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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Adult · #2307799
Tomo’s mom and her friends have a lot of work to do to discipline their kids.
Inside the Olston house sat the gorgeous mothers of our female trio on the living room couch. In the middle of the room on a counter lay a large pot of Ms. Ferris Olston’s delightful dinner.

“Ah, it’s so nice to get to see you again,” said a giddy Ferris sporting her overly long-sleeved coat along with a shirt and pants.

“Indeed,” replied Akemi Aizawa who was sitting in the middle of the two sporting a black sweater and a tight pair of jeans. “Thank you two for coming on such a short notice.”

“It was no problem,” commented Misaki Gundo who sat cross-legged in her pant-suit attire. “I said to myself: why not kill two birds with one stone?”

Scooping some more chili from her bowl, Akemi took another bite. The chili Ms. Olston made was indeed delicious, which is why all three girls finished their first four bowls so quickly.

Akemi’s stomach rumbled prompting her to rub it with her other hand. “Yeah, it’s so hard to find time to get together when you’re always dealing with your troublesome kids.”

It was then that Akemi looked down to see how comfortable her seating position was. She had a nice place for her juicy buttcheeks which were sandwiching her daughter’s head. Underneath the ass of Akemi was none other than a confused, but physically weak Tomo Aizawa who seemed unable to resist her mother’s fat ass. Tomo had her head lodged on the couch cushion while the rest of her body was laid out in front of the couch. It seemed the other mothers had the same idea for punishing their daughters as Carol and Mizusu were both suffering the same fate under their mothers’ asses. However, Mizusu appeared to be fighting back as she was trying to push her mother’s meaty thighs off her poor head.

However, resistance would prove fruitless as Akemi was about to demonstrate why she was the head of the Aizawa household. “I can’t believe Tomo got into her third fight this week. I really can’t keep my eyes off her.” Then, without much effort from Akemi, a loud, brassy sound filled the room as Tomo could be seen writhing about under her mother’s stinky ass. “Honestly, I don’t know where she gets such crude manners from.” The smell of Akemi’s nasty fart then caught up to the other mothers, prompting them to wave hands in front of their faces.

“Well she does inherit a lot from you,” replied Misaki who coughed a little from how ripe Akemi’s stink was. “But who am I kidding, my daughter was in need of discipline as well.” Misaki then grunted as a succession of popping sounds came from her wedged rump.

Mizusu made muffled noises as her attempts to push off her mother became more desperate.

“What a wonderful way to spend time together,” Ferris stated as she was ripping silent farts on the face of her own suffering daughter. “I never knew you liked farting in your daughter’s face as well.” A pungent poot from Ferris finished off her barrage.

Akemi rubbed her belly as she was getting more comfortable. “Well there’s rarely a time to let loose when the guys are around.” Akemi then proceeded to release a long, meaty fart from her jeans clad ass, prompting Tomo to squirm desperately under her mom’s seemingly massive trunk. “I mean just smell these.”

Ferris laughed as she began ripping more farts of her own from her taxed bubble butt. “Ah but it’s such a wonderful thing for bonding. How else will your daughter know how much you love her.”

Akemi looked over to Ferris smiling awkwardly. “Um, what?” But before she could continue, a bubbly, loud fart from Misaki turned her attention to the ice queen.

“I only have times where Mizusu tries to outdo me, and it often leads to someone passing out.” Misaki strained herself releasing another bubbly barrage much to the distaste of Mizusu.

“Oh yeah,” replied Akemi who let loose a small, meaty fart. “Tomo was telling me all about how you two hotboxed everyone in the car.”

Maisaki sighed before replying. “It takes a mother to show her children who’s boss.” Misaki then released a raspy fart into the trapped Mizusu. “I can’t have a daughter who thinks she knows better. Ngh,” Misaki grunted releasing a much deeper pitched fart that lasted several seconds. She then rubbed her stomach trying to sooth her ache. “Maybe this time she’ll stop trying to outdo her mother.” Misaki then pushed on her belly and leaned forward a little, a long, sputtering fart reverberated from her ass for several seconds, greatly impressing the other mothers and causing Mizusu to start squirming around desperately for fresh air. Misaki’s fart concluded on a wet note making her sigh in relief. “I hope that teaches you.” Misaki stated knowing full well her daughter heard.

However, Mizusu was a bit preoccupied by the rotten stench she was trapped under. She tried pushing off her mother’s meaty thighs to no avail as she was literally living off the fumes from her mother’s bowels.

Akemi was currently farting her butt off as the dish she had most definitely didn’t agree with her stomach.

Ferris smiled as she watched her sadistic plan come into fruition, farting on her daughter all the same which didn’t seem to bother Carol as much as it did the other two. “That was lovely Misaki, you really showed who’s boss.”* Suddenly, Ferris felt somewhat queasy as she took a whiff of the stink they were producing. What perplexed her was how much raunchier the air had become, prompting Ferris to wave a hand in front of her nose. “My my I guess one of us really enjoyed the chili.”


Ferris and Misaki turned to Akemi as an extremely loud, juicy fart startled everyone in room. “Ahhhh, sorry. I lifted my butt a little bit after Tomo tried to escape.”

Indeed, Tomo was doing everything in her power to escape her mother’s Dutch oven, pushing on Akemi’s thick thighs and squirming around with her legs as her mother’s chunky rear smelled like a sewer.

Misaki and Ferris’ eyes grew wide as they smelled how bad Akemi’s farts had become. They subsequently pinched their noses as another raunchy cacophony of juicy poots escaped the rotten bowels of Ms. Aizawa. Akemi held her tummy with both arms as she was trying to make the process more comfortable. GrrrrGLGLGLGGGLUG*
After all, she was in for more than she bargained for.


Misaki and Ferris covered their noses as a boisterous blast of juicy, wet farts assaulted the room with their stink. They could only imagine what Tomo was going through, only she didn’t seem to be struggling as much anymore. As Akemi’s blast ended in a questionably wet sound, she sighed as she finally felt some relief from her beany binge. “Ahhhhh! That felt really good.” GRGRGRGRGRGRRRR

“You have got to be kidding me,” replied an annoyed Misaki who was doing everything she could to ward off the smell.

Akemi smiled as her stomach relaxed.


Ferris and Misaki started gagging as the air was too thick.


Akemi strained herself amidst the barrage of wet farts despite her underwear feeling a little moister than usual. She grabbed her stomach and leaned forward as nasty farts spewed out her ass like a hose.

Akemi sighed once more as her gross fart concluded, leaning back to feel the slight relief of her tight bowels.

The other girls were currently gagging as they could not believe how raw Akemi’s gas smelled. “Holy hell Akemi,” replied Misaki. “If you’re going to rip one like that do it in the bathroom.” Misaki took some more breaths before continuing. “Honestly I think you should check your pants after that.”

Ferris feigned a smile as the air became clearer. “It’s alright Aizawa san. I’m sure my couch will survive the day.”

Akemi laughed as she too felt irritated by her own stench. “Sorry, I get a little carried away when I’m so bloated. By the way, what did you say was in this chili?”

Ferris smiled at Akemi’s question. “Ah yes, it’s my 7 bean chili with lots of fiber and nutrients. Me and Carol love to have this before we go to bed. Farting under the covers is so much fun.

Akemi looked disatisfied as her smile faded a bit. GRGRGGRGRGRGRG!!!!!!!!!
And just like that, Akemi’s face turned to surprise as her stomach churned violently. She quickly put a hand on her stomach as she felt the gurgling sensation of her upset bowels.
Out of nowhere, Akemi burped loudly causing her large boobs to jiggle a bit. She then cupped her mouth catching another burp in her hand. “I think the washroom is probably a good idea,” Akemi stated faking a smile.

“Up the stairs to the right. The other one is still broken from, uuuugh, the slumber party our kids had.”

Akemi chuckled as she got up, she was about ready to release a baby elephant from her bloated belly. “Thanks, I’ll try to be more careful.” Though that might be a miracle judging from how destructive her bowels were.



Akemi released two more juicy farts as the exited the living room. Her daughter laid out on the couch unmoving. Ferris and Misaki looked mortified at the sight of an unconscious Tomo. There was no way anyone was surviving the toxic ass of her mother. She was probably going to need more than a shower after that battle.

“I think I’ll have another one,” Misaki said to Ferris, farting grossly as she did so.

“Ah, of course.”
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