Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2303640-The-Ultimate-Dollar
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2303640
The power of a single dollar that changed a man’s life.
         A young man found a dollar walking the street one day. He brought the dollar back to his home & placed it inside his safe, feeling a power emanating from it. Not thinking much of it, he enjoyed the rest of his day & went about his daily routine, going to be safe & sound once it was all said & done.
         He awoke the next day, feeling a calling to check on the dollar, to see that that single dollar had multiplied into $100! Shocked, he wondered where all this money came from. He knows he didn’t place the money in there. His home was well guarded, so there’s no way anyone would’ve been able to come inside, let alone get inside his safe to PLACE money in there. This was all too confusing, but he knew that the money was rightfully his.
         He took $99 out, saving that original dollar he found, & placed the rest of the money in his off shore account. He had money saved everywhere for any set occasion, as he’d been poor all his life. So, he understood the value of money, but chose to NEVER be ruled by it.
         Living his life, he continued enjoying his day, spending time with individuals who filled him with life, creating his art that he placed all over the walls. It was a decent living, but he wished he had more of a means to invest into his art. With that wish in mind, he went to sleep once more.
         The next day, he woke up, & looked into the safe once more, only to find even MORE cash than he’s ever seen before in his life! “What sorcery is this?!?!” He asked himself. “I am being so blessed, but from what hidden Angel?” He, himself searched for the answer, not realizing the power of the dollar he had originally picked up.
         There was $500 inside of the safe he had the original dollar in. So he used that money to invest into more art supplies that could fund his art making business. He somehow knew to ALWAYS leave a dollar in the safe, knowing that it’d increase the more he valued the idea of having only $1 to your name without begging for more or complaining for lack of money.
         Each time, the increments increased by 5: $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $15,000, $20,000, & so on……….
         It got to the point where he had more than $30 million in his net worth. Making more than $300k annually from his $1 investment. Money that he had to increase his home, his business, his environment, his family that he had later on, his very life. All the while being appreciative of that $1 that he had in the beginning of this journey.
         Once the man got older, & his son asked him the secret to his riches, he went back to that original dollar, passing it down to his son. “My dear boy, this dollar is powerful.” He said with conviction, truly passionate with every word uttered. “If you are patient, tactful, & humble, this dollar will bless you for generations to come.” His son smiled, understanding exactly what he meant. “Cherish this dollar, son.” He informed his child. “This is the first step to continuing the generational wealth I have started for you & your siblings.” The man was older, finally coming to his last days in Earth.
His son shedded a single tear, “Father,” he sobbed, “I thank you for teaching me the meaning of using money as a tool, & not letting it get to my head.” He lays his head upon his fathers chest. “You made sure we never wanted for anything, but you always made us earn our keep. For that, you are one of the greatest men to have ever lived on this earth to me.” His father smiled.
“That, my son, means more to me than ANY amount of money in the world.” He said, as he closed his eyes for the final time.

The moral of the story is: Money is not Power. Money is not the root of all evil. Money does not rule everything around you. Money does not solve all your problems. Money is not the end all, be all.

Money is a tool.

& depending on how you use that tool, it will determine your life.

So ALWAYS use that tool for great things in life. Be smart. Be humble. Have a financial goal. & use money to enhance your life for good reasons, & help out other folks for good reasons.

- Maãlík
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