Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2309214-Lost-in-Space
Rated: E · Poetry · Sci-fi · #2309214
Lost in Space

Lost in Space

Joe Lewis was walking down the street.
In San Francisco late at night
when a gang of space aliens
Who abducted him,

Taking him to a strange planet
Along with numerous other humans
from all over over the world.

Something happened to the ship.
And they crashed landed.
On an alien planet
Their captors were dead.

They quickly left the ship.
And walked into the alien city.

Feeling a dubious sense
That perhaps the worst
Was behind them.

Joe stressed that they had to come together.
Formed a committee, and they elected him leader.
He had to delegate and appoint two deputies.

They had to have a sense of internal discipline.
If they were to survive in this strange new world.
The aliens, six-foot-tall green reptilian creatures,
Looked at them with curiosity but not threatening.

They looked at the resources.
Between them everything
Dwindle to almost nothing.

They walked to the center of town.
Found what they assumed.
Was a police station.

And walked in
The police finally found it.
A way to communicate with them.

But sadly, they were told.
There was no way to send them home.

But they were welcomed.
To stay in their alien new world.
And they settled down and stayed together.


Write a story or poem in which you are lost and alone in a foreign city with no cell phone, no map, and no money. What do you do?

Make sure to include the following words, in any order, and bold them please:


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