Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2303656-The-Benefits-of-Writing-Everyday
Rated: E · Non-fiction · Self Help · #2303656
Writing is a powerful tool. - Maãlík
So, we ALL here know that we LOVE to write. Writing is what gives us a sense of freedom. Purpose. Not to mention it's fun as hell to write about all the amazing things we have inside our imagination.

But what exactly does writing DO for you? What's this "Magical phenomenon" that gives us these amazing benefits that we have as we continue to jot down every word until we can make a complete story? I plan on listing them all here.

Benefit #1 - Increases Focus/Discipline

                   As someone who has a hard time focusing on one thing, as I usually have a million thoughts flying at once, writing everyday helps me to maintain focus on what's important. Focus means you're giving your full, undivided attention to the task at hand. As a completionist, when I start something, I want to finish it. Writing will help you to stay disciplined in the area of completing your story so you can share it to the world!

Benefit #2 - Helps you to clear your mind

                   We all have problems we need to solve. Issues that need to be addressed. & sometimes people aren't always there to help you through them. I'm all for therapy, & I believe everyone should go to therapy, but sometimes it's not always financially or morally viable for a person to go. Writing helps you to not only address the problems that plague your mind, but also helps you identify the root cause of the problem. You hold yourself accountable in knowing how the problem came about, & you can start to look for ways to find a solution to it. This helps you to become more self sufficient, as I believe the answers to ALL of our problems lies within ourselves. Writing things down will help you to self heal, as well.

Benefit #3 - You're more prone to complete your goals when you write them down

                   The way your subconscious mind works, is that when you give it a thought or an idea that you constantly feed to it, it makes it a reality in your life. You'll notice it in your habits & behaviors. When you write down your goals on paper with a pen/pencil, you activate that part of your subconscious mind to make changes in your habits & behaviors to achieve the goal you set out. This is why setting daily goals is so important! Habits & behaviors make up a large portion of your life, so writing down your goals will assist you in identifying what you're doing to achieve your goals, & what's holding you back.

Benefit #4 - You have an archive of info about your life & your mind at your fingertips

                   In life, it's all about the way you perceive things, & how you respond to things that happen to you. Having a bunch of material you've written down helps you to identify who you are, how you act, the way you've changed, & how you respond to stuff. We're often our own biggest critics in life, so why not have an archive of what you think & how you act that YOU can determine & evaluate for yourself? After all, it's YOUR life! You're responsible for how it turns out! & the beauty of it, is that you can change your story to something beautiful the more that you write things down & take action.

Benefit #5 - You can change your personality

                   Now when I say that, I literally mean it in the way that best suits you. Let's say that you write very awkwardly. Your writing is barely legible to anyone except you & maybe a few people that have known you for a long period of time. If you take your time & slow down your penmanship, you'll start to activate a different part of your brain subconsciously that will help you to change your personality in the way you see fit. Just look at how sophisticated the individuals who write in cursive are! How courageous they are! How professional & stoic they are in their security of themselves! It's a great thing to have genuine confidence within yourself; changing your penmanship can help with that personality transformation.

Benefit #6 - You loved ones have something to remember you by when you're long gone

                   One day, you won't be on this Earth. If you're anything like me, you want to leave behind something that people can look back on & remember you fondly on. Imagine you had a time capsule that was kept in a safe of ALL your journals & pages of written material. Imagine your grandchildren, or your grandchildren's grandchildren, reading ALL the wonderful tales of your life: All the happiness, all the sadness, all the anger, all the confusion, all the victories, all the failures, all the wisdom, all the romances, all the levels of success you reached, & they are proud to know that they were born into a powerful bloodline. Hell, it may even inspire THEM to want to write! You have to think long term with things, which is another benefit of writing: You gain a long term vision of how you want your life to be! It makes you realize how much you matter to people that don't even know you exist, yet. Always keep that in mind when you're writing!

Benefit #7 - You can script out how you want your day to go

                   This one is probably the most important one. We are often just waking up, allowing the day to dictate what we do & don't do. Writing down how you want your day to go the night prior to it happening, will give you a sense of purpose EVERYDAY! I want to reiterate to you, that you are in total control of your thoughts, actions, habits, & behaviors. Imagine what happens when you take 30 minutes to an hour of your day, prior to sleeping, to write out EXACTLY how you want your day to go? You can get so much done in that day! You can literally change the way you view your life, & realize how much control you TRULY have in your life! It's a beautiful thing when it becomes second nature, and it all starts when you decide to pick up that pen & paper each & every day.

That's all for now. I'll continue to add more benefits as I go along. This is an infinite list of things that will assist you in life! Write on!

- Maãlík
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