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Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2309066
The heroes return home and interact with their families before continuing their adventure
A Double Dragon Blast! (Teamwork is Great! Dracomon Evolve, Coredramon!)

After the Digimon went back to normal, the group were silent for a few seconds, then Tobias summed up the thoughts perfectly, "What the Hell was that Skeleton thing?!" "I have no idea, but I think the safest thing would be if we see that thing, would be to run away as fast as we can, otherwise we will be squished or blown up, maybe even both." Barry commented then Keith interjected with "Yeah, well the best idea would be to be in small groups so that if something like that does try to squish us, it'll be trickier." "Please stop talking about things squishing us, it's not comfortable." Aaron chirped in. "Anyway, if we do go into groups who'd be with whom?" "I'm with Ian all the way." Paul spoke up, "I'm finer by myself, I think Raptor's going to be happy with that." "I think that me being with Patrick, Darren and Mikey would be a good idea." I have a sneaky suspicion," Catherine called out "That Nat and Fred would be fine with each other." Both immediately blushed and looked away at that comment. "First things first," Steven spoke up "We need to head back to the portal first and from now on, whenever we enter the portal, we find an advantage point to look out and to explore this world." Everyone agreed to the suggestion and headed straight back.
When Natalie got home, she made a quick beeline to her bedroom until she was confronted by the mother who reminded her that Sebastian's parents were coming over to discuss the wedding plans and that she needed to stay out of the way so that "Our reputation can at least survive this situation we are in now thanks to you." As Fred entered the house, he could hear a large amount of talking coming from one of the grand rooms, which indicated that he was having a dinner party for someone, whom he had no idea. As Catherine got home, she was warmly greeted by her mom and dad.

Once again, they completed the work, left the classroom, and entered the portal, and this time they appeared before an encompassing sea, "Hmm, okay this might be a little bit tricky." "Let's look behind the portal." Barry called out and they did and behind them was a large forest and whilst they were planning to split up, Raptormon wandered off leaving Keith to grumble as he rushed after him, Paul and Ian agreed to stay behind near the portal to see if anything happened to the portal whilst they were away, Catherine, Barry and Aaron walked off towards what they could tell was a beautiful tree, Natalie and Fred walked across the beach connecting the land to the sea to see if there was any safe spaces for them to catalogue, and Steven's group walked towards the centre of the forest to which they could see an interesting group of rocks, as the groups departed, Tobias, irritated that he was ignored, decided to join Natalie and Fred in their endeavour.
The sounds of what they thought might be birds echoed around them as they continued close to the tree, Aaron kept being distracted by the trees and Barry had to keep Aaron on the right path and Elecmon spent the entire time hiding behind Catherine's leg and as they were about to reach the tree a slight rumbling thundered around them and then several tall bird like Digimon appeared, some of them armoured some of them ostrich like and two of them looked like giant predatory birds with horns of their heads, Barry slightly muscular and tanned stood in front of the two of them and whispered "I'm going to create a distraction, when I say so charge directly for the tree, got it?" The two nodded and he cracked his knuckles. "Okay you flock, time for you to flap away!"
Dracomon Double Digivolve to... Coredramon!!!
Both Dracomon's had become two large muscular and winged dragons, one far bluer and greener "Double Flare Breath!!" A blue and green flame erupted from their mouths causing the Digimon to move out of the way and for their focus to be placed on the Coredramon's "Now!" Barry shouted and both Aaron and Catherine ran as fast as they could with Elecmon hilariously reaching the tree first and before they had a chance to breath, a tall raven humanoid appeared out of nowhere.

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