this just yet. But I. Will. Not. Tolerate. You. Hurting. Yourself. By. Hiding. Your. Feelings!" Frisk lectured, spanking with this powerful strenght all over Chara's bum bum!

And Chara was shocked, not only at the strenght, but also Frisk caring so much for someone who doesn't like her and insults her at every turn! Is that what "anger born from worry" is? So that's why on a previous timeline she heard Partner yell and bawl so loudly!

And yet, this also reminded her of when she and Asriel made Asgore sick....maybe Frisk WAS right. Maybe Chara SHOULD be more honest with herself. Specially since it could make HER mess up in a battle, or distract Partner enough that he gets hurt....if only Frisk wasn't so unexpectedly STRONG!

"SOB! OWWW, C'mon, Frisk, stop already! You made your point!" sobbed Chara.

"I'm not sure I did, Chara. After all, you didn't show any signs of learning anything so far." she said, raising her hand for another 9999999999 Damage Spank!

"I DID I DID! I-I'll be more honest with my feelings! Sob, will try to stop telling myself I never feel remorse! Heck, I'll, oww, even help you warn Partner if he jumps into an attack by accident! Sob, I will...! And I'm sorry for what I did to mother....!!" sobbed Chara.

"Very good, Chara. And what'll happen if we need to have this talk again?" Frisk asked, decide to land a single spank with the strenght she was currently using, aimed on each sitspot instead of many spanks to end.


And as Chara was bawling loudly, she was surprised as Frisk helped her up....and hugged her tightly!

"Shhhh...there, there...no more spanking for you, Chara....put what you learned from this to test, and let your feelings out. It's okay to cry, I won't tease you..."

And despite being surprised, Chara gladly took Frisk's invitation, and actually bawled more than she had in years, as she hugged Frisk tightly back.....

A few minutes later... "Oww, oww, oww...MAN do you have a swing...sheesh, Frisk, have you ever spanked Partner this hard?" Chara groaned as she rubbed her red bottom.

"Just once, on the previous timeline. You might have heard it, it was hard to stop the noises from the spanks and the crying." Frisk innocently said.

This made Chara sweatdrop! "...And here I thought you were spoiling him ever since he became your little brother.."

Frisk blushed in embarassement, "...Well, maybe a bit, but that's part of a big sister's job. But spoiling or no spoiling, I'm serious about discipline. Sides, that particular time was similar to today, he needed me to go this hard to feel better."

"W-well, I hope you don't expect me to sit down in time out, Little Miss Perfect Behavior!" Chara quickly noted! "I dunno if I'll ever sit again before the reset..."

"Well, with all your misbehavior, maybe you should sit in time out." Frisk noted, rubbing her chin! "For example, my name is FRISK, not "Little Miss Perfect Behavior". "

"Well, Frisk, my Determination is still bigger than yours, so don't push your luck!" Chara growled, but blinked as Frisk giggled!

"Relax, Chara, I was kidding. I'm the one all about Mercy, remember? I never put anyone in time out if I give my best spanking as well, it would be too much."

"...Man, Frisk, your sense of humor is almost as twisted as mine." sweatdropped Chara!

"Huh, you think so?" Frisk asked, tilting her head!

And soon, Chara (WINCING!) pulled her shorts and panties back up, and they went back to Rodrigo's room!

The next day...

"Yaaaawn...what a nice rest..." Rodrigo yawned, as he opened his little eyes, then smiled as Frisk was there.

"Morning, sleepy-head! Did my little brother have nice dreams?" Frisk asked, smiling.

"Yeah, I did, big sis. I feel good now that mommy let us leave the ruins." Rodrigo told her, then blinked, "Chara, what's wrong? You have a funny look on your face."

"Hmph! It's nothing, Partner. I just got bored waiting for you to wake up, that's all." Chara said, with a blush. Her bottom was just a bit pink under her shorts, but some of the sting was still there, and Chara was just glad her Determination was bigger than Frisk's!

"Let's go, little bro. I think miss Toriel has prepared breakfast for you!" Frisk smiled.

"I-I'll go ahead. I'm curious to see if Mother still does the same breakfasts." Chara quickly noted, leaving the room as she discretly rubbed her bottom.

And Rodrigo's eyes widened as he noticed this, and looked at Frisk, (Did big sis actually....? Nah. Like Chara would EVER let her!) he thought, surprised!
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