Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2323656-Chapter-31
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Drama · #2323656
Work in progress

The rest of our date goes extremely well, and yes, he did beat
me in every game we bowled. He is an excellent bowler, but I
found out the reason why he is so good at it. It wasn’t just
luck that he won every game, he left out the fact that he
played on a league for years. But I tried to give him a run
for his money, along with teasing him saying that a real
gentleman would have pretended to lose at least one game.
From the bowling alley he let me know that we are going to be
heading back to our apartment complex so that we can both
freshen up and change clothing. I make sure to ask up front
what exactly I should wear so that I am prepared and not under
or overdressed. He drops me off at my apartment and he looks
at the clock and says I will be back to pick you up in 45
minutes. He confirms that I will have enough time to get
ready, and I agree that 45 minutes will be more than enough
time but let him know that I will leave my door unlocked just
in case he arrives before I am ready.
I go into my apartment and I am literally feeling like I hit
the lottery, this man is too good to be true. I can not
believe how well we get along, I also think it is so strange
how comfortable I feel with him, considering that this is our
first date. I feel so comfortable and at ease with Warren,
there are no odd silences between us and I also realize I am
not afraid to say something like I normally am. I have this
fear of saying the wrong thing, but I don’t have that fear
with him. We seem to have a lot in common and thankfully we
have the same sense of humor, because I have a slight off
colored sense of humor that I am afraid will make people
uncomfortable at times.
I go to my closet and look for an outfit that fits the
description I was given, “nice but not elegant evening wear.”
So, I look through at my choices of dresses, which I do not
have a lot of, I am more of a slacks and jeans girl. I pick
out a short sleeved floral dress that hits my ankles and a
pair of my dress shoes. I grab a shawl that I can throw over

top just in case the temperature drops, and I get too cool.
Brandi comes waltzing into my room and jumps up on the bed as
I am picking out the shoes I want to wear. I am explaining my
whole date to her as I am grabbing all my items and heading
for the bathroom. I turn on the shower and get undressed and
jump under the nice warm water.
I am replaying the entire date in my head and still trying to
get my feet back down to earth. I literally feel like I am
floating on the clouds, I can not remember ever having a first
date like this, hell for that matter I don’t ever recall
having any dates like this. Warren Davenport you are a very
impressive gorgeous creature, I’m not even sure if you are
human. All I know for sure is I am going to be seriously
crushed when you decide to put an end to this game, I have let
my guard down and allowed myself to fall in way too deep
I am all ready and walk out into the living room just in time
for Warren to crack open the door and peek in and announce his
arrival. I laugh and say, “hi there, you can come in I was
just coming out from the bathroom, you have perfect timing.”
He laughs and says, “well so do you, you are almost to the
second at 45 minutes.” He walks over to me and takes my hand
and tells me how gorgeous I look, I feel my face flush as I
tell him that he is too kind and thank him uncomfortably for
the comment. I am waiting for that bully to speak up and tell
me that the guy needs to have his eyes checked because
apparently, they are compromised, but I do not hear a peep
from him. Good, I think because I am coming up with the
negatives well without help. Warren looks stunning, he is
wearing dress slacks, dress shoes, a pin stripe colored dress
shirt, tie and sport coat. God he is a site for sore eyes, he
takes my breath away, when I think I am going to be seen out
in public with this hottie. Plus, that body of his, I seen a
little more skin today due to the short-sleeved t-shirt he had
on, and I must admit he is built, his arms are huge, and his
chest is wide and muscular along with his back. There were
times that I was able to just watch and catch glimpses of the
muscles moving under his snug black t shirt.

I am not sure where he is taking me to eat, all I know is what
I had to wear and that he was going to make the reservations
when he got to his apartment. So, there are many options that
would fit into that description, but I decide he has done an
excellent job at planning this date so far, so I trust I will
not be disappointed in his choice for dinner. He says that
we have about a half hour to waste until we must leave for the
restaurant, so I ask him if he would like to chill out here
for a bit and watch some television and he says that sounds
perfect. I grab us each a beer and we sit on the couch
together, and the conversation just comes naturally.
We talk about everything from growing up, to the accident and
where we work. I find out that he is a general laborer for
one of the biggest factories in our area, and that he is a gym
rat. That explains his physique, God that explains that
physique. I laugh and tell him my thoughts about the gym but
admit that I liked when I was going for that year, but it is
just hard for me to stick to the routine.
Brandi decides at one point to come out and see who the
mystery man is, and she jumps up between us and lets Warren
pet her, as I think to myself I wish you were petting my other
pussy. The instant that thought enters my head I look at him
to make sure he is not paying attention to me because I know
for a fact my face is fire red at my X-rated thought and
vision of him petting my other pussy. I must quickly change
my thoughts or Warren will have his hands full of trying to
pry me off his body. I quickly clear my throat and take a sip
of my beer and snicker to myself thinking again I am so
grateful for not having conversation bubbles above my head to
give away my dirty little thoughts.
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