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by Derpus
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #2308836
A woman with an unfortunate condition finds a cure. And it doesn't bode well for Jack.
Another prologue to the Squishy Prince story:

A machine began to hum to life as it began to suck a small amount of chocolate through a tube. Sitting on the other end of the tube was Ambrosia. She was once a human man named Calvin Coco, a businessman who had gained great wealth off of real estate and investments. He had recently become an investor and board member for Creed Industries and was partly responsible for helping to develop a small town on Mire Island and the neighboring small isles that were previously owned by Creed Industries CEO and lead scientist, Jacqueline Creed, having convinced her to sign control of land development over to him. Through an unfortunate turn of events, the former human man had stumbled into the Queen Slime, Giselle, merging him with the chocolate gift he had gotten for Jacqui and an aphrodisiac body spray he had been wearing to try and impress the secretary, Sunny. The result transformed Calvin into his current form, Ambrosia, a short stacked chocolate slime woman, with the aphrodisiac causing her to become submissive and sex crazed if she was stimulated too much, and found herself occasionally becoming the pet of her son, CJ.

Not seeing any other option and tired of her state, Ambrosia sought help from Jacqueline, who agreed to assist her as she had valued Ambrosia's previous work… though she occasionally requested favors in return for her assistance, many of which were demeaning, such as standing still while the younger girl stuck pieces of fruit in her body for a tasty chocolate covered treat.
She had managed to find a temporary solution to the chocolate lady's lust problem, creating a quick-digesting capsule that suppressed the effects of the aphrodisiac and kept her mind sharp and focused. Unfortunately, this was only a temporary fix, and one only afforded to her when she was actually at the office.

Finally, the machine had finished collecting mass from each major part of her, after which Jacqueline swapped out the nozzle and inserted it into herself. "What are you doing now?", Ambrosia asked.

"I'm going to test and see if my own body's properties have any effect on you", the chubby young scientist replied. "My mass can easily be replicated."

"Hmm… it would be nice if you could do the same for myself", Ambrosia said as she began eating a bar of chocolate. One of the things that had changed for Ambrosia ever since her transformation was her diet. While at home, she sometimes fed from the… special diet CJ had prepared her, when it came to actual food, she drawn exclusively to sweets, with her diet consisting mainly of chocolate, with her preference being expensive dark chocolates, which Jacqueline was generous enough to supply her with.

"You really don't need it", Jacqui snapped. "Your dumptruck can barely fit in my office chairs as it is."

Ambrosia looked down and, despite having had some of her mass extracted, her hips were still being pressed on both sides by the arm rests. Her sweet and sugar-based diet had made her quite thick-figured, and it was true that her bottom put the other women in the office to shame. As a matter of fact, it was even becoming a problem for Jacqui. She had been squashed by the chocolate woman's plump bottom on a few occasions. Ambrosia had once lost her balance on the stairs, with Jacqueline being unfortunate enough to be at the bottom, with the chubby young CEO getting splattered by Ambrosia's booty and embedded in her skirt. She unfortunately wouldn't notice her until she had spend the day being sat on and pressed under her weight and wobbling along with each step, with Ambrosia failing to notice until the next day. She made sure to quickly free her, but Jacqueline was still angry enough to cut off her supply of the capsules for a week as payback.
"Shut your mouth! You hardly have room to talk, you obnoxious brat!" That's what Ambrosia wanted to say to her. She couldn't believe that Jacqui had the gall to speak to her like that at first. Over time, she found that the young girl had quite the mouth on her, speaking with the crassness and vulgarity one would expect from a spoiled bratty college student, not a scientist or the head of a massive corporation. It was for that reason why she had intended to usurp control of the company from her. In her eyes, she didn't deserve the gifts she had been given. She didn't work hard to acquire her company or her laboratory equipment. She was simply given it by her absentee father, showed off her inventions to her investors, and used the money to pay people to build a company around such technological wonders.
"Well, it would be nice to have the option", Ambrosia said through gritted teeth as she finished her chocolate plate and began to head out of the lab, having to wriggle her hips a bit in order to get free from the chair. "Please keep me informed of your findings, Jacqueline. The sooner I'm free of this condition, the better for both of us."

"You can't rush this, you know", Jacqui snapped. "You'll have a cure when I find it and not a moment sooner."

"Of… course, Jacqueline", the chocolate woman stated, trying to hide her clenched fist before leaving.

Jacqueline turned the machine off and slid her goggles down over her eyes as she brought her samples over to the testing area to begin her experiments. She turned on her recording equipment and brought out a sample of her own biomass and Ambrosia's.
"Jacqueline Creed experiment log 8.15.202X. I am beginning round 5 of my attempts to return the chocolate slime Ambrosia Coco back into a human form. My previous effort involving a sample from the slime queen, Giselle, despite the dangers faced by Lisa and myself, did not prove fruitful. Note to self: make certain surveillance footage of escaped subjects is erased."
Jacqui brought out a test tube of the chocolate slime sample along with one of her own. "Test one: body mass sample from myself and Ambrosia…"

As the young scientist continued with her experiment, Ambrosia began to return to the laboratory. "I can't believe I forgot my ID card. That airheaded secretary will probably… hrm?" The chocolate slime woman peaked over to Jacqueline's testing area and saw her taking the samples out and recording. "Well it's refreshing to see that she's at least making an effort to cure me. Perhaps I had Jacqui pegged all wrong…" She decided to stay just out of the young scientist's range of sight and listen in on what was happening.

"...as my previous efforts involved standard slime samples, I am using my own biomass in this test. My hypothesis is that with my half-human DNA and different material making up different parts of my body, I can replicate my biomass and use it to cure Ambrosia of her condition and return her to normal. Should the experiment prove successful, I'll begin Ambrosia's treatment as soon as possible… although… it's difficult to say if she'll return to her former self as Calvin."

As Ambrosia heard those words, she began to think. Although she did wish to return to her human self, there was a part of her that felt oddly comfortable in her current state. She couldn't say why, but she felt… familiar to this body in some way. Like she wouldn't be disappointed if Jacqueline didn't return her to being Calvin again. In any case, she did want to put an end to CJ's little fantasies. Perhaps when she returned to being human, she would save a sample and have Jacqui and her scientists use it to make him a new pet.

"The results of this experiment will determine our next course of action." Jacqui began to pour her own sample into a vial with Ambrosia's sample and pressed a button on her goggles, allowing her to magnify her vision and view the activity more closely. "Hmm… the two samples don't seem to be interacting. I will attempt to mix them." Jacqui placed a stirring rod on the vial and began to mix the two samples, seeing that they had begun to merge. However, after a short time, the two began to separate, with Ambrosia's sample seemingly having grown larger, causing Jacqui to sweat a bit. "It… seems that forcibly mixing the two samples of Ambrosia's biomass along with my own has caused a portion of my sample to be absorbed by hers, though there doesn't seem to be any other change at a cellular level…" Jacqui seemed to be troubled by this development.

Ambrosia couldn't help but smirk at this news. "Well, I can't see how that would turn me back to normal, but it might be something I can scare her with now."

Jacqueline cleared her throat and pressed the button on her goggles before she began a second set of experiments. "*ahem* Test number two. For this experiment, I'll be using a sample of her digestive enzymes along with her biomass. This will act as a miniature version of Ambrosia's stomach. I hypothesize that by digesting my replicated biomass, it's possible that she could absorb it more effectively." The current sample was now kept in a much larger glass cylinder, while Jacqueline's biomass was squeezed into a large syringe. "Beginning with a half sample." Jacqui squeezed half of the biomass into the center of the blob before pressing the button on her goggles again. She watched as the mass sat inside, but didn't seem to be breaking down much. "Hmm… it seems that Ambrosia doesn't digest things as quickly as I thought. Perhaps- whoops!" Jacqui yelped as she accidentally squeezed the rest of her biomass into the miniature version of Ambrosia's stomach. Suddenly, the blob quivered seemingly to life as it began to more quickly digest the mass inside of it and absorb Jacqui's biomass into itself at a much faster and effective rate. "Hmm… when the full sample was injected into the digestive enzymes, the rest of the body seemed to react much more favorably… the molecular structure seems to be considerably more dense as well." Jacqui grabbed the stirring rod and prodded Ambrosia's sample. "The resulting substance is noticeably thicker. I can't seem to penetrate it at all. While the cellular structure of Ambrosia's biomass is not too dissimilar from before, the aphrodisiac within her system has been neutralized. Perhaps to a point where she could possibly control it? I'll have to ask permission to study her once the cure has been administered. In addition, the biomass now has a much more human consis- HOLD ON!"
Jacqui looked back at the center and noticed why the mass had reacted differently. In the center of Jacqui's biomass was something very important to her. "T-that's a piece of my core! I-I-I must have accidentally sucked some of it out when I was taking samples!" Jacqui began to hyperventilate for a moment before calming down and returning to her experiment. "*ahem* I-it seems that by ingesting a portion of a squishie's biomass with a core… or l-likely a *gulp* c-complete squishie… l-like myself… all of Ambrosia's weaknesses would disappear… although the body mass of the squishie would likely be completely absorbed save for the-" Jacqueline eyed the cylinder more closely, pressing another button on her goggles and studying her experiment before pulling her goggles back over her head. "Actually… I-it *gulp* it appears the sample of my core is slowly being dissolved as well." Jacqui looked at her experiment in the cylinder and thought to herself for a brief moment… before tossing it in the furnace. "I… believe I'll keep the results of today's experiment a secret… although it may prove useful in discovering an alternate method."

Ambrosia couldn't believe what she was hearing. It wasn't a total cure, but it was the closest that Jacqui had come ever since she had begun… and she was just going to keep it to herself?! "That ungrateful little brat!", Ambrosia whispered to herself. "She finds a cure for me and she wants to keep me in the dark about it?! So what if she has to sacrifice a piece of herself to do it? Haven't I sacrificed enough for her?! Of all the selfish-! To think I could have been rid of this nightmare if I had just eaten her after peeling her off my ass months ago!" Ambrosia looked back at Jacqui. She had never seen her so rattled before.

The young scientist began to clean up her equipment, but found that she was struggling to move some of it. It seemed that losing part of her core had drained some of her physical strength. She looked back and forth before inhaling. "LISA!", Jacqueline called out.

Suddenly, what sounded like a jet engine sped into the room, hovering over the floor before landing with a loud *clang*! It was Lisa Starr, a cyborg girl who lived with Jacqueline and Vicki, and Jacqui's best friend, as well as her protector. "Aw, Jacqui, what's the matter?" The young cyborg went to hug her friend before Jacqui backed off.

"L-Lisa, this is serious!", Jacqui cried. "I lost part of my core in an experiment, and I'm going to be much weaker until I'm able to regenerate it. I can't defend myself if I get in trouble, so I need you to stay with me at all times!"

"Gasp! Jacqui, you should've let me know you were testing something! What were you doing?", Lisa asked.

"Don't worry about it!", Jacqui insisted.

"Hmmm… are you suuuuure you need protecting, or do you just wanna spend more time with me?~", Lisa asked with a wink.

Jacqui turned bright red from the question. "W-what?!"

"Well, you don't wanna tell me what it was… but you doooo want me to stay by your side… and you do mean allllll times, right?", Lisa asked as she got closer to Jacqui. "Even private times?~"

"EXCEPT THOSE TIMES!!!", Jacqui screamed, causing Lisa's pigtails to blow back and the cyborg girl to stumble backward from shock.

"Okay, okay!", Lisa said, giggling as she hopped back up. "I was only playing with ya~"

"Good. Now bring me-" Jacqui suddenly screamed as she saw Ambrosia enter the laboratory. "Wh-what are you doing back?! And how long have you been there?!", Jacqui cried out.

"Hrm?" Ambrosia suddenly reached into her right ear and pulled out an earbud. "My apologies, but I left my ID badge here. Just my luck, I didn't realize I forgot it until I was at the top floor. Did you say something, Jacqueline?"

"Oh, here ya go, Miss Coco", Lisa said as she handed it over.

"Wh-what did you hear?", Jacqui asked as she cowered behind Lisa.

"Ugh, only this god awful music from Rico", Ambrosia said as she handed over the earbuds. "I honestly have no idea why young people like this garbage so much. Nothing but computer noises and indecipherable gibberish."

"Oh yeah, it's not really for me either", said Lisa.

"...I like Rico's music…", said Jacqui. "B-but that's not what I-"

"Well, we're all entitled to our own opinion I suppose. I really should be getting back", Ambrosia took her ID badge from Lisa and made her way back to the elevator.

"Bye-bye Miss Coco!", Lisa called out as she waved.

"B-but I need to know if… well… I guess it doesn't matter since I have Lisa protecting me…"

As the elevator door closed, an evil smirk began to form on Ambrosia's face. "I may not be able to get my hands on Jacqueline yet, but she did say any squishie. To think all I have to do is grab one of them and gulp them down, and I'll be… well, not human again, but the closest I've been in months." The short chocolate woman began to ponder for a moment. "Hmm… I'll need her to get control of the company, but Jacqueline will be too difficult to get to for now… but who to go after first…" Ambrosia thought for a moment she was somewhat familiar with the squishies, having encountered some of them in the past, though a particular one immediately came to mind for some reason. "There's that cute boy Jacqueline and her friends are always messing with… cute boy… cutie…" Ambrosia's hair began to come undone and she began to drool a bit thinking of the cute timid boy before shaking her head and regaining her composure. "Ugh… the sooner I rid myself of this condition, the better!" Ambrosia began to straighten up her hair and wipe her mouth. "The boy… Jack, I believe it is… hmm… for some reason he seems… familiar…" The elevator suddenly made it to the ground floor, allowing Ambrosia to get off. Her heels cracked on the tile floor as she made her way to her office.

The short stacked chocolate lady was already familiar with the boy in the months that both of them had been living in Spectrum Bay, but for some reason she felt as if she had known him for much much longer. It was true that she had multiple encounters with him within the time she had been Ambrosia.
There were a few occasions where she had lost control and devolved into her lust-filled state from looking at the cute boy and snatching him away, leaving him with a horny wriggling bulge in his belly and covered in kisses and chocolate stains on his clothes that he had to explain to his girlfriend. When she was in her clear state of mind, she had accidentally sat on the boy on a couple of occasions… along with several other intentional times after that, either "accidentally" taking his seat, or simply grabbing him and planting her plump chocolate booty on top of him and leaving him squashed underneath her for hours while she worked on her laptop.
Fortunately for her, Jack was too much of a spineless wimp to do anything about it.

"It's a bit of a shame. He seems like such a sweet boy… and a comfortable seat cushion… but we all have to make sacrifices… I'm not going to feel bad about Jacqueline, though. That little brat has it coming" Ambrosia walked into her office and shut the door, settling her plump bottom into her chair and grabbing a piece of dark chocolate from the bowl on her desk. "If a couple of lives have to end for me to regain mine, then so be it…" Ambrosia took a bite out of her snack and looked out the office window. "Jack, Jacqueline… those two should be thanking me, really. After all, as a part of me, they'll be sharing in my success." Ambrosia stood up from her chair and looked further out the window onto Mire Island.
The once deserted island was now developing into a small but prosperous community, just as Ambrosia Coco had envisioned.
All she had to do was absorb a couple of squishy children and it would all be hers.

As she had begun to leave the island to search for her meal, Ambrosia was unaware that she was playing into the scheme of another, and her ambition was going to potentially doom an innocent young boy. It was this same ambition and greed that was shared by herself from her distant ancestor, and had similarly affected Jack in his past life. Whether Ambrosia would succeed in claiming Jack would depend on which record of the past was true, and if history really was doomed to repeat itself.
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