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Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2319319
A battle frenzy begins and the plot thickens.
A Kaleidoscope of a Kinship. (Beware the hug of Kinkakumon, Welcome the Friendship of Mermaimon and Introducing Karatenmon's warning.)

Veemon was ahead of the group, clearly looking for something to eat whilst Darren and Steven spoke to each other "So, what do you think this place really is? I think it's like a planet from the other side of the universe." "Sort of makes sense, but I think it's maybe like the internet come to life." "If the internet had come to life, that would be, interesting to say the least." "Agreed." Darren nodded as they arrived at a large group of fruit bearing trees to which the Digimon happily grabbed different coloured apples from the trees and began to eat, Mikey himself tried one which he had a unique expression his face and after he swallowed it, he spoke up, "It's quite spicy." Patrick was unsure about trying it and then they heard some noises and then a shadow enveloped them, and Patrick was then picked up by a large golden armoured woman with very impressive looking... shoulders and behind her was a massive, silver-plated demon looking creature with what appeared to be a chamber in his belly.

Natalie, Fred, and Tobias trailing behind soon after walking around the beach, soon afterwards they heard a voice that sounded like moaning. After turning around a corner, they saw a massive whale beached and a female pirate wielding an anchor and a large group of crabs, shells and tadpoles attempting to encourage the whale to move back into the water. Fred thought about what to do and then he came up with a plan which he discussed with Natalie.

Ian and Fred mostly sat around talking to each other, humorously not noticing a gigantic land turtle walking right behind them in the sea.

Elecmon and Veemon took a step back and in Elecmon's case hid behind Cathy's leg, the Raven humanoid spoke in a calm, threatening voice, "So, it appears that the army has struck again, I am impressed that it took you this long and thankfully I will put an end to you." The raven pulled out two swords and lifted them up, Aaron grabbed Cathy's hand and pulled her away only for the raven to instantly teleport right in front of them and menacingly he pointed a sword directly at Aaron's now sweating head.

The now panicking Patrick was being now pulled closer in in the golden armoured woman's chest who then spoke... completely differently from how they thought she was going to speak, which caused all four the humans in the group to tilt their heads, "Oh my goodness, you, are, the cutest thing in all of cutedom, I am going to so enjoy hugging you and keeping you soooo close to me!" Patrick now partly fearing for his life, began to thrash around violently, his hair flopping around, until he accidently hit the woman in the jaw causing both to fall, and whilst Mikey and Steven helped Patrick to get to his feet, the silver-plated Digimon snarled out "YOU DARE HURT HER!!!" "ROAARRR!!!!!!" The Digimon attacked with a cry of "SILVER SLAM!" And the Digimon charged right at Patrick only to be hit by a "Judgement Arrow!" Which slowed him down enough for the three of them to get out of the way, and as Sagittarimon prepared another and the Digivices once again started to glow, Steven's priority was to keep Darren and Patrick safe above all else.

Guilmon Digivolve to... Growlmon!

Growlmon sucker-punched the Digimon in the face and got into a fist grapple with him and before the battle could go completely out of the hand, the golden armoured Digimon spoke up "Silvamon, cut it out. I shouldn't have done that to the adorable little thing." Silvamon looked directly at the Golden Digimon and shouted, "But Goldimon, the creature harmed you." "Yes, because I think I was choking it." "Y-Y-Y-Yes you were, it was painful" "I'm sorry about that, I just like cute things." Patrick lightly bushed at being called cute, as Goldimon started to look at the humans in the group and she asked the obvious question, "You're not from around here, are you?" The group shook their heads as a group.

Sorcerermon cast his "Freezing Illusion" into the ground, making it slippery and with the assistance of the Digimon around them working together, the whale was successfully placed back into the water and the Pirate Digimon thanked them ""Thank yee, me beloved was stuck and these little'uns needed to get back home, do yee want a lift?" "No, thank you, we know our way back." As they walked back to the portal, Tobias noticed the massive turtle and pointed it out, to which Fred responded with, "Wow, you must have been blind to completely that thing."

Both Ian and Paul felt confused and thought that someone was calling their name and looked behind them, again, ignoring the giant turtle island behind them.

The raven humanoid looked them with blood red eyes and a vicious snarl on his face and he pointed the sword at Aaron's neck until the tip was touching it, Veemon then headbutted the humanoid, to no effect, and with a calm "Farewell." The raven Digimon swung his sword and Catherine leapt in front of it. "CATHY!!!"

Veemon Digivolve to......... Veedramon!!!

Elecmon Digivolve to......... Leomon!!!

Veemon and Elecmon had now been replaced with a bulky and scarred reptile Digimon and a noble bipedal lion. "Y-Y-You will not touch her!" Leomon roared and he struck with "Smashing Kick!" Which knocked the Raven Digimon back a foot, and as the Digimon were engaged in a fierce brawl, Cathy and Aaron noticed that there were several eggs and small bulb like Digimon looking concerned at something, and then they noticed several of the flying lizard Digimon that Aaron had encountered the day before, swooping close to the tree and the eggs. Aaron and Cathy gathered as many eggs and Digimon as they could and just barely dodged the first lunge and then the Raven noticed what was happening and struck out with a "Harmony Sword Slash!" Slicing the lizard Digimon in half. Afterwards the raven Digimon clanged his swords together causing the bird Digimon to cease their attacks on Coredramon. "You are not who I thought you were. That means, we might have a chance. Please tell me, are there any more beings like you?" Aaron and Cath, both panting nodded, "Please, show me." After placing the eggs and Digimon on the ground, Aaron Catherine and Barry led the way.

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