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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Drama · #2323625
Shattered Pieces Left Behind - A book I'd like to possibly one day publish.

The cop and ambulance get there almost simultaneously, mister hottie squeezes my hand as he says, “it's ok they are here”. Continuing on he says “I am so sorry about this I wish I would have never hit you." Ok, now I really am wondering if I have some sort of brain trauma as the thought I don't wish that, I am actually happy he hit me comes rushing into my mind. Maybe I should get checked out to make sure there isn't something going on with me that can't be seen from the outside. But seriously I don't remember hitting my head on anything and there are no sore spots, so I don't think that is the reason for my mind doing some really unusual things. I know that is not what is causing my wondering thoughts, I'm positive it is because this man is quite sexy and it has been a long time since I've been in a relationship, and my thoughts just seem overtaken by this man. I'm sure it is completely normal to have these kind of thoughts pop into your mind when you see an attractive man and it's been so long since you’ve been with one. He looks at me with such a serious look on his face as we lock eyes and I realize I never responded back to his comment. Realizing that this is the second time I have not answered a question he has asked, I shake my head and stutter “oh it's ok shit happens, it was just an accident”. Again, my mind decides to take a bit of a hiatus, as I blurt out, “but if I had to be hit from behind I wouldn't have wanted anyone else to do it, I'm glad it was you." Oh my God I did not just speak that out loud, I feel my face flush and he gives me this cute little grin and I swear those blue eyes sparkle.

Thank God for the cop as he saves me from embarrassing myself any further as he comes between Mr. Blue Eyes and myself and he leans in and he asks “is everyone ok?" Mr. Blue Eyes has that look of seriousness back on his face as he practically yells at the cop that my lip is bleeding and he isn't sure if I hit my head when he ran into me. He is telling the cop that he is fine, but he should definitely have the EMT check me out to make sure that I am alright. I guess I can see why he has such concern with the way I have been acting. But it brings a smile to my face, thinking what a nice guy to be so concerned about me. I wonder if this is the way to meet the right type of guy, have random men crash into your car. The cop touches my arm and I immediately look down at his hand on my arm. It’s at that minute it dawns on me that him touching me I noticed right away but I didn't notice it when Mr. Blue Eyes took my hand into his. As I'm thinking how weird that is, I have a feeling that someone must have said something to me as both Mr. Blue Eyes and the cop are silently looking at me with quizzical looks on their faces. I blink a couple times and say “I'm sorry excuse me, what did you say." The cop repeats the question that I missed the first time as he asks, “do you hurt anywhere?” So extremely embarrassment that again I am caught zoning out I quickly shake my head to say no, then say "I'm fine just a bit stiff and I still seem to be in a bit of shock." Hoping that this is enough of an answer to not be questioned anymore on my well being and will turn their attention elsewhere.

The cop just smiles at me then turns as he waves for the EMT to come over to my car. Two of them come running over with their little bags and the cop points to me. He says in a firm sounding voice “check her out, make sure she is ok before we have her step out of the car”. I insist I am ok but they start shining a bright little flashlight in and out of my eyes and pressing on different parts of my body. Finally, I get the all clear to get out of my car, that's when I see there are two tow trucks pulling up behind the cop's car. I look at the back of my car as I walk past and I am in shock at how much damage there is. Well I guess I can see why, Mr. Blue Eyes has a black pickup truck, but not just any ordinary one, this one is all jacked up and sexy, looks like it's on steriods. I chuckle and laugh to myself nice sexy truck matches the owner.

Standing there still looking at the truck and the back of my car he leans down and practically whispering in my ear he says “thanks but it would have been a lot sexier if I wouldn't have rammed it into the back of you”. I can feel it as my eyes almost buldge out of my head, I feel my cheeks burning as the flush takes over them. Feeling like I am going to faint not believing that I said those things out loud, I do my nervous giggle and look away from him as fast as I can. He says “In all serious though I do really feel bad about this you know. I smile and say, “I'm glad because I'd be a bit concerned if you were to say that you were happy about it”. He chuckles and says “I have to admit too that I am glad I hit you. Instead of some one else that would be ripping me apart trying to kill me because I hit their car. I got lucky to run into such a sweet lady like you who isn't a raging lunatic." Replying back I say, “flipping out doesn't resolve anything and it would just make matters worse. It happened, it was just an accident, the important thing is we weren't hurt." He said “yes, I guess you are right, but some people just don't care. They are just ticking time bombs waiting for something to happen just to have a reason to flip shit and argue with someone”.

He has a legitimate point, I mean in the world today, you have to worry about things like that. Everyone seems to be so angry and uptight, any little thing no matter how small can set someone into a rage. Then add the fact that it seems everyone and their mother carries guns and who knows what else they may have on them. Looking around I notice the ambulance has left the scene and the cop is behind his car with one of the tow truck drivers talking to him. I look back at Mr. Blue Eyes and question what we are supposed to do now. He says “oh shit I forgot, we have to exchange information", that's right where is my brain at I think to myself. As I start heading towards my car I say, “that's right let me sneak in my car and grab my registration and insurance card” as I point towards my car . He says “yeah, I'm going to walk back to my truck and grab mine too before they load it up on that tow truck”. Then another realization hits me that my car is going to be getting a ride to the garage on the flat bed that sits with the other tow truck. I guess there really isn't a possibility of me driving it since my back end is completely demolished, and my bumper is laying in the road. I head for my driver side door since that is still sitting open and I lean over to open the glove box and grab my information and my purse. Doing a quick look over the inside of my car to make sure that there isn’t anything else in there that I need to grab to take with me.

I realize how glad I am that I didn't need to stop at the grocery store today, I would have had all the groceries in my trunk. I'm sure not much would have survived the accident, and the stuff that did I would have to drag along with me. I come back out of the car and I am watching Mr. Blue Eyes going through his glovebox shaking his head and running his fingers through his hair, he seems a little frustrated. Pulling out all kinds of things and putting them on the dashboard in front of him, as I wonder how he fit all that stuff in that tiny space, as he continues frantically to put more stuff in front of him on the dashboard. He must get a feeling like someone is watching him as he looks up and catches me looking at him, I just smile and wave as he goes back to digging.

Continuing to watch him as he looks through his truck I realize he is a really attrative, dare I say sexy guy. The truck definately helps add the bit of masculine sexiness to him, as he combs through his hair with his hand again. Trying to picture what he would look like with a baseball hat on, feeling my cheeks warm as I think how hot he would look. Silently I think about how nice he seems, I mean he was extremely focused on me and even with the cop and EMT's he made sure to have them check me out. Suddenly I realize what I am doing, and reprimand myself for such thoughts, reminding myself that this man ran into the back of my car. Ok, sure he is a very good looking man fine, but he is probably being so nice right now because of that fact. He probably thinks he can use his good looks and sweet talk you so that you won't sue him or something. I just shake my head to clear my thoughts from my mind as I move out of the way to let the flatbed get my car.

I move over onto the sidwalk and start to wonder how I am going to get home, I pull my cellphone from my purse and it is completely dead. I start worrying about how I go about getting a loaner car so that I can get back and forth to work, and how much it is going to cost me. I am not sure if I even have loaner car coverage on my insurance, or if it even matters since he hit me. Looking at my car as they are working on getting it onto the flatbed I feel sad wondering if I am ever going to get my car back, the damage looks pretty bad. I have a feeling due to the age of the car that they may deem it totaled.

I see that the cop is starting to walk back up my way and Mr. Blue Eyes is following close behind, it seems like he has found his papers as he is carrying them in his hand. The cop goes over to his car and Mr. Blue Eyes comes to stand next to me on the sidewalk. I look at him and teasingly say, “I see you found your papers. I was waiting to see you put the kitchen sink on your dashboard.” He just looks at me and laughs saying, “yeah, I guess I have quite a collection of stuff in there.”
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