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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #2303136
An encounter with a certain flower brings memories Chara would rather forget!
Rodrigo, and by extention Frisk and Chara, had a great breakfast. Soon, it was time to leave.

Frisk tilted her head as the trio walked to the Ruins's exit. "Rodrigo, why do you look so thoughtful, lil bro?" she asked, curiously.

"Well...Chara says that when she controls my body, my eyes get the same color as hers, is that true?" Rodrigo wondered.

Chara raised an eyebrown. "Yes, that's true, partner. I saw our reflection once. What about it?"

"Well, I'm curious...what would happen if big sis took control of my body? I mean, you never open your eyes. Would the same apply to my body?" Rodrigo asked!

"Ya know, now I'm kinda curious myself. I don't know how you even see with your eyes closed, Little Miss Perfect Behavior. Care to enlighten us?" Chara smirked.

"Don't be silly, you two. Why would I control little bro's body? A big sis is supposed to guide, not make all decisions for her little brother." Frisk sighed, patting Rodrigo's head.

"Huh. But you didn't anwser the second question, big sis." Rodrigo said, smiling as he seemed to share his partner's curiosity! "How do you see without opening your eyes?! What color are my clothes?! And my hair, do you know my hair color?!" he asked!

Frisk giggled as Chara and Rodrigo both were giving her curious looks, pleading for her to anwser the questions!

"Oh, c'mon, of course I can see you even with my eyes closed, you two!" Frisk said, amused, "Silly, how could I interact physically with you guys without help if I couldn't see?"

"Well, then anwser Partner's questions!" Chara said, now even more curious!

"Ookay." Frisk sighed, with a resigned smile. "Little bro wears a black t-shirt and much like you and me he wears shorts, though his shorts are white. He has black shoes, too, and his hair is light brown, not as dark as yours, Chara."

"WOAAAAHHH! HOW COME?!" Rodrigo and Chara both gasped!

"My Determination. Really, it can restore the dead to life, so don't you two think it has other uses?" Frisk noted, making Rodrigo and Chara nod. It DID make sense!

But as they walked, Rodrigo suddently stopped.

Chara, who unlike Frisk isn't too big on the "patience" department, raised an eyebrown. "What now, partner?" she asked Rodrigo. "I think we shouldn't be stalling all the time after we FINNALY began leaving the Ruins!"

"Let's just wait for her to walk away. I don't wanna stomp on her by accident." Rodrigo explained.

".....?" Frisk and Chara looked confused, only to see....

"L-little bro! I-I really do NOT like this..." shivered Frisk!

"What are you so scared of? It's just a spider. I dunno why we have to wait for it to pass, though." Chara noted.

"Well, I used to have a pet spider. I think before the glow that made me appear on the mountain, I was in my room, feeding her. Somehow I thought she seemed to get a bit bigger before we both vanished...." Rodrigo mused, "So, I like spiders."

"A pet spider? Heh, that's kinda cool, partner." smirked Chara.

"N-no it's not! Little bro, it's dangerous! Spiders can bite, and have poison, and they can climb on you! As your big sister, I simply CAN'T approve of you having a pet spider!" Frisk firmly said!

"W-wha?! But big sis, she's been my pet for since before we met!" Rodrigo whined.

"No means NO, Rodrigo. Maybe once we leave the Underground, we could get you a more normal pet. Who knows, maybe a cat..." Frisk said.

"B-big sis...." Rodrigo whined, sniffling!

"N-now, don't give me that look. Big sis knows best..." Frisk groaned.

Rodrigo sobbed a bit as he gave the puppy eyes! "F-Frisk, big sis, please..."

Chara smirked in amusement at that! "Heh...who knew he had this on him!" she said. "That's a Puppy Eyes if I ever saw one!"

Rodrigo still sobbed, and Frisk couldn't take it. She is overprotective, but in some cases, "spoiling big sis" trumps over "overprotective big sis"! Besides, it's not like Frisk isn't aware her own dislike of spiders is clouding her judgement!

And so, Frisk sighed softly, and hugged Rodrigo, rocking him. "There, there...shh...calm down, little bro....I'll let you keep your pet, okay?" she promised.

"Y-you promise, big sis...?" sniffled Rodrigo.

"Of course! I still don't think you should get close to spiders, but if you are responsible and you had your pet for this long, then I know you'll be fine. Just be careful with them, okay?" Frisk gently said, rubbing her brother's hair gently to calm him down.

"O-okay, big sis, I will! Thank you every much!" Rodrigo said, hugging Frisk tightly! This made her happy that her little brother is happy again!

"Hahahaha!!" Chara laughed, making the two turn to her in surprise! "Frisk, you DO spoil partner, don't you?! And partner, you TOTTALY Puppy Eyed her into letting you keep your pet, huh?! What a riot, I haven't seem this since mother!"

Frisk was a bit embarassed as she giggled! "Maybe so. But again, spoiling is part of being a good big sister." she noted.

"I wasn't trying to manipulate Frisk or somethin'! I was sad for real when I thought I'd have to stop looking for my pet." Rodrigo pouted in protest! But he then smiled and added, "And besides, I think big sis is very nice! She's the bestest big sis I could ever ask for!"

"....Oh, why, you, little bro." Frisk giggled, patting his head, "You're the best little brother I could ever ask for, too!"

As Chara kept laughing at them, to change the subject and try to lose a bit her fear of spiders, Frisk asked, "So, little bro, what is your pet's name? I suppose you named her?"

"Well, of course! Her name is-" Rodrigo began.

However, before he could tell them, a familiar voice came behind them! "Howdy! Fancy meeting you here again, kiddo!"

Rodrigo's eyes widened! "Oh no! Not you!" he whined, scared!

"......" Chara stopped laughing, and her eyes narrowed at the newcomer.

Frisk held her little brother's hand to confort him. "Don't worry, everything will be okay..." she said.

"Yes, me again! It's your best friend, Flowey! So...you think you're very smart, breaking the rules and leaving Toriel alive? It's kill or be killed here, kiddo. How long do you think you can keep the good boy act?" Flowey asked.

"I...I...." Rodrigo mumbled, scared, but then got quiet as he closed his eyes.

"You what, kiddo? Speak up! I can't hear you!" Flowey said.

"Asriel..." Rodrigo mumbled.

Flowey blinked, "W...what? Hey, kiddo. What did you just call me?" he asked.

The boy then opened his eyes, who were a ruby red, showing it wasn't Rodrigo in control of the body! "Asriel....GET OUT OF MY WAY!!" Chara growled!

Frisk was shocked! "Wait, C-Chara?!" she asked, then gasped before going back to Judgement Hall!


As Frisk appered, she oofed as Rodrigo tackled her into a hug! "Oh, little bro, you're here! I was worried when Chara just took control."

"And I was scared! I just got kicked out of my body and back here! At least I'm away from that flower..." Rodrigo said.

"I think you were sent back here because you aren't experient in using an astral form, as you're usually the one in control of the body." Frisk said, "But don't worry, big sis'll teach you how to make an astral body so you can stay by the side of whoever is controling your body, like Chara and I usually do." she then promised.

"Thanks....but how did Chara do this? I didn't give her permission, so should she even be ABLE to just take the wheels like this?" Rodrigo asked Frisk, confused.

"She shouldn't, little bro, and that is concerning. Your determination is supposed to surpass both of ours." Frisk mused, confused, "Maybe your determination shook a bit when you got scared, or..."

"Or what?" Rodrigo asked, confused.

"Or somehow Chara's hatred for Asriel was so big, that her determination surpassed yours long enough for her to force you out of the body and allowed her to take over. I imagine that if that is the case, then once Chara calms down long enough you'll be able to go back." Frisk explained.

The boy nodded lightly in understanding, but then thought on something else. "And...who is "Asriel"? Do you think that this is the flower's name?" he asked his big sister.

"This is a lot like where we used to live on...Mother, Father, Asriel, and...me."

As Chara's words echoed on Frisk's mind, she gasped! "Maybe this "Asriel" was a family member! Didn't Toriel said she used to have a son, too? So maybe that flower used to be...."

Rodrigo gasped! "Chara's....brother?!!" he wondered!


"W-wait, no way you could know me by...no, wait..." Flowey wondered, then looked at the red eyes! "This eye color..."

Chara gave her twisted smile to Flowey, as she slowly approached him.....

"That vile glare...and the way you're smiling...no way. You're Chara, aren't ya?!" Flowey asked!

"Well now, you still remember me, lil bro? That's very...considerate of you." Chara said, still approaching the flower dangerously.

"I knew that one day we'd be together again! We'll be friends forever, right, big sis? Inseparable, like we always were! Now, let's shred this world together...." Flowey laughed.

This made Chara laugh loudly! "We? Together, you say? Asriel, what a riot! Do you really think I need you now?!" she said!

Then, she gave her twisted smile and remarked, "As you can see, I have a new partner now. Yes, Little Miss Perfect Behavior is making him soft, but I already had a fun journey with him once before she came in the picture. Trust me, he's got potential. Way more than a certain someone who RUINED MY PLAN and got us killed in the first place...!"

Flowey sweatdropped with a nervous laugh! The flower was even surprised at this nervousism, it was a feeling Asriel often had, but as Flowey, he had no feelings at all. Is he...feeling something?

That's Chara for you! If anyone could make him feel again...it had to be his beloved big sister! And the last thing he wants is to be replaced...he failed her once, but he knows he might make Chara proud if she gives him another chance!

So, he tried to convince her, "Aww, c'mon, big sis, the past is the past. We're on the present now! No hard feelings about back then!"

"You bet your petals that I have LOOOOTS of hard feelings about back then! I get furious just THINKING about it!" Chara growled!

But then Chara made her "creepy face" that she often used to scare Asriel when her little brother got on her nerves in the past, as she mused, "But, unfortunately for you, lil bro, flowers don't have butts, so I can't just spank you...but there are LOOOOTS of unpleasant punishments I could think of...."

She then gave a even more twisted smile as she gave an example, with an idea that just crossed her mind, "Here's a fun one, I'll take out your petals one by one in a game I like to call "Forgive him, forgive him not". If your last petal falls in "Forgive him", then congrats, you live! If not...he he he..."

As the grinning Chara approached and extended her hand to pick Flowey up, the flower knew he might get his sister's interest by telling her about his grand plan! Once Chara hears this, she's SURE to want him back on his rightful place as his big sister's best friend!

"Ahem....orrrr you can let bygones be bygones and hear your awesome little brother out! I have a plan that could make me even stronger than you and that stolen soul of yours." Flowey smirked.

"After you ruined my plan to break the barrier, the word "plan" combined with "Asriel" doesn't exactly fills me with confidence, but I guess it can't hurt to hear you out. Since failing our plan before or not, you ARE my little brother!" Chara mused, as every time she sees Frisk being so big sisterly to her partner, she kinda misses being a big sis herself!

This is probably what saved Flowey's life, for now, as well as Chara forgiving Toriel. While she was FURIOUS, enough to just take over the body as she remembered how Asriel screwed up their plan, her hate for her foster family just wasn't as strong and genocidal as before after Chara noticed how Toriel still remembers her and never intended to replace her!

....Not that she'd admit it outloud, as with her creepy grin she added, acting tough, "Well...it can't hurt ME, I mean. Cause it can and WILL hurt YOU if I think this petalbrained plan of yours is a waste of my time. A LOT, I might add!"

Chara then huffed. Flowey's memories must have been erased after the timeline was reset so much. This was the plan he had done on Chara's most annoying run, when she was stuck with her second partner, before she found Rodrigo, who proved to be her favorite. This second partner...suffice to say, but Chara found her to be more annoying than Asriel!

And this plan of Asriel is basically doing what he should have done when he and Chara created this plan to begin with!! But, since her little brother was trying his best to earn her forgiveness...maybe she CAN give him a chance, after all?

So, she thought a bit, and then decided, "Okay then, here's what we're gonna do, little brother. So long as you prove yourself useful this time, we're golden. This means you'll help me train up Partner so he won't be so soft, but not go so far that he can't move. And you will NOT get in my way unless I DO need to see you. Do this, and just MAYBE we'll have a chance of being best friends like we used to. Mess this up again, and I will NOT be happy. Clear?" Chara said.

"Not go so far that the owner of this body can't move? Hehehe...you goin' soft, big sis?" Flowey asked.

"Don't be stupid! Do you WANT to see how soft I got?!" Chara growled! "You can't go so far because if partner can't move, neither can I! That's MY body too now! NOW do you get it?!"

"O-oh yeah. Hahaha, sorry, sis, I forgot." Flowey said, reminding Chara of Asriel in certain moments of innocence...even though the flower is anything BUT innocent at the moment!

Meanwhile, Frisk patiently was teaching Rodrigo how to make an astral body of his own. "Okay, little bro. That's enough theory for now. Are you ready to try it so we can see what mischief Chara is up to?"

"W-what if I can't do it, big sis? I get nervous around that flower." Rodrigo said.

"Don't worry, big sis trusts you! Just do your best, and you'll pull it off." Frisk promised him.

Rodrigo softly nodded, then gave a deep sigh, and Frisk patiently smiled and waited for her brother to prepare himself.

After a while, Rodrigo nodded, "Kay big sis, I'm ready to try."

Frisk nodded in pride, and the two went on to make their Astral Bodies, soon appearing in the outside world by Chara (still on Rodrigo's body)'s side....

"CHARA!! What mischief are you doing now?!" Frisk demanded.

"Oooh, great. The nagger returns. Aweeesome." Chara sarcastically said.

"I wouldn't lecture if you didn't misbehave!" Frisk scolded.

"E-ehh...where's the flower? Did you...." Rodrigo asked.

"I just set a few things straight. Asriel won't bother you, partner, trust me. Speaking of which, this outrage let me take over, but losing my temper like this is kinda exausting. Do you wanna take your body back now?" Chara asked.

"I'd appreciate a warning next time you take my body, partner." pouted Rodrigo, but the red eyes vanished as he switched places with Chara again.

"...Hmph. When we get angry, we don't think straight, partner. If you don't like my explanation, then you'll just have to increase your determination so that I can't take over again." Chara huffed!

Frisk glared at Chara with her closed eyes, while Rodrigo seemed to take her advice in consideration!

This made Frisk gasp! "Little bro, don't listen to Chara! Surely she has a naughty plan, like suggesting you need to hurt others to be more determined..."

Rodrigo shook his head. "I don't think she means it like that, big sis. She might be kinda naughty, but Chara is still my partner. I'm sure that she's giving me a good advice...in her own rough way, but still!" he said, then smiled, "Thanks, partner. I'll think long and hard on how to increase my determination. Thanks for the lesson!"

Chara's eyes widened! She was actually just critcizing her partner for his growing softeness, but he actually took it as an advice!

Still, he DID learn something out of it, so Chara just closed her eyes and smirked! "Hmph...fine, you're welcome, partner. Whatever makes you happy, I guess!"

Frisk tilted her head. Surely Chara didn't mean to give him good advice, did her? Her little brother just managed to learn a lesson on his own with her mischief, right?

But then again, Frisk remembered how Chara had shown kindness at a few times. Such as making spiritual chocolate to calm Rodrigo down when he was very sad that one time....or accepting to be punished by Frisk that other time despite Chara not liking her, or admitting her guilt...

Guilt that Frisk herself was feeling lately...and today, more than ever before!

She looked at Chara, who blinked.

"Your eyebrowns ain't narrowed. No glares?" Chara asked Frisk.

"We...can talk later." sighed Frisk.

"Something up, big sis?" Rodrigo said, worried.

"Don't worry, lil bro. I'm just...thoughtful." Frisk said, patting his head. "How about we just continue walking?"

"Best idea I've heard all day..." huffed Chara.

As they walked, Rodrigo asked, "Say, partner...who's that Asriel flower? Is he your brother?"

"....Unfortunately." Chara huffed, still a bit bitter.

"What did he do? I mean, to get you so angry?" Rodrigo asked.

"I could tell you, but then I'd have to spank your butt redder than my eyes for annoying me. Still wanna hear?" Chara smirked.

"CHARA!!" Frisk scolded, hugging the now shaking a bit Rodrigo!

"Relax, you two. I was just kidding." Chara laughed.

(And THIS is the sense of humor that Chara says is as twisted as MINE?!) Frisk thought, as she and Rodrigo sweatdropped!

"Well, let's just say he messed up big time with me once. He's older than me, but due to respect he used to call me big sis, so I kinda was one." Chara mused.

"Y-you used to be a big sister, too? I had no idea..." Frisk said, surprised.

"Oh! Is that how you conforted me? Ya know, after my nightmare!" Rodrigo gasped!

"Nah, I just know you well, partner." smirked Chara! "Asriel didn't really like chocolate. That and my style of being a sister was different from Frisk's. But yes, we used to be very close. I dunno if as close as you and Little Miss Perfect Behavior, but if not that close, we were on the right track, at least!" she noted.

"But...that makes no sense. No matter what little bro might or might not do, I'll be here for him...why would you just decide to hate your own little brother?" Frisk asked.

"I had a plan, and Asriel was my partner. If it suceeded, we'd free all Monsters from their prision. You know, here in the Underground. Unfortunately, for it to work, I needed a partner in the sense you are very familiar with. Yep, just like we are now..." Chara noted.

"Y-you mean you had to....?!" both Rodrigo and Frisk gasped!

"Yep. And in a pretty painful way, to boot. I'll spare you guys the details. Anyway, Asriel messed up. He didn't listen to me, and, well...he ended up as that annoying flower and I got stuck with a nagging perfect behavior girl who likes making my partner soft." Chara said!

Frisk ignored the jab for now. "But...couldn't he have a reason for not listening? I mean, look at Toriel. You were so bitter about her, and she proved you wrong."

"...Don't push it, Frisk. Lightning doesn't strike twice at the same place. Asriel was never the right partner for me. That wimp didn't even have enough Determination for us to return...." Chara humphed.

"T...then instead of only thinking on this one moments, why not think on all the good things your brother did? Surely he must have done some good things..." Rodrigo said. "For example, we would never even meet each other if your plan had suceeded, right?"

"Heh, you think it's a plus even as I took over your body just a while ago, Partner?" Chara asked, amused.

"Yep! You aren't so bad...when you're in a good mood, I mean. You have some funny quirps, and also, if you weren't sharing my body, big sis wouldn't come here, so I would never meet her, either! I'm grateful to be your partner!" smiled Rodrigo!

Frisk smiled softly at her little brother. He is a good boy through and through, it seems!

Chara was surprised, however, and turned her back to him! "....Hmph! Don't flatter yourself. We are partners because I can help you and you can help me, that's all." she said, but was smiling! That's why she turned her back!

"Well, maybe we'll free all monsters together, the three of us. I mean, we're looking for the exit to the Underground, so if we free ourselves, we can free them, too!" Rodrigo said, "We'll help you, Chara!"

"Everyone needs help, Chara. Even you. Little bro seem determined to help, so why not let him?" Frisk asked, smiling.

"W-well, I'm not sure I still want to go through with my original plan....but, since I am your partner, I'm stuck with you, like it or not." Chara said, acting tough! "But....thanks." she then said!

"You're welcome!" Rodrigo smiled.

Eventually, the trio found the door leading outside the ruins!

"And here is a good place for us to stop and rest for today. Time for you to sleep, little bro." Frisk told Rodrigo.

"But big sis....yawn..." yawned Rodrigo.

"No buts. You're even yawning, silly!" giggled Frisk, "Plus, there are no monsters here. I think Toriel gave us something for just an ocasion.."

"That wierd stone?" Rodrigo asked, picking it from his pocket.

" That "wierd stone" is magical, partner. Rub it, then put it on the ground." Chara noted.

Rodrigo obeyed and was amazed, as it became the bed he used to sleep on Toriel's house!


"You want to talk with me, alone? Now that's unexpected....do I sense more nagging?" Chara asked, looking at Frisk with an unamused face.

"Lectures, not nagging, Chara. Though it's not any of that this time. I wanted to ask you a bit more about your little brother." Frisk noted.

"....Asriel? That subject again? Why you so interested?" Chara asked, surprised.

"Well, you said your style of being a big sister was different than mine's, and I know for a fact you weren't genocidal back then...s-so...how did you take care of your brother?" Frisk asked, rubbing her arm, a bit embarassed! "Did Asriel love you? Did you take care of his bedtime? What did you do when he didn't want to eat his veggies? What about bath time?" she fretted!

"Woah, woah, woah! Calm down!" Chara said, blinking. "We lived with Mother and Father, remember? Mother took care of most of these details!"

"Well, since you were his big sister, you must have done SOME caring, right? How did you do it?! Cause...I wanna...ehh...compare notes..." Frisk admitted.

"Compare....look, I hate to admit it, but being a big sister is an area where you most likely is WAY ahead of me. I was more an...off hands kinda sister." Chara said. "Why would you wanna compare notes with ME of all people?"

"It's just that...well, Rodrigo is doing great, but...I'm not sure if I'm raising my little brother properly or if there are somethings I could improve on...when you told me, way back then to let him get stronger, were you just trying to have me let him Genocide everything with you or was there another meaning? Not from Chara the demon who comes when someone calls her name, I mean from Chara the big sister!" Frisk admitted, nervously!

She looked down, and very guilty. A guilt which didn't escape Chara's noticing...

"....Hey. Not that I care, but, out with it. Why are you so guilty? It's cause of the secret?" Chara asked, curious.

"Well...it's not just that, I'm trying to keep little bro safe and happy, but, I don't know if it was your anger that let your determination surpass him, or if his determination was shaking...am I making him not be as determined as he should be? I wanna be a great big sis, ya know! How did you do with Asriel?" Frisk asked.

"I know how I did when Asriel felt guilty, the same ya did to me. But I doubt you'd want it..." Chara noted, raising an eyebrown, not expecting Frisk to feel guilty!

Frisk blushed! "It...it has been a while, and you might just wanna jump at the chance of spanking me, right?" she asked, but sighed!

"I'll admit now, I AM happy to get payback, and I'm sure as heck gonna make the most of it if you accept it! But, that's not all. You helped me once, and I just would hate to owe a favor to YOU of all people. So I just wanna us to get even is all." Chara said, acting tough.

Which Frisk saw through, "Thanks, anyway, Chara. You may be right...maybe I need this. If I feel too guilty, I won't even be able to explain myself properly to you!" she said, sighing, while Chara made a spiritual chair appear and sat down on it.

"Yeah, that's another reason. You won't stop fretting till we deal with this guilt of yours!" Chara said, baring Frisk's bottom, turning her over the knee, and...SPANK!!!!!

"OWWWWWWWWW!!! Woah, Chara, you DO spank as hard as me! Just from that one spanking?!" Frisk gasped!

"Huh? No, while it helps, I already had ample experience in spanking before, Frisk." Chara said, smirking as she kept spanking. "See, I already spanked Asriel before. Partner, too."

"Owwieeee! Ouch, you spanked little bro?! You better, oww, not have overdone jt, oww, unless he asked you to go long! And-ouch!!!"

"Sheesh, relax, will ya? He's my partner, the last thing I want is to break him or for him to hate me. I started spanking him when he messed up from the point he actually felt guilty. Not that I care, but I need my partner at the top of his game...." Chara said, as she kept spanking.

"O-owwie! Y-you sure? I-I mean, you DID do this for my little-OWWIE! Little brother?" Frisk asked.

"Now, why would I lie about that? Again, he's my partner. Partners take care of each other. Sheesh, and now you're fretting again. This is one of the reasons why you're over my knee now, ya know!" Chara scolded!

This made the sniffling Frisk look on her spanker's direction, surprised!

"....Y...you're scolding me...? Oww. Ouch....owwie...." Frisk asked, surprised.

Chara blushed, embarassed! When did...why did she...?! Yeah, Frisk was right, Chara IS scolding Frisk of all people!

"N-nonsense! I am not mad at all to be scolding! I'm enjoying this, see?" Chara said, putting on her familiar smirk as she alternated cheeks.

And soon, "9s" filled the air, as Chara used the whole force Frisk used last time! An almost Infinite Power spanking!

"OWWWWIE! OWWW! OUCH! OWWWW! F-forgive me, Chara! I'll be good! I'll be a...." sobbed Frisk.

Chara gave a deadpan face at this! "BZZZZ, try again. Why would I CARE if you're good or not? In fact, you being so good always gets on my nerves, if you rememember!" she noted, not going any easier on the punishment!

Chara kept spanking as hard as she could. Though outward she was smirking, inside she was just confused! Yeah, so she owes Frisk a favor, but why does she even bother scolding, or trying to get the girl to get over her guilt? She could just enjoy this sweet, painful revenge!

Is it really about revenge, though? Or could Frisk somehow be making HER soft? Or....could it be that her partner's softness is rubbing on her?

Frisk also felt her guilt lowering more and more as the spanking continued. It was so HARD! But....being so hard also made her not feel guilty faster....but still, could she even get rid of her guilt with Chara spanking her? Either way, she thought her bum couldn't take it anymore!

"SOB! Owwww, please, Chara, ENOUGH! Enough spanking! I-" Frisk sobbed.

"Is it enough?" Chara asked Frisk.

"Y-yeah...it is...." Frisk noted, still sobbing, but glad that Chara stopped. She felt just a bit bad still, but she simply couldn't take it anymore.

But Chara noticed not all guilt was gone quite yet, and her smirk vanished. This sure annoyed her. Asriel feared spankings, and yet he went to her and took it all when he felt guilty! Yes, it wasn't a hard spanking, but Frisk spanked her with the exact same way and yet Chara didn't beg to end before she learned her lesson!

And Frisk is just giving up and decided to keep feeling guilty just cause she thinks she can't take it?! This kinda example from his BIG SISTER would only make partner even SOFTER if he knew, Chara thought in annoyance!

So, after thinking on all that Chara mused, "Enough...? Hmm...how curious. You must have misunderstood."

"W-what...?" Frisk sobbed, nervously.

"SINCE WHEN WERE YOU THE ONE IN CONTROL?!!" Chara scolded, as she resumed the spanking!


"I'll only stop when you can TELL ME YOU don't feel any guilt anymore! I don't wanna waste my time with "it's enough spanking cause I can't take it anymore"! I want you to show my effort is worth something by telling me with no lies that you don't feel guilty anymore! Got it?!"


A few more minutes of this went on, but eventually Frisk's guilt went away, and she felt she could tell Chara to stop without lying to Chara OR herself about her guilt being cured....

"OKAY, OKAY! SOB, CHARA, I'M OKAY!!!" Frisk sobbed.

This made Chara raise an eyebrown. She stopped spanking, but kept her hand raised. "You are? Prove it, then. You know what I want to hear, and I know that you never lie." she commanded.


"So it would seem. Pity, I was kinda liking doing this." Chara joked, but helped her up. "Now, Frisk, I suggest you don't go back till you calm down, no sense in worrying par-Frisk, what?!"

Chara's surprise came from the fact that the bawling girl hugged her tightly!

"O-oh...s-sorry, Chara. I forgot you don't like this..." whined Frisk, as she bawled.

"....." Chara was quiet for a bit, but again she remembered when she punished Asriel, and of course, the times she spanked Rodrigo. So, it was her time to surprise Frisk, for when the bawling girl would break the hug, Chara stopped her! Even more surprising, she hugged back!

"C-Chara?" the bawling girl asked.

"Shh...it's okay, Frisk. Don't get used to it, but I'll let you hug me this time. You need SOME confort at least. Huh, cause I'm curious about what you wanted to tell me earlier, is all!" she said, embarassed!

The bawling girl then kept hugging Chara tightly, until she left it all out...

"T-Thanks, Chara. For conforting me and helping me with my guilt..." said Frisk, grateful.

"If you are grateful, thank me by not keeping me curious! Tell me what you wanted to tell me earlier, already!" huffed Chara, breaking the hug.

"Well....I was worried I was doing something wrong raising my little bro...and don't you say I should let him get EXP! It's just that his Determination should be bigger than ours, yet you surpassed it. When angry, but still." Frisk admitted, concerned.

"Well....when I was Asriel's big sis, I didn't run such a tight ship as you do. If he ran and tripped, I'd tell him to get up by himself." Chara said.

"B-but that is mean! As a big sister, you should help him up, dust his clothes and-" Frisk said.

"Ah, and THERE's your mistake. Girl, you made a fuss because Partner said he had a pet spider!" Chara reminded Frisk!

"I...I don't get it. What does that has to do with anything?" Frisk asked, thoughtful.

"What I'm getting at is that you're WAY too overprotective. It's nice to care about your brother, but you need to let him fight his own battles every now and then. Partner's determination is shaky because he's trusting on YOUR determination, not his!" Chara explained!

Frisk gasped! "You think so?!" she asked.

"Frisk, you literally hold his hand when you walk to ensure he won't run ahead of us, and when I startle him, he shakes and runs to your arms. He keeps up like this, and soon you'll have to take over the body for ANY danger if you don't want ME to do it, as he'll be too scared to face danger on his own. Pamper and spoil him rotten if you must, but don't stop him from facing anything that has the smallest chance of being dangerous, or he'll never learn to face danger and his determination will soon be smaller than either of ours!" Chara huffed.

"I....I didn't think on it like this...maybe I'll have to discuss this with little bro..." Frisk mused.

Then, after covering her bottom with a wince, she smiled, "Thanks for the reality check, Chara, I'm happy I had the idea to ask for your own experience as a big sis. I think you're right...little bro found a way to face Toriel by himself, but not every battle will involve nice opponents who want the best for him. I'll do my best to raise him without being too overprotective."

"Heh. We'll see, Little Miss Perfect Behavior. I got some spiritual Monster Candy that says you won't last two days without freaking out if Partner scratches his leg."

"Okay, you're on! But...I'll still pamper and confort him after he faces danger to show how proud I am." Frisk decided!

This made Chara roll her eyes! "If you'll try to make Partner just a TAD less soft, then sure, Frisk. Whatever floats your boat!" she said, wondering if Frisk would even be able to not be overprotective for ONE day!
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